如果我記憶沒錯,日本公務船是在執行國際法的 hot
The Geneva Convention on the High Seas was eventually folded into the United Nations Convention
on the Law of the Sea. Article 111 of the latter treaty grants a coastal state
the right to pursue and arrest ships escaping to international waters, as long as:
- The pursuers are
competent authorities of the state;
- They have good
reason to believe that the pursued ship has violated the state's laws or regulations;
- The pursuit begins
while the pursuing ship is in the State's internal waters or territorial waters; and
- The pursuit is
If the foreign ship is within a contiguous
zone, the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), the Continental Shelf, the Safety Zones
in the EEZ or the Continental Shelf, then the pursuit may only be undertaken if
there has been a violation of the rules and regulations (customs, fiscal, immigration
or sanitary laws and regulations of the coastal state) as applicable in the respective
regimes (areas, zones).
The right of hot pursuit ceases as soon as the ship pursued enters the territorial
sea of a foreign state.
外交部抗議日本對我國蘇澳籍 「東半球28號」漁船實施緊追 外交部20180305
回覆刪除The Geneva Convention on the High Seas was eventually folded into the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. Article 111 of the latter treaty grants a coastal state the right to pursue and arrest ships escaping to international waters, as long as:
1. The pursuers are competent authorities of the state;
2. They have good reason to believe that the pursued ship has violated the state's laws or regulations;
3. The pursuit begins while the pursuing ship is in the State's internal waters or territorial waters; and
4. The pursuit is continuous.
If the foreign ship is within a contiguous zone, the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), the Continental Shelf, the Safety Zones in the EEZ or the Continental Shelf, then the pursuit may only be undertaken if there has been a violation of the rules and regulations (customs, fiscal, immigration or sanitary laws and regulations of the coastal state) as applicable in the respective regimes (areas, zones).
https://goo.gl/1qjULt 航跡圖