I did not see any words in the testimony of Admiral Harry Harris that his
responsibility to Taiwan is regulated by the U.S. municipal law which is different
from that of the regional countries, and he serious about that reponsibility. It must be in a reply to the questions of the
House representatives, such as Rep. Matt Gaetz.
The most important message that Harry Harris showed is that USPACOM will “continue
supporting Taiwan’s efforts to develop a credible, resilient, and cost-effective
deterrent and self-defense capability,” and which should be on a “continued” and “regular” basis along with the
training for Taiwan’s military to help ensure the
preservation of democratic institutions,
according to the written testimony released by the congress.
He also added that as
China's military spending and capability grows every year, the ability of
Taiwan to defend itself decreases. Admiral
Harris said the U.S. “must continue to help Taiwan defend itself” and
demonstrate its resolve “that any attempt by
China to force reunification on the people of Taiwan is unacceptable.”[1]
美軍太平洋司令哈里斯:美不接受中國武統台灣 自由20180216
美太平洋司令支持台灣自衛 視協防台灣為己重任 希望之聲20180215
美軍太平洋司令哈里斯(Harry Harris)14日在眾議院軍事委員會作證時說,他滿意美國對台灣的支持,他對台灣的責任和對該區域其它國家不同,他要在台灣關係法下思考防禦台灣和協助台灣正當防衛的需求。
據《自由時報》報道,哈里斯此次是受邀在軍事委員會就美國印太戰略作證,整個過程持續約兩個小時。他在回答佛羅里達州眾議員賈茲(Matt Gaetz)提問時談及上述話題。
在周三進行的另一場台海座談會上,佛羅里達州眾議院約霍(Ted Yoho)也表示,維護強勁的美台關係是美國應對中共的重要工作之一,美國國會“永遠不會允許台灣成為某種地緣政治安排的談判籌碼”。
Taiwan (1:43’:30 〜 1:44’:45”)
Rep. Don Bacon [R-NE2]: And, referencing at Taiwan, do you think we’ve done any adequate job committing or communicating our commitment to the defense of Taiwan, our support of its democracy — they neighbor China there, they respect free enterprise and individual freedoms. I worry about if we are not doing enough.
Navy Adm. Harry Harris Jr.: Yeah, I am satisfied with where we are. but we need to continue to stay with it. My obligations to Taiwan — unlike the other countries in the region — I am obligated by law to think about the defense of Taiwan and to help them in their legitimate defensive needs out of the Taiwan Relations Act… I get it and I take my responsibilities under the Taiwan Relations Act seriously. So my job is to help Taiwan improve its legitimate defensive needs in the twenty-first century.
Rep. Don Bacon [R-NE2]: I appreciate you doing that. Some of our officials, I find, tone that that support, I think, out of fear how China will perceive it. But I think they communicates weakness towards our commitment to Taiwan. And I think we need to do just the opposite — make clear that we are standing by them, folks who have embraced democracy, free enterprise and respect for freedom. And I think doing otherwise sends a mixed signal to China and that’s not necessary healthy.
Navy Adm. Harry Harris Jr.: Yeah, I agree with you completely.
Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC2): Admiral Harris, thank you very much for your service. And I was grateful firsthand to visit you several time. And each time I was so impressed by your capabilities and your dedication to our country and also your dedication to promoting peace through strength. Also, your appointment as ambassador to Australia fulfills a prognostication by my wife, Roxane, that President Trump is successful by surrounding himself with talented individuals. And it’s very humbling to me to have to let my wife know she was correct. Well, just really proud of your service. And, Admiral, in dealing with near-peer adversaries, I agree we must involve a “whole-of-government” response. My question lies to the definition application of what “whole-of-government” looks like. Would you briefly explain the various touch point that you, as the PACOM commander have an opportunity to sit down with the diverse and relevant group of senior government officials to discuss the threats and the strategic planning to mitigate these challenges.
Navy Adm. Harry Harris Jr.: So, the challenges that we face, I think, are consistent with my previous testimonies. North Korea is the most imminent threat. China remains an existential threat. Russia is an existential threat. And China is the longest term challenge that I think we face. And we have ISIS in the region as well, as I talked about in my opening statement. And the threat from ISIS is real in the Pacific. But as long as we continue to do the things that we are doing and continue to build the capacity and capabilities of our allies and partners, I think we can keep ISIS at bay.
With regard to the whole of government approach, I think it is essential that we view these threats from a whole-of-government perspective. And by that I mean that its not enough that the State Department or the Defense Department view China as a rival. I think we need to review China, for example, as a rival across the whole of our government. And the same for North Korea. and I would submit that more than just a whole-of-government, we to have a whole-of-nation perspective on the threats that these regimes pose to the Unites States. I’ll also add that from the Chinese perspective, I believe that China has achieved that within their country. They view the United States as a rival across the whole of their nation. So they have a whole-of-nation view of the United States. And their system gives them the wherewithal to immediately have a whole-of-government view. More than that they have a whole-of-nation view. And I think we are coming up to speed on the whole-of-government aspect. But we have more to go in that regard.
Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC2): It’s mutually beneficial for America and China have a good relationship. But I am concerned about the propaganda operations within the United States. Ans specifically, I’d like to hear your thoughts concerning the “Confucius Institutes” and the role they play for the Chinese government in the United States. Since 2005, more than one hundred “Confucius Institutes” have opened at American colleges and universities. Last year the number of institutes in the world rose by 40%. They are funded by the Chinese government Ministry of Education. In 2009; the head of the propaganda for the CCP called the institutes, “an important part of China’s overseas propaganda set-up.” What is your view about these institutes?
Navy Adm. Harry Harris Jr.: I would agree, Sir, with your concern there. I think Director of National Intelligence (DNI) Dan Coats addressed this yesterday in his testimony before the Senate. It’s important and I think that we need to continue to look into the effect that “Confucius Institutes” AND OTHER INFLUENCE OPERATIONS THAT CHINA HAS IN OUR COUNTRY.”