Ever since the Middle Ages, the beliefs that “kings can do no wrong” and
that “kings kill no kings” made kings holy and the murder of kings a taboo. They successfully protected the peerage.
Louis XIV, or le Roi Soleil of France, once said, “l'etat, c'est moi.” The claim suggested that high-ranking peers,
especially the monarch himself who established the public law system, were
beyond the reach of the laws.
The peers were challenged by the Enlightenment of the 18th century and
the populism of the 20th century, and have thus almost vanished. However, a new peerage that is also immune
from laws has emerged. It is the
super-rich, who have realized the dream “l'etat, c'est moi” through so-called “tax
Using the benefits of the Internet, de-regulations and the
globalization, these billionaires and trillionaires are able to transform from
natural persons to legal persons in the off-shore paradises, secretly beyond
the jurisdiction of all governments. They fear no laws or punishments, and bear no
duties while we loyally pay taxes. And
we, as well as the governments we form, can do almost nothing about it.
That is a real pathetic joke on democracy! Revised at 1600
早在幾個月前,加拿大西門菲莎大學和卑斯省公民自由協會就開始為流亡俄羅斯的斯諾登籌備這場網路視頻講座,5日晚2700多名加拿大人購票進入溫哥華伊莉莎白女王劇院,由加拿大國家廣播公司著名記者蘿拉•林奇(Laura Lynch)主持的1個半小時的講座原本計畫聚焦於大資料對於政府和大企業的運用,巴拿馬檔的曝光給斯諾登的演講增添了新的內容。
斯諾登說“權勢者不遵循普通人必須遵循的法律,他們和普通人有著不同的行為標準,他們甚至不用和普通人一樣繳稅。大眾監督會使政府在公眾面前越來越透明,官員在大眾面前透明才會有公正。”斯諾登認為“由匿名者爆料給媒體的1150萬份巴拿馬文件是個教訓,說明獲取資訊至關重要。媒體不能憑空運作,公眾參與對實現轉變是絕對必要的 “。