美國防部長信件曝光 承認台灣為南海主權聲索國之一○自由(2016.01.08)
〔即時新聞/綜合報導〕美國海軍飛彈驅逐艦「拉森號」(USS Lassen)去年10月行經中國的南海人造島12浬海域,表明是航行於國際法允許的地方,引發中方嚴正抗議;美國國防部長卡特(Ashton Carter)回覆聯邦參議院軍事委員會主席馬侃(John McCain)信件日前曝光,卡特指出,拉森號行經中國、台灣、越南與菲律賓宣稱擁有主權之海域,卡特此舉也承認了台灣為南海主權聲索(claim)國之一。
據美國《海軍學院新聞》(Navy Institution News)報導,針對美國海軍去年10月27日派遣驅逐艦拉森號進入中國南海人造島12浬海域行動中,卡特回覆給馬侃的信件曝光,信中針對該行動說明,並指「行動合乎國際法規定,是一般的例行性任務」。
卡特信上並指出5個島礁的名稱,分別是渚碧礁(Subi Reef)、北子礁(Northeast Cay)、南子礁(Southwest Cay)、奈羅礁(South Reef)、以及敦謙沙洲(Sandy Cay)。
據悉,拉森號並未行經中華民國行使主權的太平島,而中華民國所主張的南沙及其周遭水域,卡特信上稱「which are claimed by China, Taiwan, Vietnam, and
the Philippines」(此海域被中國、台灣、越南、菲律賓均宣稱擁有主權),顯示美國承認台灣的聲索國地位。
Document: SECDEF Carter Letter to McCain On
South China Sea Freedom of Navigation Operation○USNI News(2016.01.05)
The following is the Dec. 22, 2015 letter from Secretary of Defense Ash
Carter to Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) outlining the U.S. Oct., 27 2015 freedom
of navigation operation in the South China Sea.
Dear Mr. Chairman :
Thank you for your November 9, 2015, letter regarding U.S. military
operations in the South China Sea.
As you know, our Freedom of Navigation Operations (FONOPS) are conducted
in full accordance with international law. They are one aspect of our broader strategy to
support an open and inclusive international security architecture founded on
international law and standards. This
system has benefited all nations in the Asia Pacific for decades and will be
critical to maintaining regional stability and prosperity for the foreseeable
On October 27, 2015, the U.S. Navy destroyer USS Lassen (DDG-82)
conducted a FONOP in the South China Sea by transiting inside 12 nautical miles
of five maritime features in the Spratly Islands
— Subi Reef, Northeast Cay, Southwest Cay, South Reef, and Sandy Cay — which are claimed by China, Taiwan, Vietnam, and the
Philippines. No claimants were
notified prior to the transit, which is consistent with our normal processes
and with international law.
The operation was part of an ongoing practice of FONOPs that we have conducted around the world and
will continue to conduct in the future. It was the seventh FONOP we have conducted in the South
China Sea since 2011 and one of many that we have conducted around the
world in the past year. In that sense, it was a normal and routine operation.
The United States does not take a position on which nation has the
superior sovereignty claims over each land feature in the Spratly Islands. Thus, the
operation did not challenge any country’s claims of sovereignty over land
features, as that is not the purpose or function of a FONOP. Rather, this FONOP challenged attempts by
claimants to restrict navigation rights and freedoms around features they
claim, including policies by some claimants requiring prior permission or
notification of transits within territorial seas. Such restrictions contravene the rights and
freedoms afforded all countries under international law as reflected in the Law
of the Sea (LOS) Convention, and the FONOP demonstrated that we will continue
to fly, sail, and operate wherever international law allows.
The FONOP involved a continuous and
expeditious transit that is consistent with both the right of innocent
passage, which only applies in a territorial sea, and with the high seas
freedom of navigation that applies beyond any territorial sea. With respect to
Subi Reef, the claimants have not clarified whether they believe a territorial
sea surrounds it, but one thing is clear: under the law of the sea, China’s
land reclamation cannot create a legal entitlement to a territorial sea, and
does not change our legal ability to navigate near it in this manner. We believe that Subi Reef, before China turned
it into an artificial island, was a low-tide elevation and that it therefore cannot generate its own entitlement to a territorial sea.
However, if it is located within 12
nautical miles of another geographic feature that is entitled to a territorial
sea – as might be the case with Sandy Cay – then
the low-water line on Subi Reef could be used as the baseline for measuring Sandy Cay ’s
territorial sea. In other words, in
those circumstances, Subi Reef could be surrounded by a 12-nautical mile-territorial
sea despite being submerged at high tide in its natural state. Given the factual uncertainty, we conducted
the FONOP in a manner that is lawful under all possible scenarios to preserve
U.S. options should the factual ambiguities be resolved, disputes settled, and
clarity on maritime claims reached.
The specific excessive maritime claims
challenged in this case are less important than the need to demonstrate that
countries cannot restrict navigational rights and freedoms around islands and
reclaimed features contrary to international law as reflected in the LOS
Convention. We will continue to
demonstrate as much by exercising the rights, freedoms and lawful uses of the
seas all around the world, and the South China Sea will be no exception.
I welcome your keen interest in this and other key issues in the
Ash Carter