



Dear Ajin,
Fully agree with you that this event should not be interpreted only from the perspectives of the cross-strait relationship or the impacts to the coming elections, we should observe this event via the geopolitical framework.  Followings are my amateur observations and your comments are more than welcome.   

Why now? External analysis.
The US policies toward China are under transition.  The past hypotheses that China will become, thru economic development, a tolerant nation if not free and a responsible stakeholder to the world are proven illusionary.  On the contrary, its intention and capabilities to challenge the current world order are growingly visible and China is never shy, in words and by actions, to test the limits.  China knows the US attitude is changing.  It also knows it has to break down the US-led coalition fast by carrots and sticks.  Recently, we can see China is doing everything it could to tear apart the coalition such as pledging big-ticket investments with the UK, sweetening the relations with Germany and Canada, portraying a seemly military alliance with Russia, softening its hard-line stance toward Japan, increasing the economic cooperation globally and etc., in order to build its sphere of influence.

Taiwan is surely a critical point to break.  China, I guess, has two goals - aggressive and passive.  Aggressive goal is to lock Taiwan into a framework that it can never break away - such as reiterating 92 consensus, increasing economic control through goods and service trade agreements and investments, etc.  Passive goal is to make sure Taiwan will not stand against Chinese interests (such as South China Sea) or join the US coalition of containment if DDP was in power.  China will not dialogue with DDP (unless it bowed to the one-China principle) and therefore Ma and KMT is a viable tool to balance DPP and make sure Taiwan and DDP will not break away the piggy fence they set for us.

Why now - Internal analysis.
As for the possible results of the coming elections - China is definitely concerned about the possible DDP’s landslide victory.  But its biggest fear is, if I were them, that KMT will shrink into a political dwarf in Taiwan due to the splits among different factions after the election.  This means pro-unification forces in the island would gradually diminish over time.  If KMT split and become a pure ethnic party (mainly mainlanders), this means Taiwan will further drift away from China in the long run.  Therefore, China needs to help KMT prevent a DDP landslide victory by minimizing the legislator seats lost in the election.  It also need to prevent the split of KMT, hence it might warn Ma to leave Wang Jin Ping alone.  Then why Ma is willing to dance with the wolf? I think the so-called historical place is a disguise.  I am sure Ma is worried about what might happen to him after the election.  Therefore, he needs a protector.  More interesting questions are will China prefer Ma chair KMT again in order to keep KMT in one piece? My guess is yes, China needs Ma to hold KMT together.  Ma also needs a position to keep him safe and preferably influencing Taiwan.  So, I guess Ma will replace Lien Chan as a key CCP proxy in Taiwan.  As for Eric Chu, I think he is out.

No role for the US? 
The biggest surprise to me is that the US has been totally left out in this show.  What does it mean to the US? How does the top officials in D.C.  perceive Ma's little trick of secret diplomacy? Will the US leak some information detrimental to Ma in the next few months? Or will the US strengthen its tie with Taiwan, for example accepting Taiwan into TPP, to pull Taiwan back to the Western camp? I don't know, but we need to closely monitor the changes.
What can we do if the candy were given after the meeting?
           If Ma and Xi announced some favorable news such as withdrawing missiles  aiming Taiwan (we all know this gesture is meaningless and not verifiable), special tax treatments for Taiwanese products, etc., and if Ma forcefully pass the trade agreements in the next few months in return, what can Tsai Yin Wen and Taiwanese do?

I guess not much.  The US wants Taiwan not be the first one to pull the trigger (meaning don't take any provocative action).  Once the agreements have been passed, it will be very difficult, if not impossible, for Tsai to overturn the agreements signed.  Tsai and Taiwan will be constrained to pace inside the cage built by China and Ma.  Taiwan can only wait patiently till the tension between the US and China become simmering and the wind turns favorable to us.  However, before that, we should
  • Strengthen our economy by clearly mapping out our economic developments (such as consolidate industries and companies into ones like Samsung,
  • Provide state supports and guidance to help our businessmen investing in South East Asia and globally,
  • Aggressively join TPP and reduce over-reliance over China,
  • Accept immigrants to rejuvenate the population in the short term and encourage birth rate by providing support systems to the young parents.
  • Provide public housing (lease) to the weak but not drastically suffocate the construction businesses.
  • Reform educations and get rid of the old school teachers,
  • Rationalize the pension system and reduce unnecessary government spending, and
  • Grow national armament industries and restore the glory of the armed forces.

Sadly, we have limited options and need to wait for the wind to change.  But we need to prepare in advance so we can sail to our destination smoothly and safely when the wind changes.  Borrowing a saying from Deng Xiao Ping, 韜光養晦

I am a businessman and I am never good at the politics.  These are very naïve viewpoints.  I would very appreciate if you all can share your views.

13 則留言:

  1. 此事震驚台灣人,背景因素複雜,各家說法都頗有可觀之處。不過我認為雲程大昨日登在自由廣場的太平島伴手禮之說,可能是最直接的因素。

    1. 太平島當伴手禮可能大有難度,但是如果是軍事互信,那大概沒人會反對吧?

    2. 2010年的報告,就是這樣說的

  2. 只是變猴弄啦!

    1. 還是俺的老相好內行。俺必須冒著這把老骨頭折斷的危險,彎一次腰!


      面對著直直下滑的出口經濟,一年內又消耗的接近上兆的外匯存底。縱使如何地肅貪抓污,破洞也變得越來越大,越來越難抓,人民幣也因此直直下滑。這些前提下,花費萬兆的基層建設都形如套牢,無法充分利用,鬼城不斷衍生。這種狀況如何拿得出去當大國?因此來個閱兵,來個國際走秀 - - - 都不過是花拳繡腿的把戲。




    2. 美國防部長登上羅斯福號航母到南海散步,時間剛好就是在那廝前往樓台會見習董之際。這現象與莫拉克颱風,那廝打電請PLA前來援救時,被辣媽希拉蕊一句動用所有太平洋美軍立即前來救助台灣風災,這個情節有非常類似之處。




    3. .

      1. 案子早已喬好,只是時機問題。

      2. 馬有「愛虛名」(不知是否愛錢?但我懷疑他的清廉)的把柄,被習大大抓住。習據此吊高價。

      3. 對習大大而言,近日的重點是南海。時間是習大大定的,緊急通知馬小弟:GO。

      4. 馬小弟,本來絕望,一文GOGOGO喜出望外,立即脫衣脫褲,不管他國眼光。挺身報國。

      5. 山姆,僅是在宣布(洩漏)前一刻被通知,並非參與者。

      6. 密室會談中,馬為虛名諾貝爾,絕對是挺身報國,一切好說。




    4. 是馬是狗明日見分曉

    5. 如果要諾貝爾和平獎,那麼就得兩人一起獲獎,這使得諾貝爾和平獎變得不可能,不說南海東海的蠻幹和國內的鎮壓,光就C還關著諾貝爾和平獎得主劉曉波這件事就會讓馬的春夢破碎。頒諾貝爾和平獎給一個把另一個諾貝爾和平獎得主關起來的人?饒了我吧!

    6. 大大這句夠辣!

  3. 山姆的好萊塢影片,厲害的CIA, 在東亞都躲起來了是吧?

  4. 這篇習近平的晒书单成了一场弄巧成拙、彻底失败的形象公关

