

如此大學:MH 370完美入水?

MH 370完美入水?


Texas A&M University at Qatar suggested that MH 370 might have entered Indian Ocean at 90 degrees, a perfect dive.

Though the theory gave us a perfect scenario for debris yet found, it actually prevented us from further searching and inquiring.    revised at 2035

Did MH370 pilot fly into the ocean in a 'perfect' nose-dive? New theory suggests entering the water at 90 degrees would have kept the plane intact, which is why no wreckage has been foundMailOnline(2015.06.10)
  Vertical entry would have caused the least resistance, say researchers
  Mathematician: 'Forensics strongly supports MH370 plunged in nosedive'
  Team arrived at findings after studying scenarios on a supercomputer

…The team, from Texas A&M University at Qatar, said the most likely scenario was a vertical or very steep entry because it would have caused the least resistance – much like when a high diver enters the water with little splash.
This would have allowed it to remain completely intact before sinking to the bottom of the Indian Ocean.
The findings come a week after desperate families had their hopes dashed when officials announced they had virtually given up the search for the missing flight.
Salvage experts said the hunt would not be extended beyond the current search zone in the southern Indian Ocean despite earlier promises that it would be.

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