

What is 朱立倫?

A year ago, the famous journalist Tsai Han-ching, or Wen Shen, indicated the fact in a talk show that Eric Chu, one of KMT Vice Chairpersons and Taoyuan County Magistrate then, had been marked as “a person who needed to be protected” in the US diplomatic cables. 

Today, a letter from the readers of Liberty Times pointed out the fact again while Eric Chu, now KMT Chairperson, is visiting China.

The original term in those cables is “protect,” follows the name Eric Chu, which might refer to the “person” who should be protected or to the “comments” which should be kept in secret.  Eric Chu is someone special to the eyes of the US government, and we do not know why.

Seeing MYJ has received almost unconditional support from the US government since before 2008, anyone who is marked as “protect,” should be welcomed in Washington, and has the highest opportunity to run the Presidential Campaign in 2016.  However, Chu rejected the idea for times.

In fact, no weighty political figure in KMT “dares” to run the campaign.  So, what on earth has happened?

MYJ has enjoyed the privilege from both Beijing and Washington since 2008, while Eric seemed not.

We can smell something unusual in the power play between Beijing and Washington.    Revised at 1515

Date: 2008 December 31, 09:38 (Wednesday)
Canonical ID: 08TAIPEI1789_a
10. (C) Wu's current term as party chairman ends next summer and it is not clear yet whether he will retire at that point or might continue for another term. KMT Vice Chairman and Taoyuan County Magistrate Eric Chu (protect), who is close to President Ma Ying-jeou, recently told the Director "in confidence" that Ma plans to replace Wu as KMT party chairman next summer. According to Chu, Wu is willing to go along, so long as his son, Taoyuan KMT Legislator Wu Chih-yang, is nominated as the KMT candidate to replace Chu as Taoyuan magistrate.  Chu said that Ma has decided the only way to stop efforts by the KMT apparatus to undermine his presidency is to resume the party chairmanship, which he gave up in early 2007 when he was indicted for misuse of the Taipei mayoral special allowance.  According to Chu, Ma is increasingly frustrated with the efforts by KMT elders Wu Poh-hsiung and Lien Chan to limit his influence within the party.  Chu added that, once back in the saddle, Ma plans to push KMT reform and rejuvenation as he plans strategy for his 2012 presidential reelection campaign. SYOUNG

Date: 2008 July 2, 10:25 (Wednesday)
Canonical ID: 08TAIPEI959_a
Reasons: 1.4 (b/d) 1. (C) Summary: Taoyuan County Magistrate Eric Chu (protect) suggested to the Director on July 2 that recent maneuverings by Legislative Speaker Wang Jin-pyng and other KMT leaders were part of the normal give and take of intra-party politics.  In a free-wheeling discussion, this confidant of President Ma Ying-jeou described various problems and rivalries between Ma and other leaders.  According to Chu, Ma has been "too nice and too conservative" in personnel appointments, not moving quickly enough to replace DPP political appointees.  Although Ma has done well on cross-strait relations and handling the Diaoyutai (Senkaku) incident, the people's top issue is inflation.  If the Ma administration can limit damage, adopt the right strategies, and outperform South Korea and Japan, then Ma will have the opportunity to be a very successful president, Chu predicted. He also noted Ma's strong commitment to the improvement of U.S.-Taiwan relations.  The Director expressed our hope for an early opening of the market to imports of all U.S. beef products.  End Summary. Intra-party Maneuvering


