

AP報導鳳凰衛視直播 朱立倫支持統一

AP這樣報導:「國民黨黨魁在與習近平會談時重申該黨支持與中國終極統一」(The head of Taiwan's Nationalists reaffirmed the party's support for eventual unification with the mainland when he met Monday with Chinese President Xi Jinping as part of continuing rapprochement between the former bitter enemies.)

AP的記者是CHRISTOPHER BODEEN。蔡漢勳在臉書補充「在20年前曾服務於台灣的China Post~ 後來才跳槽 AP 再奉派北京記者,期間還娶了台灣老婆!」
報導指出,朱談話的來源是香港鳳凰衛視的「直播」(Chu's comments during his meeting with Xi were carried live on Hong Kong-based broadcaster Phoenix Television.)

Taiwan party leader affirms eventual reunion with ChinaAP (2015.05.04)
BEIJING (AP) — The head of Taiwan's Nationalists reaffirmed the party's support for eventual unification with the mainland when he met Monday with Chinese President Xi Jinping as part of continuing rapprochement between the former bitter enemies.

Nationalist Party Chairman Eric Chu, a likely presidential candidate next year, also affirmed Taiwan's desire to join the proposed Chinese-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank during the meeting in Beijing.  China claims Taiwan as its own territory and doesn't want the island to join using a name that might imply it is an independent country.

Chu's comments during his meeting with Xi were carried live on Hong Kong-based broadcaster Phoenix Television.

The Nationalists were driven to Taiwan by Mao Zedong's Communists during the Chinese civil war in 1949, leading to decades of hostility between the sides.  Chu, who took over as party leader in January, is the third Nationalist chairman to visit the mainland and the first since 2009.

Relations between the communist-ruled mainland and the self-governing democratic island of Taiwan began to warm in the 1990s, partly out of their common opposition to Taiwan's formal independence from China, a position advocated by the island's Democratic Progressive Party.

Despite increasingly close economic ties, the prospect of political unification has grown increasingly unpopular on Taiwan, especially with younger voters.  Opposition to the Nationalists' pro-China policies was seen as a driver behind heavy local electoral defeats for the party last year that led to Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou resigning as party chairman.

4 則留言:

  1. 記者都在北京報導了,為什麼又在無關的上下文寫香港鳳凰衛視的「直播」,這有什麼玄機嗎?

    1. 應該只是鳳凰的直播


  2. 台北KMT抗議說朱小弟沒有這樣說,若此事屬真,那會不會是鳳凰故意ㄠAP,拋出此說,讓北京有個空前的勝利!反正AP信息來源一定有北京方面餵的,那是勿庸置疑。無論北京如何宣布,KMT都只能吃黃蓮。不是嗎?

    1. 朱保護都在臉書上說了"兩岸同屬一中,但內涵、定義有所不同的92共識",
      "兩岸同屬一中" 跟"一中各表", "一個中國不是問題", 比起來, 是非常明確的統一用詞, 明確的指出了地域.
      除非朱保護的兩岸是指長江兩岸, 黃浦江兩岸, 黃河兩岸. 還是敝人的中文太差?

