

青天白日:US Army Rangers

美國政府最早於1942年成立遊騎兵營,二次大戰結束後被併入第475步兵團,後來改編為第75步兵團,也就是現在的第75遊騎兵 團!而且他們的隊徽和我們也是大有關連喔!隊徽的左上角不必說是我們的青天白日,右下角則是緬甸之星,旨在紀念二戰時於緬甸作戰期間,遊騎兵部隊與我們的孫立人將軍領導的中國遠征軍一同奮戰,而將其國家國旗視為本身標誌的一部分,可以說是一段歷史的見證!

The Ranger Regiment was formally established in the mid-1980s with eventually four battalions (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and Special Troops).  The Regiment took its lineage directly from Merrill's Marauders, and the new crest made its appearance, only slightly modified from the one in World War II.  (The survivors of the 5307th were re-grouped into the 475th Infantry toward the end of the war, later re-designated the 75th Infantry, and eventually the 75th Rangers.)  The sun symbol in the upper left comes from the Nationalist Chinese flag, the lower five-pointed star is not the one used by the US Army at the time but came rather from the same symbol used by the Burmese, a fortunate coincidence.  The lightning bolt was for speed and force.  The battalions of the Unit were designated by color, reflected in the initial four colors of the crest when it was designed.  More battalions, and thus more colors (orange and khaki), came later.  (The gold trim in the insignia was added toward the end of the war as an artistic touch, as the first four colors – blue, green, red, and white – did not fit well together.)


