




The ongoing conflict and state of chaos in Syria posed serious risks to safety and security of the tomb,以及
The tomb and the sarcophagus were temporarily moved to a new site within Syria close to the Turkish border,以及
The temporary relocation of the tomb, conducted on the basis of security assessments, does not constitute any change on the status of the tomb and its annex stated by the agreements,意即,無關條約變動。

土耳其官員說:One soldier was killed in an accident,雖然只講意外中喪生,只是state of chaos,不是state of war,以降低敏感性,但像不像柳條湖?

However, there are several things to be noted.
1.  The Franko-Turkish Agreement[1], which was signed by France and “Turkey” on October 20, 1921, not just ended the war, together with the military occupation and the frontier line, of the parties, but also meant that France recognized the Government of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, founded by the Turkish national movement in Ankara during the Turkish War of Independence against the Ottoman Empire, before it established the Republic on October 29, 1923.

2.  In Article 6 stipulated “The tome of Suleyman Shah, the grandfather of Sultan Osman, founder of Ottoman dynasty (the tomb known under the name of Mezari) situated at Jaber-Kalesi, shall remain with its appurtenance, the property of Turkey, who may appoint the guardians for it and may hoist the Turkish flag there.” that the successive governments of wither parties should respect.

3.  It might be nothing new that Chuhu, the tomb of Gimo Ching Kai-shek in Taoyan City, an exclave, if the tome of Suleyman Shah was a precedent.

4.  Syria explained that ISIL did not attack the tomb at the moment that Turkish troop relocated the sarcophagus, which accuse the invasion of Turkey.  However, Turkey insisted to do it “basis of security assessments.” 
It is not rare for governments to take preempt measures to secure their national interests against the neighboring countries in history.  The UK invaded Iceland in 1941 and later control it by the US in 1944 prevent the invasion from German.  The US had the color-coded war plans to invade Canada, a Dominion of her ally the UK, during WWII to prevent the possible German invasion.

4.  ISIL has become a real trouble-make in the Middle East, which will bring the related countries, including Japan, taking measures needed in advance.  And it might trigger a chain reaction.

土耳其撤出在敘守墓部隊○鉅亨網(2015.02.23) http://news.cnyes.com/Content/20150223/KKH84EEFNJF1E.shtml

土耳其進軍敘國移靈○自由 (2015.02.23) http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/world/paper/857389
國際新聞中心/綜合報導〕土耳其一支裝甲部隊二十一日越境進入敘利亞,撤離保護鄂圖曼土耳其帝國先祖陵墓的士兵,並將靈柩運回土國。土國總理達夫托葛魯(Ahmet Davutoglu)表示,伊斯蘭教極端組織「伊斯蘭國」近來在敘國攻城掠地,陵墓周邊安全狀況惡化,因此做出移靈決定;但大馬士革當局痛批,這是「公然侵略」。

土耳其派出的六百人部隊,二十一日深夜分乘一百多輛戰車,在無人機、偵察機協同行動下穿過庫德族城鎮科巴尼,深入敘利亞境內約三十五公里後,抵達位於幼發拉底河畔的陵地,二十二日清晨完成移靈,並成功撤離保護陵墓的四十名士兵。這座陵墓埋葬鄂圖曼土耳其開國蘇丹奧斯曼一世的祖父蘇萊曼沙阿(Suleyman Shah),地處敘利亞境內,但據一九二一年簽署的條約,陵墓所在地為土耳其領土

敘國未同意 批公然侵略



