

迅二計劃啟動 美同意售台垂直發射系統○風傳媒 (2014.10.12)




軍方人士指出,海軍迅二計劃的概念來自美國的濱海戰鬥艦Littoral Combat ShipLCS),LCS強調速度,可根據戰鬥任務類型靈活調整的模組空間,進行反潛、反水雷、反水面艦艇、情報、監控和偵察,可依國土防禦、海上攔截、特種作戰等不同的作戰角色而重新配置。

該名人士表示,迅二計劃打造2000噸級雙船體的飛彈巡防艦,艦上的配置有中科院自行研發的相列雷達,而因電子技術的進步,中科院將相列雷達縮小,未來會依不同任務的需求,裝上12面的相列雷達;至於「迅聯計劃」新式的戰鬥系統的整合,則以武進三系統中H-930 MCS全分散式模組化戰鬥系統為基礎的升級版,結合多目標接戰與飛彈垂直發射系統外,並聯結電戰反制系統與聲納系統。因此「迅聯計劃」部分功能,會先在沱江艦上進行海上測試,最後完整的新式戰鬥系統(包括垂直發射系統)的全系統測試,則在迅二原型艦出廠後進行。




1 則留言:

  1. Much reportage in newspapers, magazines, and on the internet focuses on the need for the Taiwan to acquire more advanced military hardware. The annual reports of the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission typically call for "detailed assessments" on the current and probable future strategies, force structures, capabilities and technology development.of Taiwan's military, which are then used as a basis for evaluating Taiwan's military hardware needs. The Commission also regularly calls for the US Department of State to provide reports that explain how the department's approach to diplomatic relations with Taiwan is affected by the nation's "unique status," and how these constraints and restraints impact the US' ability to carry out the Pivot to Asia strategy.

    Advocates of military arms sales to Taiwan point to the Taiwan Relations Act (TRA), claiming that this legislation authorizes such sales. However, a close examination of the Act finds that such a stance is technically incorrect -- in relation to military arms, the word "sell" is not mentioned anywhere in the TRA.

    More importantly, up to the present day, the question which the US government officials and international media have totally ignored is: "Where is the legal basis for the Republic of China in Taiwan to maintain a Ministry of National Defense on Taiwanese soil, and to impose mandatory military conscription policies over the local Taiwan populace?"

    This video attempts to shed some light on all relevant considerations, and comes to the conclusion that, legally speaking, it would make much more sense for the United States to take over the "national defense" needs of Taiwan directly. This could be done by establishing US military bases throughout the island, providing those bases with all types of advanced military equipment, and stationing all necessary numbers of US soldiers thereon. Does such a recommendation violate the terms of the TRA? The answer is No.

    In summary, this is a video which every person interested in the USA - PRC - Taiwan triangular relationship should watch, as well as recommend to their friends, associates, teachers, professors, debating club members, and representatives in Congress.


