

Robert Kagan: Superpowers Don't Get to Retire--2/4

作者:Robert Kagan

This new American grand strategy for the postwar world could not have been a more radical departure from “normalcy.”  Its goals were not simply defense of the territory, prosperity, and sovereign independence of the American people, but also the promotion of a liberal world order that would defend not only America’s interests but those of many other nations as well.  The rise of a Eurasian hegemon would threaten other nations long before it would threaten the United States, for instance, yet Americans now accepted primary responsibility for preventing it.  The new strategy was not selfless or altruistic.  American officials believed that it was in the best interest of the United States.  But neither did it fit the normal definition of the “national interest.” As Dean Acheson explained, Americans had to learn to “operate in a pattern of responsibility which is greater than our own interests.” This was the real revolution in American foreign policy.
美國這個戰後大戰略與過去所秉持的「常態」完全背道而馳。它不只保衛美國的領土、財產、主權獨立,也提升惠及美國與它國的自由世界秩序。如果歐亞霸權崛起,美國是最後遭殃的國家,但是美國現在卻願意去負起防範霸權的最大責任。因為符合美國的國家利益,新戰略並非無私或者利他,但所謂的國家利益也與一般的定義不盡相同。Dean Acheson (艾奇遜) 說美國人仍必須學著「在超乎自身利益的責任模式下操作」。這是美國外交政策上真正的革命。

The new strategy was not directed at any particular nation or any specific threat—at least not at first.  The Soviet Union had not yet emerged as the next great challenge to the new global order.  During World War II, Roosevelt and most other top officials expected mutual cooperation with the Soviets after the war, and even as late as 1945, Acheson still believed in the possibility of partnership with Moscow.  Rather than responding to a specific threat, the new grand strategy aimed at preventing a general collapse of global order, which meant supporting an open international economic system, enforcing principles of international behavior, supporting, where possible, democratic governments, encouraging a minimum of respect for human rights, as defined in the U.N. Charter, and generally promoting the kind of world that suited Americans and those who shared their beliefs.
這個新戰略一開始並沒有針對某個國家或者特定的威脅,當時蘇維埃還不是新世界秩序的挑戰。二戰還未結束時,羅斯福與大多數官員仍計畫著與蘇聯的戰後合作,甚至到了1945年,Acheson 還認為有可能與莫斯科成為夥伴。新戰略並不是針對特定的威脅,它的目標是預防全球秩序的全面性瓦解,這意味著:支持開放的國際經濟架構、施行國際行為的準則、盡可能支援民主政府、鼓勵對人權的基本尊重 (如聯合國憲章所言)、並且整體性地創造一個適合美國及理念相同者的世界。

This new and wide-ranging set of goals and responsibilities completely reoriented the posture of American foreign policy.  Instead of essentially leaning back, waiting for threats to emerge, responding, and then pulling back again, the new strategy required a constant and pervasive forward involvement in the affairs of the world.  The new economic strategy aimed to prevent economic crises before they resulted in revolution or despotism.  The new military strategy aimed to discourage would-be aggressors before they became aggressors, or as Roosevelt put it, to “end future wars by stepping on their necks before they grow up.”

The new forward-leaning posture became especially pronounced as the postwar era transitioned into the cold war.  The Marshall Plan aimed to shore up Western European economies and democracies before they collapsed and succumbed to communism.  The Truman Doctrine aimed to bolster Greece and Turkey before they fell to communist subversion.  When the communist revolution triumphed in China in 1949, American critics blamed the Truman administration for not doing enough to prevent it—a charge, fair or not, that no one would have thought to make before World War II.  The unanticipated North Korean invasion of the South produced panic in Washington and, in the minds of Truman and his advisers, powerfully reinforced the “lesson of Munich.” Henceforth the United States would have to be vigilant and ready to act, with force, anywhere in the world.
這種主動積極的新姿態,在冷戰之初特別明顯。《馬歇爾計劃》扶持歐洲經濟與民主,預防歐洲崩潰而赤化。杜魯門主義支撐希臘與土耳其,遏止共產主義在當地的顛覆。中國在1949年赤化時,美國批評家責備杜魯門政府沒有事先預防 —— 不管這個批評是否公允,二戰前是不可能有這種論調出現的。韓戰出乎意料,震驚華盛頓,在杜魯門及其團隊的腦中也強化了「慕尼黑教訓」。從此,美國在世界各地,都必須保持警戒,隨時準備動武。

All of this was precisely what the anti-interventionist critics had warned about in the 1930s.  Taft, a thoughtful and intelligent man, had indeed predicted that, once sent off to the war, American forces would never come home again.  Victory would prove as much a curse as a blessing.  American troops, Taft had warned, “would have to police Europe or maintain the balance of power there by force of arms” indefinitely.  Beale had cautioned that, if freedom and democracy were the goals, as Roosevelt claimed, then the United States was going to have to “maintain democracy by armed force on the Continent of Europe” and keep a “navy large enough to establish ‘freedom of the seas’ ...  on all the oceans of the world.”  It was a prescription at once for bankruptcy and militarism at home and “unadulterated imperialism” abroad.
所有這一切正好是30年代「反干涉主義者」所曾警告的現象。細心聰明的 Taft 曾預言,美軍一旦出門打仗就回不來了,勝利將同時帶來痛苦,因為美軍必須無限期地留在歐洲維持穩定。Beale也曾告誡,如果目標就如羅斯福所宣稱是民主自由,美國將必須「以武力維護歐洲的民主」,「超大規模的船艦隊則須巡護世界所有的海洋以建立『海洋的自由』」,這將在國內造成破產及軍國主義,在國外則呈現純粹的帝國主義。

Roosevelt and other American statesmen originally hoped that the United States would not have to do everything by itself.  Roosevelt planned to share global management among the “Four Policemen”—the United States, Great Britain, the Soviet Union, and China.  And Truman in 1945 was bound and determined to slash the defense budget and bring as many troops home as possible.  Yet within two years after the war ended, the new world order was already teetering on the edge of collapse along with hopes for global partnership with the other great powers.  Britain quickly signaled its inability to play its historic role, even in the Mediterranean.  China descended into civil war and revolution.  And the Soviet Union emerged not as a supporter of the new order but, to American eyes, as its greatest opponent.  The result was the disheartening realization that the United States was going to carry the lion’s share of the burden, just as Taft had warned.  As Acheson later put it, the United States was going to have to be “the locomotive at the head of mankind,” while the rest of the world was going to be “the caboose.”
剛開始時。羅斯福及其他政治家曾寄望美英蘇中「四大國際警察」分擔全球任務。1945年的杜魯門還想砍國防預算,把軍隊盡量召回國內。但戰後世界新秩序不到兩年就危如累卵,與其他大國合作的希望也破滅了。英國很快就表示沒有能力擔負歷史責任,甚至在地中海區域也沒轍。中國陷入內亂與革命。蘇聯不是來支持世界新秩序的,它在美國眼中成了最主要的敵人。美國終於沮喪地發現被 Taft 不幸而言中,美國必須負起全責。Acheson 後來比喻,美國將必須成為「人類的火車頭」,其餘都是掛在車尾的「守車」。

Roosevelt had always worried that the American people would never accept such an expansive and seemingly open-ended global role.  Three months before he died, in his last State of the Union address, in January 1945, he attempted to rally them for the task ahead.  “In our disillusionment after the last war,” he reminded the American public, “we gave up the hope of gradually achieving a better peace because we had not the courage to fulfill our responsibilities in an admittedly imperfect world.  We must not let that happen again, or we shall follow the same tragic road again—the road to a third world war.”
羅斯福一直擔心同胞不肯接受如此龐大又似乎沒完沒了的全球角色。在他過世前三個月 (1945年一月) 的國情咨文演講中,他試圖團結全國人民:「上次戰爭之後,我們很沮喪。因為沒有勇氣在公認不完美的世界中擔負責任,而放棄了提升和平的希望。這次絕不可讓歷史重演,否則我們將沿著一樣的悲劇路線,步向第三次世界大戰。

That was the last time, before 1989, that an American statesman would think of American global responsibilities without reference to the Soviet Union or to international communism.  The onset of the cold war, the panicked American response to Soviet policies in Eastern Europe and in the Middle East, and the recurrent American paranoia about the danger of communist subversion at home answered FDR’s fears about public support.  To many Americans, Soviet communism seemed an even more direct threat to their way of life than Hitler and the Nazis.  Fighting it, therefore, proved an easier strategy to comprehend and support than shouldering “responsibilities in an admittedly imperfect world.” Although there was intense and often divisive debate over foreign policy during the cold war, and much dissent voiced by critics of anti-communist containment, especially during and just after the Vietnam war, a majority of Americans proved consistently willing to go to great lengths in the name of containing communism.  In the late 1940s and 1950s, they provided billions of dollars for European reconstruction and made military alliances with former adversaries such as Japan and Germany and other European powers they had once disdained and mistrusted.  They even extended nuclear guarantees to deter a Soviet conventional invasion of Europe, voluntarily making themselves targets of Soviet nuclear weapons in the event of a European war.  In the 1950s and 1960s, they often spent 10 percent or more of their GDP on defense.  They deployed hundreds of thousands of troops overseas, indefinitely, in Europe and Asia—almost a million during the Eisenhower years.  They fought in costly wars in Korea and Vietnam, with uncertain and unsatisfying results.

Justifying everything in terms of the anti-communist struggle may have been, to borrow Acheson’s phrase, “clearer than truth,” but it worked.  Fear of communism, combined with fear of the Soviet Union as a geopolitical threat, allowed a majority of Americans and American policymakers to view practically any policy directed against communist forces, or even against suspected communist forces, anywhere in the world as directly serving the nation’s vital interests.  In 1965, even David Halberstam believed that preventing a communist victory in Vietnam was “vital to our national interest.”  A decade and a half later, Jimmy Carter, who had come to office warning, not entirely unreasonably, against an “inordinate fear of communism,” was forced to announce a dramatic shift of policy in response to a Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, a country that not two Americans in a million could have found on a map and where no direct American interest could be identified, other than the fact that the Soviets were there.  Yes, the general feeling went, the United States had taken on unprecedented global responsibilities, but it had done so because American interests were directly threatened by an unprecedented global challenge.
凡事都從反共的立場來辯護,可能「比事實還明確(借用Acheson的話),但是很管用。恐懼共產主義,加上恐懼蘇聯成為地緣政治的威脅,使得大多數美國人及美國決策者把世界任何角落對抗共產勢力 (甚至是對抗有此嫌疑的勢力) 的任何政策,都視為符合國家重大利益。1965年,甚至連 David Halberstam (美國歷史學家) 都相信,防止越南赤化「對我國家利益極為重要」。15年後,卡特總統上任之初曾警告國人不要對共產主義過度恐懼,但是他在蘇聯侵犯阿富汗時被迫宣布重大的政策改變。當時一百萬美國人當中不到兩個可以在地圖上找到阿富汗,它對美國也無直接利害關係,可是美國人反應激烈,就只是因為蘇聯跑去那裡。是的,當時美國人普遍覺得:美國承擔了史無前例的全球責任,但它之所以這樣做,是因為直接威脅到美國利益的也是史無前例的全球挑戰。

So Americans for more than four decades proved willing to support the expansive and active foreign policy that Roosevelt and his advisers had envisioned—indeed, probably much more than they envisioned—and the results were extraordinary.  In the half-century following World War II, the United States successfully established, protected, and advanced a liberal world order, carving out a vast “free world” within which an unprecedented era of peace and prosperity could flower in Western Europe, East Asia, and the Western Hemisphere.  Although tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union sometimes rose to dangerous levels, the period was characterized above all by peace among the great powers.  The United States and the Soviet Union did not come to blows, and just as importantly, the American presence in Europe and East Asia put an end to the cycles of war that had torn both regions since the late nineteenth century.  The number of democracies in the world grew dramatically.  The international trading system expanded and deepened.  Most of the world enjoyed an unprecedented prosperity.  There was no shortage of disasters and near-disasters, as well as the two costly wars in Asia—but the strategy was largely successful, so much so that the Soviet empire finally collapsed or voluntarily withdrew, peacefully, under the pressure of the West’s economic and political success, and the liberal order then expanded to include the rest of Europe and most of Asia.  All of this was the result of many forces—the political and economic integration of Europe, the success of Japan and Germany, and the rise of other successful Asian economies—but none of it would have been possible without a United States willing and able to play the abnormal and unusual role of preserver and defender of a liberal world order.
就這樣,美國人支持羅斯福擴張而積極的外交政策,長達四十多年 (可能比羅斯福所預見的還久),成果非凡。二戰後的半世紀,美國成功地建立、保護、促進一個自由的世界秩序,在西歐、東亞、西半球開拓出寬廣的「自由世界」,其和平繁榮,史無前例。雖然美蘇之間迭有緊張危急時刻,但這時期的特色是大國之間相安無事。美蘇並未真的打起來,一樣重要的是,美國鎮守歐洲與東亞,結束了這兩個區域自十九世紀末以來的戰亂頻繁。全世界民主國家的數量激增,世界貿易拓展並深化,大多數地區享受了有史以來最大的繁榮。世界仍有大小災難,亞洲還打了兩個昂貴的戰爭,但是這個戰略大體上是成功的,成功到促使蘇維埃帝國終於瓦解,或者說,蘇聯在西方成功的經濟與政治壓力下和平地自動退讓,並使得更多歐亞國家得以加入自由世界。這一切的是許多力量結合的結果:歐洲在政治與經濟上的整合、日本與德國的成功、其他亞洲經濟體的成功崛起——但如果沒有美國願意且有能力扮演這個不尋常、非凡的自由世界秩序守護者的角色,前述的任何一項都不可能實現。

America’s ability to play this role at all was due less to the special virtues of the American people than to some remarkable advantages that put the United States in a historically unique position.  The most important advantage was geography.  For centuries the world’s cockpits of conflict had been in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East, where multiple powers shared common neighborhoods, jostled for primacy, and engaged in endless cycles of military competition and warfare.  When the United States emerged as a great power at the end of the nineteenth century, it alone enjoyed fundamental security in a neighborhood in which it was already the unquestioned hegemon.  This, along with its wealth and large population, gave the United States the ability to dispatch the bulk of its armed forces thousands of miles away to engage in protracted military operations.  It also allowed the United States to station large numbers of troops permanently overseas if it so desired.  And it could do all of this without leaving itself vulnerable to a neighboring power.

No other nation in the world was ever so situated.  Even that other great island superpower, Great Britain, sat too close to the European continent to be invulnerable to attack, especially when the airplane and the long-range missile became major tools of warfare.  Nor had Britain succeeded in securing its core strategic requirement: preventing the emergence of a hegemon on the continent.  Although successful for two centuries in maintaining and managing its overseas empire, Britain failed to prevent the rise of German hegemony twice in the twentieth century, leading to two devastating wars that ultimately undid British global power.  Britain failed because it had tried to play the role of balancer in Europe from “offshore.” Britons’ main concern was always defense of their far-flung empire, and they preferred to stay out of Europe if possible.  Their inability or unwillingness to station troops on the continent in sufficient number, or at least reliably to guarantee that sufficient force would arrive quickly in an emergency, led would-be aggressors to calculate that decisive British military force would either not arrive on time or not arrive at all.

After World War II, Americans’ unique geographical advantage made possible an unprecedented global strategy.  The United States was able to move beyond traditional national defense and beyond offshore balancing.  It was able to become effectively both a European power and an Asian power, with troops permanently stationed “onshore” in both theaters simultaneously.  The presence of American troops acted to remove doubt by potential aggressors that the United States would fight if its allies were attacked.  For the next seven decades, this American presence enforced a general peace and stability in two regions that for at least a century had known almost constant great-power conflict.

Just as remarkable was the degree to which the rest of the nations in the liberal world generally accepted and even welcomed America’s overwhelming power.  Again, the reason had as much to do with power and geography as with ideological affinity.  It was true that for most nations in the world the United States appeared to be a relatively benign hegemon.  But the core geopolitical reality was that other nations faced greater and more immediate threats from their neighbors than from the distant Americans.  When those neighbors grew menacing, they looked to the United States as a natural partner—comforting for its ability to project power and defend them but comforting also for its distance.

The United States thus violated some of the cardinal rules of international relations.  For decades, realists had believed that the only peaceful and stable world order was one based on a multipolar balance of power, a “concert” of nations poised in rough equilibrium in a system that all the players regarded as necessary and legitimate—like Europe in the years following the Congress of Vienna.  This was the world with which Henry Kissinger felt comfortable and which he constantly predicted, even in the 1960s, was just right around the corner.  Unipolarity was supposed to be inherently unstable and short-lived, because other great powers would always band together to balance against a power grown too strong—as had happened in Europe in response to the rise of France and Germany in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.  Richard Nixon expressed this alleged realist truism in a speech, no doubt penned under Kissinger’s influence, in 1972.  “We must remember,” Nixon declared, that “the only time in the history of the world that we have had any extended period of peace is when there has been balance of power.  It is when one nation becomes infinitely more powerful in relation to its potential competitor that the danger of war arises.  So I believe in a world in which the United States is powerful.  I think it will be a safer world and a better world if we have a strong, healthy United States, Europe, Soviet Union, China, Japan, each balancing.” But the United States was already disproving this thesis.

The broad acceptance of American power, best demonstrated by the large number of its allies and the absence of powerful nations joining the Soviet Union against it, created a unique situation in the world.  No other nation in history had ever played such a role on a global scale, and arguably no other nation possibly could.  The situation could not conform to a theory because it could not be replicated.  It was sui generis.

Geography made it possible for the United States to play this unique role in the world, but as the 1920s and 1930s showed, the question of whether the United States would take it on was up to the American people.  Nothing required them to play such an abnormal part in world affairs.  During the cold war, they did it primarily out of fear of communism.  But what would happen when the Soviet Union disappeared and the threat of communism vanished?  The question seemed moot for four excruciatingly long decades when no one ever really expected the Soviet Union to give up the geopolitical competition.  But the unanticipated fall of the Soviet empire and the collapse of international communism after 1989 inevitably raised anew the question of how to define America’s purpose and its interests in the absence of an obvious threat.  Suddenly, Americans were back to where Roosevelt had left off in the early 1940s, when the challenge had been to avoid the mistakes of the 1920s and 1930s.  But would anyone remember the original grand strategy, devised in the brief moment before the Soviet Union arose to dominate American strategic thinking?  Would the original grand strategy still seem relevant at the end of the twentieth century?  Or had Americans, as the political scientist Robert Osgood worried in the 1950s, “become so transfixed by their fears of communism” that they had forgotten “what they are for in their obsession with what they are against”?
地理位置使美國能夠扮演這個獨特的角色,不過,2030年代的情形顯示,必須由美國人民自己決定是否接受這樣的角色。沒有甚麼東西可以規定他們在國際事務上扮演這麼不正常的角色。冷戰時,他們因為恐懼而接受全球任務,但是蘇聯與共產威脅消失了之後呢?這個問題痛苦地拖了四十年而沒有答案,因為沒有人真的料到蘇聯會放棄地緣政治的競賽。1989年蘇聯與世界共產主義崩解,問題又回來了,沒有威脅的狀況下要如何定義美國的目標與利益?突然間,美國人又回到了羅斯福的40年代初期,當時的挑戰是,不要重複2030年代的錯誤。還有人記得大戰略的最初版本嗎?那個在蘇聯崛起、支配美國戰略思考之前的短暫時光,羅斯福所設計的大戰略?它適用於二十世紀末嗎?或者如 Robert Osgood (美國學者與NSC顧問) 所言,美國人民「被共產主義嚇壞了」,以至於「過度執迷於對抗,而忘了初衷」?



