





QUESTION:  On the Japanese Government issue, your review on the Kono statement, I wonder, do you agree with the conclusion?
MS. PSAKI:  Well, our view is that the apologies extended by the previous prime minister and former Chief Cabinet Secretary Kono marked an important chapter in Japan, improving relations with its neighbors.  We take note of chief cabinet secretary – the chief cabinet secretary’s statement on June 20th that the position of the Abe government is to uphold the Kono statement.  As you know, we’ve consistently encouraged Japan to approach this and other issues arising from the past in a manner that is conducive to building stronger relations with its neighbors, and that remains our focus.

QUESTION: But do you think it’s necessary for Japanese Government to take this review?  Because this is a very sensitive topic to South Korea and China.
MS. PSAKI: Well, as President Obama said during his visit to Asia, because Korea and Japan – South Korea and Japan have so many common interests, it’s important that they find a way to resolve the past in the most productive manner and look to the future and how they can work together on issues they share.

QUESTION: And when President Obama – when he was in Japan, he has been calling Japan to take more proactive steps to address this issue.  So do you think Japanese Government has been following his advice?
MS. PSAKI: Well, I think what he said when he was there is that they need to look to the past and look to the future, and obviously part of looking to the future is determining a way to work together and put events of the past behind you.

QUESTION: But it seems Japanese Government is looking back, not the future.
MS. PSAKI: Well, we’re encouraging them to look forward.

MS. PSAKI: Go ahead.

QUESTION: On the same topic --
MS. PSAKI: Sure, mm-hmm.

QUESTION: -- so you don’t believe that the review itself undermines the Kono statement?
MS. PSAKI: Well, again, I’d point you to the cabinet – chief cabinet secretary’s statement that the position of the Abe government is to uphold the Kono statement, so –

QUESTION: But if you look at --
MS. PSAKI: -- I’d point you to that.

MS. PSAKI: Go ahead.

QUESTION: If you look at the conclusion, which is that the South Koreans and the Japanese have cooperated, some people believe that that in and of itself creates doubt about the Kono statement.  Do you agree with that?
MS. PSAKI: Well, I’d point you to the position of the Japanese Government, which they’ve clearly stated.

QUESTION: Do you believe that this is an unhelpful step?
MS. PSAKI: I think our focus is on encouraging them to work with South Korea on the issues that they share concern about.

Go ahead. Or – still in the region? Or --
QUESTION: Still in the region.
QUESTION: Sorry, one more.
MS. PSAKI: Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Go ahead.
QUESTION: Oh, go ahead. I’d like to move on.
MS. PSAKI: Go ahead. Go ahead.
MS. PSAKI: Okay. (Laughter.)
QUESTION: So – sorry.
MS. PSAKI: So polite all around. Go ahead. (Laughter.)
QUESTION: So South Korea says that it’s going to do --
MS. PSAKI: Go ahead.  I’m sorry.
QUESTION: South Korea says that it’s going to do its own assessment of the review’s outcome and take action with the international community.  Is this something that you would support?
MS. PSAKI: I think I would point you to what I’ve just stated – that we believe South Korea and Japan have a range of issues and concerns they share and we encourage them to focus on those moving forward.


