20140619 有關西班牙國王退位的《國家官方公報》。
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6476 Ley Orgánica 3/2014, de 18 de junio, por la que se
hace efectiva la abdicación de Su Majestad el
A todos los que la presente vieren y entendieren, Sabed: Que las
6476 Organic Law 3/2014 of 18 June, which is effective abdication of His Majesty King
Don Juan Carlos I
To all who see and hear, Know: That the Parliament has passed and I
sanction the following organic law.
El 2 de junio de 2014,
Me propuse encabezar entonces la ilusionante tarea nacional que
permitió a los ciudadanos elegir a sus legítimos representantes y llevar a cabo esa
gran y positiva transformación de España que tanto necesitábamos.
Hoy, cuando vuelvo atrás la mirada, no puedo sino sentir orgullo y
gratitud hacia el pueblo español.
Orgullo, por lo mucho y bueno que entre todos hemos conseguido en
estos años.
Y gratitud, por el apoyo que me
Fiel al anhelo político de mi padre, el Conde de Barcelona, de
quien heredé el legado histórico de la monarquía española, he querido ser Rey de todos los
españoles. Me he sentido identificado y
comprometido con sus aspiraciones, he gozado con sus éxitos y he sufrido cuando el dolor o la
frustración les
La larga y profunda crisis económica que padecemos ha dejado serias cicatrices
en el tejido social pero también nos está señalando un camino de futuro de grandes
Estos difíciles años nos
Y, como contrapeso, también
Todo ello ha despertado en nosotros un impulso de renovación, de superación, de corregir errores y abrir camino a un
futuro decididamente mejor.
En la forja de ese futuro, una nueva generación reclama con justa causa el papel
protagonista, el mismo que correspondió en una coyuntura crucial de nuestra historia
a la generación a la que yo pertenezco.
Hoy merece pasar a la primera línea una generación más joven, con nuevas energías, decidida a emprender con determinación las transformaciones y reformas que la
coyuntura actual está demandando y a afrontar con renovada
intensidad y dedicación los desafíos del mañana.
Mi única ambición ha sido y seguirá siendo siempre contribuir a lograr el bienestar
y el progreso en libertad de todos los españoles.
Quiero lo mejor para España, a la que he dedicado mi vida entera y a
cuyo servicio he puesto todas mis capacidades, mi ilusión y mi trabajo.
Mi hijo, Felipe, heredero de la Corona, encarna la estabilidad, que
es seña de identidad de la institución monárquica.
Cuando el pasado enero cumplí setenta y seis años consideré llegado el momento de preparar en unos
meses el relevo para dejar paso a quien se encuentra en inmejorables
condiciones de asegurar esa estabilidad.
Por todo ello, guiado por el convencimiento de prestar el mejor
servicio a los españoles y una vez recuperado tanto físicamente como en mi actividad institucional,
he decidido poner fin a mi reinado y abdicar la Corona de España, deponiendo en manos del Gobierno y de las
Cortes Generales mi magistratura y autoridad para que provean a la
efectividad de la sucesión en la Corona conforme a las previsiones
Deseo expresar mi gratitud al pueblo español, a todas las personas que
Y mi gratitud a la Reina, cuya colaboración y generoso apoyo no me
Guardo y guardaré siempre a España en lo más hondo de mi corazón.»
El artículo 57.5 de la
La entrada en vigor de la presente ley orgánica determinará, en consecuencia, que la abdicación despliegue sus efectos y que se produzca
la sucesión en la Corona de España de forma automática, siguiendo el orden previsto en la
Artículo único. Abdicación de
2. La abdicación será efectiva en el momento de entrada en vigor
de la presente ley orgánica.
Disposición final única. Entrada en vigor.
La presente ley orgánica entrará en vigor en el momento de su publicación en el «
Por tanto, Mando a todos los españoles, particulares y autoridades, que
guarden y hagan guardar esta ley orgánica.
Madrid, 18 de junio de 2014.
On June 2, 2014, His Majesty King Don Juan Carlos I informed Mr Prime Minister willingness to abdicate by delivery of a written, signed in his presence, with the
following wording: "In my proclamation as King, nearly four decades ago,
I took a firm commitment to serve the general interests of Spain, with the
aim that citizens might become the protagonists of their own destiny and our
nation a fully integrated modern democracy in Europe.
I determined then lead the exciting national task that allowed
citizens to elect their legitimate representatives and perform the great and
positive transformation of Spain both needed.
Today, when I look back, I can not help but feel pride and gratitude
to the Spanish people.
Pride, so much good that we have all gotten over the years.
And gratitude for the support they have given me the Spaniards to
make my reign, which began in his youth and in times of great uncertainties
and difficulties, a long period of peace, freedom, stability and progress.
True to the political desire of my father, the Count of Barcelona, from whom I inherited the historical legacy
of the Spanish monarchy, I wanted to be King of all Spanish. I have been identified and committed to
their aspirations, I have enjoyed their successes and I suffered when pain or
frustration they have garnished.
The long and deep economic crisis that has left serious scars suffer
the social fabric but also us is pointing a way forward with great hopes.
These difficult years have allowed us to make a self-critical
assessment of our mistakes and our shortcomings as a society.
And, as a counterweight also rekindled proud of what we have learned
and awareness and we do what we have been and are: a great nation.
This has aroused in us an impulse for renewal, to improve, to correct
errors and make way for a decidedly better future.
In forging this future, a new generation seeks a just cause the title
role, the same that corresponded at a crucial juncture in our history to the
generation to which I belong.
Today should move to the first line a younger generation, with new
energy, determined to embark resolutely transformations and reforms that the
current situation is demanding and cope with renewed intensity and dedication
tomorrow's challenges.
My only ambition has always been and will continue to contribute to
the welfare and progress in freedom of all Spaniards.
I want the best for Spain, to which I have devoted my entire life and
in whose service I have put all my skills, my enthusiasm and my work.
My son, Felipe, heir to the throne, embodies stability, which is a hallmark of
the monarchy.
When last January turned
seventy-six years time to prepare the relief in a
few months to make way for who is best placed to ensure that stability
I considered reached.
The Prince of Asturias has the maturity, preparation and sense of responsibility necessary to assume full guarantees the Head of State and
open a new era of hope in which the experience and the drive to a new
generation combined. For it will, I am
sure, with the support you will always have of
Therefore, guided by the conviction of providing the best service to
the Spanish and once recovered both physically and in my institutional
activity, I have decided to end my reign and
abdicate the Crown of Spain, deposing in government hands and my judiciary
and Parliament authority to provide the effectiveness of succession to the
Crown in accordance with the constitutional provisions.
I wish to express my gratitude to the Spanish people, all people who
have incarnated the powers and state institutions during my reign and all who
have helped me with generosity and loyalty to fulfill my duties.
And my gratitude to the Queen, whose cooperation and generous support
have never failed me.
Guardo and always keep to Spain in the depths of my heart. "
His Majesty the King put him to the attention of
the Presidents of the Congress of Deputies and the Senate and the President
of the Government referred the letter to the Council of Ministers.
Article 57.5 of the Spanish Constitution provides that 'abdication and renunciations and any doubt in fact or
law that occur in the order of succession to the Crown shall be settled by an
organic law." This
provision follows the historical precedents of Spanish constitutionalism in
the basic texts of 1845, 1869 and 1876 and, with variations, in other
precedents, and reserving to the legislature the settlement of the succession
issues and the authorization would result abdication, including through a special
law for each case. While the current
Constitution does not use the latter term, said history and mandate of
Article 57 of the regions act is solved by an organic law render it the ideal
legal instrument to regulate the effectiveness of the decision.
The entry into force of this Act shall determine,
therefore, that the abdication deploy its effects and that the succession to
the Crown of Spain occurs automatically, following the order laid down in the
Single article. Abdication of His
1. His
2. Abdication will
be effective at the time of entry into force of this organic law.
Disposal only. Entry
into force.
Basic Law shall enter into force upon its publication in the "Official
Therefore, I order all Spaniards, individuals and authorities to observe and enforce this organic law.
Madrid, June 18, 2014.
The Prime Minister,