

The Cairo Conference, 1943○DoS【附中譯文】

感謝網友 attile 提供美國官方的「開羅會議」的說明──僅僅依情勢而起,依情勢而無。當時已被否決、情勢已經不再,和約有另外規定。
中文譯文由 Taimocracy 執筆,感謝相助。

The Cairo Conference, 1943DoS  中譯文 by   http://2001-2009.state.gov/r/pa/ho/time/wwii/107184.htm

In November and December of 1943, U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt met with Chinese President Chiang Kai-shek and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill in Cairo, Egypt, to discuss the progress of the war against Japan and the future of Asia.  In addition to discussions about logistics, they issued a press release that cemented China's status as one of the four allied Great Powers and agreed that territories taken from China by Japan, including Manchuria, Taiwan, and the Pescadores, would be returned to the control of the Republic of China after the conflict ended.

During the spring and summer of 1943, President Roosevelt grew increasingly concerned about the status of the ongoing conflict in China.  Morale was low and inflation high in China, leading to concerns that the country could give up its fight or fall to the continuous Japanese onslaught.  Moreover, the leader of U.S. forces in the theater, General Joseph Stilwell, did not get along well with Chiang Kai-shek, and their personal conflicts seemed to foreshadow potential cracks in the alliance.  Other problems, such as difficulties getting much-needed supplies through to General Claire Chennault, who was leading U.S. air forces in China, and the lack of a full-on air assault as promised by the U.S. Government also contributed to growing tensions.  Roosevelt wanted positive, productive relations with China after the war, as well as Chinese assistance in keeping British, Russian, and Japanese expansion in Asia in check, so he proposed the Cairo conference as a means of expressing public confidence in the Republic of China.  The conference itself was a stopover on the way to meet Soviet leader Joseph Stalin in Tehran, but the Roosevelt Administration gave the Chinese leader a symbolic boost by meeting with him privately before the conference began and before Churchill arrived.

At the series of meetings in Cairo, Roosevelt outlined his vision for postwar Asia.  He wanted to establish the Republic of China as one of his "Four Policemen."  This concept referred to a vision for a cooperative world order in which a dominant power in each major region would be responsible for keeping the peace there.  Weak as the Republic of China would inevitably be after the war, it would still be the major power in Asia, and it could help prevent renewed Japanese expansionism and oversee decolonization under a trustee system.  Roosevelt hoped to prevent the British and the Russians from using postwar instability to increase their presence in Asia, and he advocated for Indochina to be established as a trusteeship instead of returned to France after the Japanese defeat.  To secure this future, he sought a commitment from Chiang Kai-shek that China would not try to expand across the continent or control decolonizing nations, and in return, he offered a guarantee that the territories stolen from China by Japan - including Manchuria, the island of Taiwan and the Pescadores Islands - would be returned to Chinese sovereignty.  Roosevelt also sought and gained Chiang's support for his proposal to create a trusteeship for the colonial territories after the war; in the end, this idea failed to gain the support of the British or French and was not enacted.

Although Roosevelt and Chiang had some shared interests and the same ultimate goal - victory in the Pacific - in Cairo they also addressed some of the points upon which their strategies differed.  Chiang had hoped for an offensive assault to reopen the Burma Road, which had been a major supply line to south China before being overrun by Japanese forces in 1942.  Any operation to reopen the road was dependent on British cooperation as Burma was still a British colony, and the British proved reluctant to commit forces to the Bay of Bengal for the attack.  Roosevelt shrewdly guessed that promises to aid China in reopening its supply lines were almost more important than the actual execution of the offensive, as it demonstrated the importance of the Republic of China to the United States Government.  The idea was to boost sagging morale in China, and at the same time, make a public statement that even after the war's conclusion, the United States would remain committed to maintaining peace in the world.

In the Cairo Declaration, jointly released by the United States, the Republic of China and Great Britain on December 1, 1943, the allies pledged to continue the war against Japan and to eject the Japanese forces from all the territories it had conquered, including the Chinese territories, Korea, and the Pacific Islands.

9 則留言:

  1. 這篇文章真是重要。還原當時一些事實。

    1. DoS常會有好東西
      如 Seward Doctrine

  2. 莫名其妙,這篇文章有開羅宣言不作數的意思嗎?相反,這篇文章鄭重其事的闡明開羅宣言存在的歷史事實,不像某些人拼命貶低的那樣無關緊要。


    1. (USA Taiwan)



    2. (USA Taiwan)


      ***《舊金山和平條約》英文,漢譯文,日文版 (雲程 譯)

      [轉貼] 美國軍事政府佔領下的台灣 (原文作者:林志昇, 何瑞元)



      Article 2:
      (b) Japan renounces all right, title and claim to Formosa and the Pescadores.


      Article 4:
      (b) Japan recognizes the validity of dispositions of property of Japan and Japanese nationals made by or pursuant to directives of the United States Military Government in any of the areas referred to in Articles 2 and 3.


      Article 23:
      (a) The present Treaty shall be ratified by the States which sign it, including Japan, and will come into force for all the States which have then ratified it, when instruments of ratification have been deposited by Japan and by a majority, including the United States of America as the principal occupying Power, of the following States, namely Australia, Canada, Ceylon, France, Indonesia, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, New Zealand, Pakistan, the Republic of the Philippines, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United States of America. The present Treaty shall come into force of each State which subsequently ratifies it, on the date of the deposit of its instrument of ratification.

      (b) If the Treaty has not come into force within nine months after the date of the deposit of Japan's ratification, any State which has ratified it may bring the Treaty into force between itself and Japan by a notification to that effect given to the Governments of Japan and the United States of America not later than three years after the date of deposit of Japan's ratification.

      根據以上三條,美國既然是主要戰勝國,美國軍事政府(USMG)理所當然控制台灣,或許有人認為既然如此,怎麼沒有看見任何美軍在台灣,要知道,在法理上(de jure),美國軍事政府佔領台灣,並不表示在事實上(de facto),美軍實際佔領台灣,因為,美軍有「職務代理人」那就是「不被承認的中華民國流亡政府」,這就是美國反對「不被承認的中華民國流亡政府」改變現狀的根本理由。

      美國依照國際法、戰爭慣例法,將台灣、澎湖置於其管轄下,而台灣之國際地位為美國軍事政府管轄下「未合併領土」(Unincorporated territory),也就是等同美國海外領土.

    3. "在中國法統之下"是不正確的說法,連中國官方都不會這麼說。中國官方稱呼目前治理台澎的ROC的用語是「台灣當局」,這才是正確的說法:)

    4. 稱臺灣當局就不是在中國法統之下了?這種說法沒有什麽道理吧?

    5. 是不是因為法統出了問題才會有學運和革命?不知下次的學運是何時?很期待。

  3. 駐站五毛又出現了!

