



Until you file Form 8854 with the IRS and notify the Department of Homeland Security of your termination of residency, your termination of your permanent resident status for immigration purposes will not relieve you of your obligation to file U.S. tax returns and report your worldwide income as a resident of the United States.

AIT 算官方嗎?


BASIC TAX GUIDE for Green Card holders by IRS

If you have a U.S. green card, you are a lawful permanent resident of the U.S. even if you live abroad.  
This means you are treated as a U.S. resident for U.S. income tax purposes and you are subject to U.S. tax on your worldwide income from whatever source derived.  
Accordingly, you must file a U.S. tax return unless
(a)  there has been a final administrative or judicial determination that your lawful permanent resident status has been revoked or abandoned,
(b)  your gross income from worldwide sources is less than the amounts that require a tax return to be filed, or
(c)  your U.S. residence status is affected by an income tax treaty.

What if my green card has been taken by or given to someone in the U.S. government?
If you’ve surrendered your green card, this doesn’t necessarily mean that your status as a lawful permanent resident has changed.  Your status will not change unless and until you get an official notice from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS ) that there has been a final administrative or judicial determination that your green card has been revoked or abandoned.  You can contact the USCIS to check the status of your card.
What if I have been absent from the U.S. for a long period of time?
Your tax responsibilities as a green card holder do not change if you are absent from the U.S. for any period of time. Your income tax filing requirement and possible obligation to pay U.S. taxes continue until you either surrender your green card or there has been a final administrative or judicial determination that your green card has been revoked or abandoned.  Therefore, even if the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) no longer recognizes the validity of your green card because you have been absent from the United States for a certain period of time or the green card is more than ten years old, you must continue to file tax returns until there has been a final determination that is not subject to appeal that your green card has been revoked or abandoned.

What if I haven’t filed prir U.S. Income Tax Returns?
If you have not filed a U.S. income tax return for one or more years and there is no tax liability for any of those years, you should file returns for the current year and two prior years.  However, if you have not filed a U.S. income tax return for one or more years and income tax is due for any of those years, you should file returns for the current year and five previous years.

What if I have income taxes with held from income I received from the U.S.?
When an entity in the U.S. makes a non-wage payment (like social security or pension payments) to a nonresident alien, it is required to withhold 30% of the payment (only 85% of a social security payment is subject to the 30% tax) and forward it to the IRS. When an entity in the U.S. sends a payment to a green card holder who lives outside the U.S., it generally should not withhold the 30% tax. If this tax is withheld in error because you have a foreign address, you should notify the payer of the income with a Form W-9 to stop the withholding and you can claim a refund of the tax withheld in error.

What if I ’m living in another country?  Do I have to pay taxes to both the U.S. and the country where I am living?
A green card holder is considered to be a resident of the U.S. for U.S. income tax purposes and is therefore subject to U.S. taxes on worldwide income.  If there is no income tax treaty between your country of residence and the U.S., you must pay taxes to both countries.  You generally will get a tax credit against either your U.S. taxes or your foreign income taxes, depending on your particular circumstances, so you will not be subject to double taxation.
If the country where you are living has an income tax treaty with the U.S., the treaty may contain so-called tie-breaker rules” to determine which country will be treated as the country of your residence for income tax purposes.  Usually, the location of the individual’s permanent home or the center of the individual’s vital interests determines resident status.  If you are a resident of the treaty country under the tie-breaker rule and you elect to apply the treaty, you will be considered to be a resident of the treaty country for U.S. income tax purposes and will not be required to file a Form 1040.  To make this election, you must file a U.S. Nonresident Alien Income Tax Return (Form 1040NR) in the year of the election and attach a copy of Form 8833 (Treaty-Based Return Position Disclosure under Section 6114 or 7701(b)).  Green card holders who reside in a country that has an income tax treaty with the U.S. should contact an income tax professional or an office of the Internal Revenue Service for assistance.

What if I surrender my green card?
Generally, if you surrender your green card during the taxable year, your tax status as a resident alien will terminate on the last day of that calendar year.  However, if you can establish that, for the remainder of the calendar year, your tax home is in a foreign country or you maintain a closer connection to that foreign country than to the United States, your residency termination date will be the date you surrender your green card.
If you are a resident of the United States because you meet both the substantial presence test for the taxable year and have a green card during the taxable year, your residency termination date will be the later of the date you surrender your green card or the last day you are physically present in the United States, provided you can establish one of the exceptions above.  See Pub 519 (U.S. Tax Guide for Aliens) and the instructions to Form 8840 (Closer Connection Exception Statement for Aliens) for additional information.
If you are a nonresident alien as of the last day of the year and a resident alien for a portion of the year, you should file a Form 1040NR even if you have no U.S. source income and attach a copy of Form 1040 that reflects your income for the period of the year that you were a resident alien.

What if I am a long-term resident when I surrender my green card?
If you are a long-term resident of the United States, defined as an individual who is a U.S. lawful permanent resident in at least 8 of the prior 15 taxable years prior to the termination of permanent resident status, there are special rules to comply with.  Your residency termination date will not occur until you file a completed Form 8854 with the IRS and notify the Department of Homeland Security of your termination of residency, notwithstanding that for the remainder of the taxable year your tax home is in a foreign country or you have a closer connection to a foreign country.  Until you file Form 8854 with the IRS and notify the Department of Homeland Security of your termination of residency, your termination of your permanent resident status for immigration purposes will not relieve you of your obligation to file U.S. tax returns and report your worldwide income as a resident of the United States.  For purposes of U.S. tax rules, the date of your termination of residency will be the later of the date you notify the Department of Homeland Security or the date Form 8854 is filed with the IRS in accordance with the instructions for the form.

How do I give notice to the Department Of Homeland Security that I terminated my residency status?
You will be considered to have given notice of a termination of residency to the Secretary of Homeland Security as of the date that you complete Form I-407 (Abandonment of Lawful Permanent Resident Status) before a diplomatic or consular officer of the United States or at a Port of Entry of the United States before a U.S. immigration official.

What if I have had my green card for less than 8 years out of the last 15 taxable years at the time I revoke or abandon my green card?
You do not need to file a Form 8854 for any reason.  

長期住民但放棄綠卡超過10年,需填寫 8854表格?
If I am a long-term resident, must I file Form 8854 for the next 10 years after I surrender my green card?
You must file a Form 8854 for each of the 10 tax years after the date of your abandonment of your long-term resident status only if:
(a)  your average annual net income tax liability for the 5 years ending before the date of your termination of
residency is more than a set amount ($124,000 for 2004, $127,000 for 2005, $131,000 for 2006),
(b)  your net worth is $2 million or more on the date of your termination of residency, or
(c)  you fail to certify on Form 8854 that you have complied with all of your U.S. federal tax obligations for the 5 years preceding the date of your termination of residency.  Failure to file a required Form 8854 in any of the 10 tax years after the date of your termination of residency may result in a $10,000 penalty for each year that the form is required but not filed.

何處取得 8854 表格?
Where do I get Form 8854?
The form is accessible on the internet at: http://www.irs.gov/formspubs/index.html.

Taxation under section 877.

If you are subject to section 877, you will be subject to an alternative tax regime with respect to your U.S. source gross income.  For this limited purpose, special source and taxation rules apply; you should consider consulting a tax advisor as to the specific consequences.  You generally will not be able to claim the benefits of an income tax treaty to reduce or exempt your income from U.S. taxation because the United States reserves the right to tax former citizens and long term residents according to U.S. law in almost all of its treaties.  If you are subject to section 877 and you spend more than 30 days during any calendar year in the United States within the ten years following your termination of residency, you may be treated as a resident of the United States for tax purposes for that entire calendar year.

31 則留言:

  1. 我感到費這麽大氣力,連篇累牘針對馬英九的綠卡,很沒有意思也沒有必要,綠卡畢竟不是國籍,您的心目中真的沒有其他更大的、更重要的問題可供思考和討論了嗎?

    1. 對台灣的未來而言,還有什麼比馬英九更致命的?

    2. 如果綠卡不重要,AIT有必要這麼費事地掩護馬嗎?
      AIT最近的行為在告訴台灣人: 馬的綠卡問題很緊要。

    3. 這是,「此地無卡三千枚」呢。

  2. 的確,針對馬英九的綠卡,很沒有意思也沒有必要,因為真正重要的是永久居留權問題,綠卡會失效,所以是一個假議題,馬刻意引導焦點在綠卡上,對永久居留權不會自動失效的真議題卻避而不談.




    by H-Town

    1. 綠卡是給持有人在美國國內做辨示用的,比如被警方盤查時或辦金融帳戶。永久居留權是官方認定,可能比綠卡上面寫的日期更早失效。

      / AC

    2. 也就是,綠卡只是隨身證明卡片而已。

      想不通, I-401 表格秀出來,大家雞嘴變鴨嘴。


    3. 我並非站在馬那邊,我只能按常理說明。


      如果不想永久居美,最多是每年<30天的赴美觀光,是否需要填I-401? 不太清楚。


      / AC

    4. 是的,我們理解並接受在每求學、工作、發展者的居留、國籍選擇。






    5. 還有,羅淑蕾此次強力為馬辯護。


    6. By law, 綠卡應隨身攜帶, 但鮮有人這樣做, 就像你不會隨身攜帶I-20. 日常生活中driver license 和 state ID 才是最常用的,特別是driver license.

      如果不想永久居美,何須保有永久居留權? 那也是為甚麼最近幾年在機場的移民局官員會要求那些超過六個月沒有回美國的人放棄永久居留權. 因為你沒有移民或久居美國的企圖, 所以被要求放棄.美國人的意思就是要你不要占著茅坑不拉屎.

      by H-Town

    7. 有一點不了解的是如果一周刊認為馬需要繳FATCA,那過去的繳稅記錄是否有查到?


      / AC

  3. 「為官應受人以柄」的心法, 這是數學公理!!!不證自明

    1. 對,這是靠行的條件。

    2. 抱歉抱歉,是「授」人以柄。

    3. 市面上的說法:留下 AB檔案, 將來背叛時被懲罰的入獄證據

    4. 相對的,「授」是求官人的主動。


  4. 看到網傳底下這段,可否知道其典故,前後文與來源嗎?


    " - - - status cannot be fixed until there is international action to determine its future. The Chinese Government was asked by the Allies to take the surrender of the Japanese forces on the Island. That is the reason the Chinese are there now.”
    [U.S. Department of State, Czyzak Memorandum, February 3, 1961]

    “美國的行動是要明確地表示不妨礙未來的政治解決台灣島的地位。台灣的實際狀態是盟軍在太平洋戰區勝利而從日本採取的領土。像其他這樣的地區,直到有國際行動決定台灣的未來,其法律地位不能被固定或變化。中華民國政府被盟軍要求,在台灣受理島上的日軍的投降業務。這是為什麼中華民國現在在台灣的原因。” [美國國務院,Czyzak備忘錄,1961年2月3日]




  5. 國籍法似乎會有特殊條款 :

    "The draft amendment also stipulates that if such officials are unable to obtain a certificate of loss of permanent resident status for causes not attributable to them, and foreign affairs authorities investigate and determine that this is true, they will not need to provide certification." (CNA http://focustaiwan.tw/news/aipl/201405190026.aspx)

  6. 推論:所以台灣人的"政治錯誤"就是妄想片面determine its future??

    問題是,1979年後,美國人沒有處理島上的"Chinese Government".


    1. 其中之一是:

  7. 練嘴者:
    雖然1952年非法台北和約 自始無法律效果 ; 1954年中美共同防禦條約 也是同樣命運
    但是 佔領為實際控制 故美國台灣關係法第十五條 默示 台灣省政府的租界地位 延續 舊金山和約生效後盟軍總部解散前 廢棄ㄧ號一般命令
    讓中國因無和日本軍事同盟 應結束佔領撤出佔領日本軍隊卻因 租借關係滯留台灣 如圖博租界印度德蘭莎拉
    1979/1/1起 恐怖組織即應歸還台灣領地與福爾摩莎人民 故在 接替治理當局 並不明示全銜 僅模糊帶過 ; 很難相信1979/1/1以後美國當局會授權恐怖組織治理台灣 很有可能如某補習班聲明若得美國當局授權則籌組政團接管台灣民政之方式授權某人組政團管民政

    台北和約第三條即財產條款 林滿紅明文指出 ; 但若解為 租借台領地條款 如圖博租界印度德蘭莎拉的租界 即可解釋台灣省政府租借地位 1954年中美共同防禦條第七條
    為突破目前模糊狀態 申張福爾摩莎人民台灣領地領有者身分 ;請求美國正名管理台灣地區民事事務名銜(如台北經濟文化辦事處) 據以和中國和平建交 在WTO雙方對等方式重啟對等談判

  8. Thau(hoxloflang5)5/21/2014 05:06:00 下午


    1. 我的看法是可能不行。

    2. 那改成「台灣經濟文化辦事處」,當初阿扁執政時,似乎碰了一下就縮手。是美國國務院有意見嗎?

  9. 今天的問題是 長久以來台灣人在支持這個武裝團體,

    美國人 看台灣人如此,這是台灣住民選擇的

  10. 想要改變錯誤, 台灣人集體武裝,徹底與這非法集團切割,回到歷史的原點。不過台灣人怕死,現少子化 又怕年輕人損失,時間不在台灣這邊。

  11. 練嘴者:
    日本人民也是組隊歡迎盟軍登陸東京 ;問題是合法政府依國際法處理國際事務
    但是恐怖組織求生存歧兵盡出 終舊春夢一場來日無多

    美國正名台灣自治機構後 ; 台灣人組隊歡迎 也阻止不了 重點不是 台灣人如何 ? 而是美國利議如何
    2300萬台灣居民(被保護平民) = 約1700萬福爾摩莎人民(被保護平民) + 佔領地外國人
    美國正名台灣自治機構全銜 "福爾摩莎人民權力機構" 似乎合乎台灣關係法 也合乎人道公約


    1. 給貓掛鈴的事,雖然DPP擁有掛鈴執照,但還能期待DPP去掛嗎?那除了DPP之外,還有啥新指望?太陽花?



    2. 練嘴者:
      請求美國正名管理台灣地區民事事務機構名銜(如"福爾摩莎人民權力機構" ) 據以和中國和平建交 在WTO雙方對等方式重啟對等談判
      呼應太陽花學運 籌組憲政會議 及美國官員提示台灣自治 的建議;讓學運大眾 知道籌組"台灣自治"
      其權利在台灣領地領有者手上 ;佔領地外國人 如美國綠卡居留者身分 並無台灣領地參政權利
      2300萬台灣居民(被保護平民) = 約1700萬福爾摩莎人民(被保護平民) + 佔領地外國人(被保護平民)
      台灣老人娛樂業者 不知有意或無意不區分2300萬台灣居民(被保護平民) 似乎在玩民主假球
      新一代台灣派 已提出約1700萬福爾摩莎人民(被保護平民)的合格選民 昨日捷運意外 還是有人路見不平 自告奮勇制服現行犯 ; 台灣還是有新希望

