



可能有事先知會北京吧,根據 Leon Panetta 的證詞。

Washington, April 7 (CNA) The U.S. House of Representatives on Monday passed by unanimous consent legislation reaffirming the importance of the Taiwan Relations Act and authorizing the sale of four Oliver Hazard Perry class guided missile frigates to Taiwan.

The Taiwan Relations Act Affirmation and
Naval Vessel Transfer Act of 2014 will now be forwarded to the Senate for further actions.

The bill authorizes the sale of four frigates -- the USS Taylor (FFG-50), USS Gary (FFG-51), USS Carr (FFG-52) and USS Elrod (FFG-55) -- to Taiwan
based on the Taiwan Relations Act, which guides U.S. arms sale policy to Taiwan and the unofficial ties between the two sides.

It states that the law has been "instrumental in maintaining
peace, security and stability in the Western Pacific since its enactment in 1979."

The legislation reaffirms Congress' "
unwavering commitment to the Taiwan Relations Act as the cornerstone of relations between the United States and Taiwan."

It also supports "the United States commitment to Taiwan's security in accord with the Taiwan Relations Act, including Taiwan's procurement of sophisticated weapons of a defensive character,
such as F-16 C/Ds aircraft and diesel electric submarines."

Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce, who introduced the legislation, said the bill, which was passed
three days before the Taiwan Relations Act celebrates its 35th anniversary, is meant to show the House's strong support for Taiwan.

He noted that America's support for Taiwan over the past 35 years has allowed the island nation to realize its full potential, as evidenced by Taiwan's "monumental transformation from
grinding poverty and dictatorship to a vibrant, multiparty democracy."

"It is now more important than ever that we reaffirm our strong commitment to Taiwan and the Taiwan Relations Act," he said.

He also praised Taiwan as "a beacon of hope and democracy in a part of the world that still yearns for the basic freedoms that Americans and Taiwanese enjoy on a daily basis."

The legislation would also authorize the transfer of two Oliver Hazard Perry Class frigates each to Thailand and Mexico.

US Poised To Release Perry Warships to TaiwanDefense News2013.11.21
TAIPEI — Taiwan’s Navy plans to move quickly on the procurement of Perry-class frigates in 2015, if legislation introduced by a US House committee on Nov. 20 is passed.

The US House Committee on Foreign Affairs introduced legislation on Nov. 20 to release four Perry-class frigates to Taiwan: USS Taylor (FFG-50), USS Gary (FFG-51), USS Carr (FFG-52), and USS Elrod (FFG-55).  The legislation still has to be approved by the House and Senate before the White House signs off on it.  The Senate Foreign Relations Committee backed a similar bill last week.

On Nov. 21, Taiwan’s Navy chief of staff, Kao Tien-chung, told the Legislative Yuan’s Foreign and National Defense Committee that the Navy would procure two Perry frigates in 2014 with delivery expected in 2015.
Taiwan’s military has been hit hard by budget cuts and managing a new restructuring program has been more challenging than expected.

Taiwan might eventually procure only two of the four frigates due to budget issues, said a Taiwan defense industry source.  Taiwan’s Navy needs new ships to replace aging Knox-class (Chi Yang-class) frigates procured from the US in the 1990s.

The Navy has the option of building the new Sea Swift catamaran corvettes if the release by the White House is halted due to pressure from Beijing.

There is some criticism in Taiwan defense circles over plans to procure the US-built frigates.  Taiwan’s China Shipbuilding Corp. built eight Perry-class (Cheng Kung-class) frigates before closing the line in 2002, resulting in layoffs.  The new Sea Swift program would help boost Taiwan’s struggling shipbuilding industry.


