如 Jackson
Diehl 單單指責安倍增加國防預算,但陳破空的說明更廣泛「為什麼俄國會增加軍費?包括俄國、日本和韓國都在增加軍費?因為是中共在增加軍費。中國增加軍費使亞洲各國展開了軍備競賽,包括印度、菲律賓、越南、日本、韓國、甚至北朝鮮。還有俄國。」
Japan’s provocative moves○WP(2014.02.17)By Jackson
Diehl, Published: February 17
Could Japan end up provoking the most serious national security crisis
yet faced by President Obama ?
That idea would have sounded preposterous a couple of years ago, when
the Land of the Rising Sun was still the country that Americans have known it
to be for the past two decades: gently aging; rich but stagnant; democratic
but, because of chronically weak leadership, a non-factor in global and even
regional security.
Japan, however, has a history of long periods of stagnation followed by
bursts of rapid and sometimes disruptive change. Some who watch the country
believe that Shinzo Abe,
the conservative nationalist who became prime minister 14 months ago, is
leading it into one of those dynamic and potentially dangerous eras.
In his first year in office, Abe successfully stimulated the economy,
cultivated Japan’s neighbors and pursued closer security relations with the
United States. His
first steps to strengthen Japan’s defense posture, such as
increasing the arms budget and creating a national
security council, looked sensible in the face of increased belligerence
from China and North Korea.
In the past several months, however, Abe has appeared to pivot toward
the hard-line nationalism that has always been
an element of his political makeup. He has managed to set off alarm bells not only in
predictable places — China and South Korea — but inside the very U.S.
administration he hoped to partner with.
The prime minister’s most conspicuous gesture was his visit on Dec. 26 to the
Yasukuni shrine in Tokyo, which memorializes Japanese military dead,
including convicted war criminals from World War II. It was an act sure
to escalate already considerable tensions with China, which a month earlier had
unilaterally declared an air defense zone covering territory claimed by Japan,
and it was undertaken with express disregard
for high-level appeals from the Obama administration.
That same month Abe appointed four new directors to the
12-member board of Japan’s public broadcast network, NHK. They
soon began making headlines. One
declared that the 1937
Nanjing massacre by Japanese soldiers in China “never happened” and that
U.S. trials of Japanese war criminals were staged to cover up U.S. crimes. A second was revealed to have authored an
essay claiming that, thanks to a ritual suicide by a right-wing militant, the
Japanese emperor had become a deity.
Then there is the new head of the network, Katsuto Momii ,
who after belittling Japan’s history of enslaving “comfort women” said during
his first news conference that NHK
should not criticize the government on subjects such as nuclear power or
Abe’s Yasukuni visit.
Momii was obliged to issue a partial retraction and Abe declared his
support for media freedom. Days earlier,
however, Abe gave a speech at Davos
saying that Japanese-Chinese relations faced a
“similar situation” to that of Britain and Germany prior to World War I.
In the furor over all this, Japan’s
ambassador to Washington , Kenichiro Sasae ,
one undeniable point: “It is not Japan that
most of Asia and the international community worry about,” he wrote in a Post
op-ed. “It is China.” Apart from
the Koreas, that is true enough. But Abe’s turn toward nationalism has made an Asian security
crisis more likely, for three reasons.
First, the Yasukuni visit has destroyed any
possibility of détente in Tokyo’s frozen relations with Beijing and Seoul.
Both Chinese president Xi Jinping and South Korean president Park
Geun-hye refuse
to meet Abe. Diplomatic
and military contacts between Japan and China are virtually nonexistent,
which is alarming in view of the ongoing dispute over a
group of uninhabited islets that both nations claim.
Second, Yasukuni and its aftermath have also badly
damaged relations between Abe and the Obama administration. One informed
observer says a communications gap has opened up
between Washington and Tokyo more profound than that even with Beijing. U.S. officials
believe they can no longer be sure of what Abe might do if tensions spike over
the islets, or whether he would heed U.S. counsel in a crisis. It doesn’t help that there are virtually no officials at
a high level in the White House or State Department who have experience or
close relationships with Japan.
The first two troubles lead to a potential third: that Chinese leaders will be moved by their animus toward Abe
and their perception of a gap between him and Obama to provoke a test of
strength. What if Beijing were to deploy a flotilla of fishing boats around the
rocks, or land a company of soldiers on them? Would Abe seek to
invoke the U.S.-Japan defense treaty? If
he did, would Obama step up — or back?
The president is
scheduled to visit Japan in April
as part of an Asia tour. Though it won’t
be on the official agenda, crisis prevention will be a big part of his mission.
Read more from Jackson
Diehl’s archive, follow him on
Twitter or subscribe to his
updates on Facebook.
Read more on this topic: Fred Hiatt : Rocky waters between China and Japan could buffet America
Cui Tiankai: Shinzo Abe
risks ties with China in tribute to war criminals Kenichiro
Sasae : China’s propaganda campaign against Japan The
Post’s View: Japan’s historical revision deserves clarification from Prime Minister Abe
回覆刪除有無安保同盟都僅是白紙黑字而已,沒到真正發聲事件,誰也不曉得安保能保多少。山姆大帝底子裡:WASP外殼內裝 KIPA(小圓帽),能流拴的話,還不腳底揩油?
但願桃太郎要有足夠的智慧,千千萬萬不要再如1940左右的中計。不像台派,趁桃太郎目前還有說話有人聽的地位,要趕快設法用 "發展 = 將來" 取代 "紀念=歷史" 。
近期各位談論東亞局勢及美國的反應,我也不便插話。因為我認為南北朝鮮問題才是重中之重,其他只是支節‧‧‧ (留意日本、中國與北朝鮮的互動是非常有趣的)
刪除但關於日本對外政策 (特別是安培總理上任後的政策),請不要忘記二十世紀九十年代至小泉前總理上任前中本的對東亞政策是對中韓友好的。(現時中韓常說的村山談話就是那時期的產物) 。而所謂以 『將來取代歷史』 更是早至中曾根前總理已經提出 『東亞共同體』概念 (早於村山前總理上任) ,日後在鳩山前總理上任時 (2009年) 又被提出一次 (當時美國的反應相當大,也才有日後的 TPP)。這些政策的結果在中、韓兩國冷淡反應下,不敵由美國提出的 TPP (雖然現時 TPP 的談判也是未見進展,仿佛提出 TPP 就只是為了妨礙東亞自由貿易區)。更甚的是,中、韓對日的外交壓力愈來愈大,日本對外政策的改變也是理所當然的。
白頭翁老大指出幾個很值得注意的點,既然TPP之前還有東亞共同體的構想,加上日本好幾年與中韓都極友善的時間。該問的是,何以TPP與那些好時光,這些good intention會反目到今天快演成武打場面?
刪除難道說,一次的靖國神社,尖閣國有化,這就足以完全推翻那些共同發展的good intention 嗎?以俺的鳥腦來判斷,絕對不可能。每個邦國政府都是國際談判桌上的內行玩家。 更何況這些理由都不是初次上演。何以過去沒事,現在這麼大條?
安倍目前所面對的絕對是政治學上囚犯困境(prisoners dilemma)的古典例子。然而,安倍若利用造訪靖國要掀起國族主義的話,俺說,只因為白宮並不想跟著被拖下水,所以很可能是死棋,跌入土龍所布置的陷阱。安倍必須有足夠的智慧讓桃太郎的實力可以展現,同時取得鄰邦的歡呼。若以造訪靖國要來達到策略的運用,坦白說,就算對,也太粗造了!累積的成本很高,效益卻很低!
就水溝遊戲而言,柯P已經玩完了,亦即 DPP 被千歲爺們正式埋葬。
回覆刪除太可惜了! 如果柯P不要用即興的方式,而是有計畫地挑戰舊思維,可能就不會翻船了。
回覆刪除Shinzo Abe’s Nationalist Strategy
某種程度來說, 安倍是白癡, 拜靖國神社,
回覆刪除讓中國拿出二戰戰勝國的姿態喊話, 這時美中是同一陣線.
美國參酌中國噪音後, 管壓日本.
透過華府管台灣這招, 現在拿來對付日本剛剛好.
衛藤首相補佐官:動画サイトで米国批判 靖国問題で
回覆刪除毎日新聞 2014年02月19日 02時30分
安倍助理表示收回譴責美國發言 稱或招致誤解
A More-Muscular Japan, Personified
雲程的雙魚鏡 2014年2月18日 下午8:40:00
回覆刪除就水溝遊戲而言,柯P已經玩完了,亦即 DPP 被千歲爺們正式埋葬。
阿信 2014年2月19日 上午9:42:00
太可惜了! 如果柯P不要用即興的方式,而是有計畫地挑戰舊思維,可能就不會翻船了。