Concept of AirSea Battle originated from the strategy of AirLand Battle, which
was developed in the 1980s by the Pentagon to engage war with USSR. The US did not fear to have war with USSR,
yet things have changed profoundly now.
The US had
little relationship with USSR in terms of trade among others, which allowed
Uncle Sam to carry out the containment policy easily. Meanwhile, the US kept helping China to
develop its economy to deter USSR since 1980s.
The USSR dissolved in 1990.
later, the US found China stronger than she had expected in 1980s. The worst part, or the best part, is that there
are rooted engagements between China and the US. Neither side could wage an easy war against
the other.
situation promotes peace while neutralizing any battle strategy, including the
AirSea Battle.
Is the
AirSea Battle dangerous? That depends on
whether the AirSea Battle is in or out of the US re-balance policy and how the
US sees Chinese intention: a greater participant or a rogue who undermines the
world order. Revised on 20131113
華盛頓 — 2010年初,美國國防部正式推出“海空一體戰” (Air-Sea Battle)這一戰略理論,以應對中國不斷壯大的反介入/區域阻絕(Anti-Access/Area
美國前卡特政府高級顧問阿米塔伊·伊茲昂尼 (Amitai Etzioni) 不久前在日本《外交家》雜誌 (The Diplomat)上撰文稱,美國五角大樓與2010年正式出臺的“海空一體戰”作戰理論是一種危險的震懾中國不斷崛起軍事實力的軍事戰略。
美國國防部在2010年2月公佈的《四年國防評估》報告中正式確立“海空一體戰”的作戰概念。報告説,美國海軍和空軍正在合作研發一套全新的海空聯合作戰概念,用以擊敗具備先進反介入/區域阻絕作戰能力的對手。 “海空一體戰”戰略被認為是美國直接針對中國解放軍近年來不斷壯大的反介入/區域阻絕作戰能力。美國的軍事戰略家認為,解放軍的反衛星、彈道反艦導彈和網路作戰能力正威脅到美軍在西太平的自由採取行動 (freedom of actions) 和力量投放(power projection)能力。
美國海軍分析中心 (Center for Naval Analysis) 研究員丹尼爾·哈特尼特(Daniel Hartnett)認為,從“海空一體戰”來看,美國軍方的戰略似乎與美國總體的外交策略脫節。他説:“這其中的問題是軍方所做的與美國的整體改善與中國雙邊關係的外交目標存在脫節。”
今年3月,時任美國國家安全顧問多尼倫 (Tom Donilon) 在亞洲協會 (Asia Society) 就美國亞太再平衡政策發表講話時説,與中國建立穩定、富有成效和有建設性的關係是美國亞太再平衡政策中一個重要組成部分。美國的亞太再平衡策略一直飽受中國的猜忌和質疑,被認為是美國遏制中國崛起的新冷戰思維。
澳大利亞戰略家、前總理霍克的高級顧問休·懷特 (Hugh White) 不久前在華盛頓就美國亞太再平衡策略發表看法時表示,美中的軍事對抗將是危險的,華盛頓和北京應構建一種你中有我的新格局。他説:“如果亞太沒有這樣一種新格局的話,那麼美中對抗升級的可能性就會變得非常高。這是一種美國和中國之間任何一方都贏不了的對抗。”
美國前卡特政府高級顧問阿米塔伊·伊茲昂尼 (Amitai Etzioni) 不久前在日本《外交家》雜誌 (The Diplomat)上撰文稱,美國五角大樓與2010年正式出臺的“海空一體戰”作戰理論是一種危險的震懾中國不斷崛起軍事實力的軍事戰略。
美國國防部在2010年2月公佈的《四年國防評估》報告中正式確立“海空一體戰”的作戰概念。報告説,美國海軍和空軍正在合作研發一套全新的海空聯合作戰概念,用以擊敗具備先進反介入/區域阻絕作戰能力的對手。 “海空一體戰”戰略被認為是美國直接針對中國解放軍近年來不斷壯大的反介入/區域阻絕作戰能力。美國的軍事戰略家認為,解放軍的反衛星、彈道反艦導彈和網路作戰能力正威脅到美軍在西太平的自由採取行動 (freedom of actions) 和力量投放(power projection)能力。
美國海軍分析中心 (Center for Naval Analysis) 研究員丹尼爾·哈特尼特(Daniel Hartnett)認為,從“海空一體戰”來看,美國軍方的戰略似乎與美國總體的外交策略脫節。他説:“這其中的問題是軍方所做的與美國的整體改善與中國雙邊關係的外交目標存在脫節。”
今年3月,時任美國國家安全顧問多尼倫 (Tom Donilon) 在亞洲協會 (Asia Society) 就美國亞太再平衡政策發表講話時説,與中國建立穩定、富有成效和有建設性的關係是美國亞太再平衡政策中一個重要組成部分。美國的亞太再平衡策略一直飽受中國的猜忌和質疑,被認為是美國遏制中國崛起的新冷戰思維。
澳大利亞戰略家、前總理霍克的高級顧問休·懷特 (Hugh White) 不久前在華盛頓就美國亞太再平衡策略發表看法時表示,美中的軍事對抗將是危險的,華盛頓和北京應構建一種你中有我的新格局。他説:“如果亞太沒有這樣一種新格局的話,那麼美中對抗升級的可能性就會變得非常高。這是一種美國和中國之間任何一方都贏不了的對抗。”
Air-Sea Battle: A
Dangerous Way to Deal with China◎Amitai Etzioni(2013.09.03)http://thediplomat.com/2013/09/03/air-sea-battle-a-dangerous-way-to-deal-with-china/?all=true
Air-Sea Battle seems a
particularly risky response to China’s growing capabilities, and of
questionable necessity.
On the face of it, the
Pentagon’s Air-Sea Battle plan makes eminently good sense; it is a clear response to a clear challenge. China has been
developing a whole slew of weapons (especially anti-ship missiles) over the
past two decades that are of great concern to the U.S. military. These weapons, known in
Pentagon-speak as anti-access/area-denial (A2/AD) capabilities, could undermine
the international
right to free passage in China’s surrounding
waters or, in the case of a conflict over Taiwan or contested islands in the
South and East China Seas, prevent the U.S. from making good on defense
commitments to its friends in the region.
In response, the
Pentagon developed Air-Sea Battle (ASB), the
employment of which entails, according to position papers developed to promote
it, a blistering assault on China’s mainland. A report by the Center for Strategic and
Budgetary Assessments (CSBA) gives a detailed
account of how an ASB-style war with China would unfold. In the opening
“blinding campaign,” the U.S. attacks China’s reconnaissance and
command-and-control networks to degrade the PLA’s ability to target U.S. and
allied forces. Next, the military takes the fight to the Chinese mainland, striking long-range anti-ship
missile launchers. Given that this is where the anti-ship missiles are located, it is only
logical that the U.S. would target land- based platforms. And to go after them,
one of course needs to take out China's air defense systems, command control
centers, and other anti-access weapons. In short, ASB requires a total war
with China.
As word of this plan
spread, it generated a great deal of buzz in defense circles—and considerable
push back. Some in the Army saw ASB
as an attempt by the Air Force and Navy to grab
future missions and a larger share of a
shrinking defense budget. They were somewhat mollified when planners later
carved out more room in the plan for land forces. Others fear that it would lead to an arms race between the U.S. and China
just when both powers must focus on nation building
at home. Still others claim that the same goal could be
achieved by a much less aggressive strategy, such as imposing a blockade
on China. Above all, critics hold
that ASB is highly escalatory and may lead to nuclear war. Defense analyst Raoul
Heinrichs warns that the deep mainland strikes
easily be misconstrued in Beijing as an attempt at
preemptively destroying China’s retaliatory nuclear options. Under
intense pressure, it would be hard to limit a dramatic escalation of such a
conflict, including, in the
worst case, up to and beyond the nuclear threshold.”
Faced with these
objections, the Pentagon, to use the term employed by Colonel T.X. Hammes, a
retired U.S. Marine Corps officer, “walked
back” the plan. Air-Sea Battle’s chief architects argued repeatedly that it is merely
a “concept” and that it was not
designed “for a specific region or adversary.” Pentagon officials repeat that it is not a
“strategy for a specific region or adversary,” and they describe ASB as a tiny
office, only seventeen personnel, charged with improving cross-domain
coordination and operability. However, the “operational concept” has driven
major acquisition decisions and priorities. According to the nonpartisan and highly regarded
Congressional Research Service (CRS), “the Air-Sea Battle concept has prompted
Navy officials to make significant shifts in the
service's FY2014-FY2018 budget plan” towards exactly the sorts of
electronic, cyber, and anti-submarine weapons systems that the war plan for
China calls for.” Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Jonathan Greenert stated that the Air-Sea Battle Office has “more than
200 initiatives” in progress and that the 2011
and 2012 Presidential Budgets included related investments in “anti-submarine
warfare, electronic warfare, air and missile defense, and information sharing”
and that the 2013 budget “sustains these investments and really provides more
resilient C4ISR investments” in line with the dictates of ASB.
As to the Pentagon’s
assertion that the plan is not aimed at a particular adversary—there are only
two countries with advanced A2/AD capabilities: China and
Iran. China is by far the
strongest challenger to unfettered U.S. domination of the seven seas, while
Iran comes in a remote second place, and according to the CBSA, “cannot hope to
match China when it comes to developing an advanced A2/AD network.” When reporters
inevitably ask about ASB’s connection to China, its planners respond that “the inclination to narrow down on a
particular scenario is unhelpful.” Note: Not false or misleading but – unhelpful
to the military’s desired message. Off the record, officials have allowed that “Air-Sea Battle is all about
convincing the Chinese that we will win this competition.”
The main flaw Air-Sea Battle
is not merely that it is a particularly aggressive military response to the
anti-access/area-denial challenge. The problem is that ASB is developing in a foreign
policy vacuum. If the U.S. were to
conduct a thorough review of China’s military capabilities and its regional and
global ambitions—and found that the Chinese were planning to forcefully expand
their territory or unseat the U.S. as the global power, perhaps Air-Sea Battle
might be deemed appropriate.
There are few signs,
however, that China is on this path. China’s leaders have embraced a foreign policy
of “peaceful development” and are moving the
country toward greater
participation in the prevailing world order rather
than trying to undermine it. It participates in the
United Nations where it often
votes “absent” rather exercise its veto
power; it plays by the World Trade Organization rules and increased its
contribution to the IMF; and it has used legitimate channels to resolve
most recent trade and territorial disputes. Moreover, the U.S. and China have surprisingly
many complimentary interests that could
serve as the basis for cooperative relations, including counterterrorism,
economic stability, preventing the spread of pandemics, and environmental
Even if such a review
concluded that a military clash with China was a possibility, then the U.S. would still very likely have the time and space
to pursue alternatives before embracing a strategy as risky as ASB. One possible way forward is a policy
of “Mutually
Assured Restraint” modeled after the Strategic Arms Limitation
Treaty (SALT) between the U.S. and U.S.S.R. Under MAR, the U.S. and China would agree to
place verifiable limits on weapon systems (especially anti-ship, space and
cyber capabilities) and refrain from seeking to pull China neighbors into their
sphere of influence, treating them instead as neutral buffer states.
In contrast, Air-Sea
Battle not only makes war with China more likely; it
shifts attention and resources from where they are needed most—suppressing
the ongoing threat of terrorism in the Middle East and Africa and contributing
to nation building at home. For now, it would be best to turn ASB into what the Pentagon says it is:
the work of a tiny office, with a few officers, laboring to improve
coordination and communication among the services.
Amitai Etzioni is a
university professor and professor of international relations at The George
Washington University. He served as a senior adviser to the Carter White
House and taught at Columbia University, Harvard University, and the University
of California at Berkeley. His latest book is Hot
Spots: American Foreign Policy in a Post-Human-Rights World.