

習不耐 馬軟腳:政治談判,始終如一

習近平在峇里島的APEC發表的迄今為止對台灣最強勢的統一聲明。AP 解讀:習的不耐(暗示不惜以武力促成統一)勢將影響西太平洋穩定的基本盤。


Pressure Mounts on Taiwan for China TalksAP2013.10.07http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/pressure-mounts-taiwan-china-talks-20490136\

Pressure is mounting on Taiwan's weakened president to open political talks with Beijing after Chinese President Xi Jinping told a former senior Taiwanese official that the longstanding division between the sides should not be strung out indefinitely.

Xi's comments Sunday on the sidelines of the APEC summit meeting in Bali, Indonesia represented his strongest statement so far on the Taiwan unification issue, which remains a fundamental cause of instability in the western Pacific.  China insists that the democratic island be brought under its control, and has threatened force to achieve that goal.  The two sides split after a civil war in 1949.

China's official Xinhua news agency quoted Xi as telling former Taiwanese Vice President Vincent Siew that the time had come to achieve much greater progress on the Taiwan-China political track, which has been largely shunted aside by Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou, even as he presses for enhanced economic synergy across the 160-kilometer- (100-mile-) wide Taiwan Strait.

"The longstanding political division between the two sides will have to eventually be resolved step-by-step, and cannot be passed along from generation to generation," Xinhua paraphrased Xi as saying. 著眼長遠,兩岸長期存在的政治分歧問題終歸要逐步解決,總不能將這些問題一代一代傳下去。[1]

Taiwanese media said Siew did not react directly to Xi's comments, saying only that "both sides need greater understanding."

Xi's impatience with the lack of a political dialogue between Beijing and Taipei puts huge pressure on Ma, whose already low standing in public opinion polls has been further weakened by continuing wrangling over his so far futile attempt to dislodge fellow Nationalist Party member Wang Jin-pyng from his position as speaker of Taiwan's legislature.

One of Ma's motives may have been Wang's refusal to push forward with legislative ratification of a wide-ranging agreement between Taiwan and China allowing for the two sides' service industries to operate on the other's territory.  Beijing is believed to be extremely unhappy with the failure to move forward on the service industry deal.

While the service industry agreement represents a top item on Beijing's short-term Taiwan wish list, it sees Taiwan-China political dialogue as the real prize because it believes it will eventually lead to Taiwan's absorption by the far more powerful mainland.  Throughout his 5 ½ years in office, Ma has skirted around the political dialogue issue, mindful of the extremely low support it enjoys among Taiwan's 23 million people, who fear that a Chinese takeover would sound the death knell for their hard-won democratic freedoms.

Ma did speak favorably of trying to sign a formal peace treaty with China during his re-election campaign in late 2011. But charges by the opposition that such a treaty would fatally weaken Taiwan's de facto independence caused him to drop the subject quickly and he hasn't been anywhere near it since.

3 則留言:

  1. 看來山姆大帝也束手無策了。小歐立場已經頗為明顯,手浸盆水,拍拍屁股。如今只能以加強日美同盟防約來展現山姆還活在西太平洋,但卻讓放著台澎隨波逐流了。




    該哭嗎? 連哭爸的立場都沒有了,那更該哭咩!

  2. 算命仙回來參加公民升旗典禮吧

  3. 不知道當天升的是哪一面旗?我認為應該要複合一面(聯合國+ROC)的旗來代表聯合國委託下的自治體(台澎+金門馬祖)。

