


【雙魚之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯
Starting October 1, the Fujian-Taiwan Relations Archives Protection Ordinance came into effect. It appears that China’s cultural united front toward Taiwan will proceed by emphasizing a “Taiwan-Fujian connection” narrative, tracing shared ancestry, and blurring the lines between cultural heritage and political identity. The strategy may even aim to replace political democracy with cultural frameworks.
This approach suggests that Beijing views Taiwan as a local entity under Fujian rather than an equal counterpart of the PRC. Negotiating under such premises amounts to capitulation.
At this critical juncture, Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) Secretary-General Lo Wen-jia, during his October 16 visit to Daqiu Island in the Matsu Islands, announced that the MAC will gift two Formosan sika deer named “Hehe” and “Pingping”—together symbolizing “peace”—to the Fuzhou Zoo. The MAC plans to coordinate with China’s Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits (ARATS) in hopes of fostering peaceful cross-strait relations. While this gesture can be seen as an extension of President Lai Ching-te’s call for peace, it may also mark the first step toward the legal framework for Taiwan-Fujian exchanges.
The consequences of this law’s implementation remain to be seen.










  第一條 為了加強對閩臺關係檔案的保護,守護兩岸共同歷史記憶,發揮閩臺關係檔案在反映兩岸同胞同根同源、同文同種中的作用,深化兩岸融合發展,促進兩岸同胞心靈契合,鑄牢中華民族共同體意識,根據《中華人民共和國檔案法》《中華人民共和國檔案法實施條例》等法律、行政法規,結合本省實際,制定本條例。


盜國? 柯文哲:「法務部、NCC、金管會、財政部、主計處我都要」。

【雙魚之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯

標下京華城的372億從何來? 揭威京集團如何創價換手、點土成金    上報 20241017



【雙魚之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯
The liaison office building, constructed at a cost of 180 billion won, and the railway infrastructure valued at 44.7 billion won, both funded by the Republic of Korea (ROK), served as key symbols of inter-Korean cooperation.  However, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) destroyed the former in June 2020 and demolished the latter on October 15, 2024, for reasons that remain unclear. In response, the ROK has initiated legal proceedings.
Although some may view the legal proceedings as symbolic or ineffective, international law upholds property rights as a core principle that no regime can ignore.  Political dynamics may complicate the situation, but the responsible party must eventually provide compensation—whether monetary or otherwise—to resolve these claims in the long term.

韓國花42億幫忙蓋的!北韓開炸連接道路    NOWnews 20241015


中共入侵漁船人命事件:軍事防衛與海域執法之辨 胡念祖@自由共和國 20240225

【雙魚之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯
Nien-Tsu Alfred Hu, Research Fellow and Adjunct Professor at the Graduate Institute of Marine Affairs, National Chung-Shan University,
published an article analyzing the February 14 incident in the waters around Kinmen, which resulted in the deaths of two Chinese fishermen engaged in illegal activities.
The incident arose from the fact that Kinmen and Matsu, administered by Taiwan, fall within China’s territorial baseline, as defined under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). The overlapping maritime jurisdictions between Taiwan and China have traditionally been managed through mutual understanding and respect. Under this informal arrangement, China refrains from challenging Taiwan’s jurisdiction, while Taiwan focuses on ecological conservation and law enforcement in its limited waters.
However, Beijing’s recent actions under Xi Jinping’s leadership reflect a departure from this tacit understanding, as Xi pursues his goal of “recovering” Taiwan. This assertive behavior is not merely a personal agenda of Xi but is also grounded in legal arguments advanced by the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Article 2 of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone asserts that the Senkaku Islands are part of Taiwan and, consequently, part of the PRC. Based on this legal interpretation, China claims the right to enforce its laws in the waters surrounding Kinmen and Matsu, disregarding the practical realities of overlapping jurisdictions and the established understanding between the two sides.

中共入侵漁船人命事件:軍事防衛與海域執法之辨    胡念祖@自由共和國 20240225



【雙魚之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯
The Keen Sword exercise surpasses the scale of RIMPAC to be the largest in the Indo-Pacific.  Although the 2024 Keen Sword exercise involves 45,000 personnel, it previously reached 46,000 in 2020.
In addition to mobilizing the Self-Defense Forces and U.S. military bases in Japan, this exercise will, for the first time, requisition civilian airports and ports to practice civil defense evacuations, casualty evacuation, and dispersed deployment during emergencies.
Moreover, the U.S. and Japan deployed CV-22 Osprey helicopters for the first time to Yonaguni Island, just 111 kilometers from Taiwan, and transferred HIMARS rocket systems into the military camp on Ishigaki Island, which drives Beijing crazy..

日美「利劍」軍演之戰略意涵 國防院 20201114


想不出更好名稱? 國安人士譏:陸「利劍演習」抄美日    中廣 20241014

賴清德總統雙十國慶演說4天後,大陸解放軍今天(14日)宣布在台灣海峽、台灣本島北、南、東部地區,展開「聯合利劍—2024B」演習。不過「利劍演習」的名稱,疑似是抄襲美國、日本等國行之多年的「利劍」(Keen Sword)演習。日本自衛隊和美軍將在本月23日展開「利劍」軍演,參演人數高達45千人,規模更勝於去年

日美「利劍」軍演之戰略意涵 國防院 20201114

日美「利劍」軍演之戰略意涵    國防院 20201114


20201026日起至115日止,日美啟動「利劍(Keen Sword 21/02 FTX)」軍事演習。這次軍演實施的地點於日本本土、日本周邊的海空域、種子島及臥蛇島。該軍演的主要目的在於日本面臨武力攻擊事態時,自衛隊的相關應變方式和日美共同處置的要領演練,及提升自衛隊對事態處理的立即性和日美相互合作之運用。除了日美實際參與軍演以外,東京的各國武官,例如,英國、澳洲、加拿大、法國、印度、菲律賓及韓國均派員進行觀摩,加拿大更派出皇家海軍溫尼伯號護衛艦(HMCS Winnipeg FFH 338)參與軍演。這次軍演規模甚大,自衛隊派出約37,000名官兵20艘艦艇,170架飛機。而美軍派遣約9,000名官兵,其中包含海軍、空軍、陸軍和海軍陸戰隊。日美共同聯合演習,自1980年度開始舉辦,每年以互換的方式,分別對「實戰演習」及「指揮所」兩項科目實施演練。1986年開始舉辦「利劍」實戰演習以來,今年為第15次。[1]





以軍攻入UN軍營 中共IT組被全殲    大紀元 20241015

今天焦點:以色列炮轟中共軍營 坦克攻入聯合國駐地;以色列網攻伊朗核設施 中共真主黨IT小組被全殲;真主黨無人機襲擊 以精銳旅受重創;中共突發圍台軍演 F-16鎖定共軍殲-15

以色列炮轟中共軍營 坦克攻入聯合國駐地




【雙魚之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯
Due to its limited land area, Taiwan faces significant challenges in expanding its solar energy capacity. This presents the idea of importing green energy from neighboring democratic allies, such as the Philippines or Japan. A relevant example is the ongoing Australia–Asia Power Link (AAPowerLink) project, which connects Australia and Singapore.
For Taiwan, importing green energy from the Philippines, just 300 kilometers away, would be far more feasible than relying on AAPowerLink, which spans 4,300 kilometers.  And the United Kingdom has already established submarine power cables with Belgium, Norway, the Netherlands, and Denmark.

跨洋傳輸電力 環保勝利或能源主權依賴?
「澳洲-亞洲電力連結(AA PowerLink)」計畫


郭智輝為「海外種電」向立委頻道歉 強調半年內可提出較完整計畫    聯合 20241016


「澳洲-亞洲電力連結(AA PowerLink)」計畫

  4,300 公里海底電纜從澳洲輸電新加坡,計畫獲重要進展    科技新報 20240718

全球最大的再生能源和輸電計畫,終於獲得澳洲當地重要環境批准,而這工程有多浩大?以 4,300 公里長的海底電纜,將澳洲豐沛的太陽能電力、穿過印尼輸送到地狹人稠、急需綠電的新加坡。



【雙魚之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯


解密電報:台灣軍售與六項保證 (1982/07/10)    AIT


【雙魚之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯
The deployment of the Chinese Coast Guard vessels to cover PLA’s military operations, known as "grey zone operations," is a key feature of this exercise. The troublesome scenario is: if the Chinese Cost Guard clash with the Taiwan’s military, how should this be handled? Should the Taiwan’s military defend itself against the Coast Guard?

陸萬噸級海警艦首度參與對台行動 並進入馬祖禁限制水域    聯合 20241014





AI用電需求迫切,Google簽核電購買協議!支持興建7座小型核反應爐、6年生產500兆瓦電    今週刊 20241015


Google簽核電購買協議 支持興建七座小型核反應爐

余茂春:臺灣具備國家的條件 賴清德主張「落地生根主義」 RFA 20241014

【雙魚之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯
Miles Yu (余茂春) noted that President Lai Ching-te’s National Day speech emphasized a concept of "Rooted Pragmatism" (落地生根主義) by addressing “The Republic of China has already put down roots in Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen, and Matsu. And the Republic of China and the People’s Republic of China are not subordinate to each other.” While this aligns with former President Tsai Ing-wen's description of "Republic of China, Taiwan" (中華民國台灣), President Lai highlighted that Lai’s framing carries a more dynamic connotation.
Yu further argued that Lai’s reference to "rooting" signifies the post-1950 Government of the Republic of China (GRC), distinct from the 1912-founded Republic of China (ROC).
Yu stressed that recent international academic discourse has shifted away from the traditional debate on whether Taiwan is part of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Instead, the focus has moved towards institutional differences, particularly between democracy and authoritarianism. Accordingly, the United States aligns with democratic Taiwan and sympathizes with its sovereignty amid growing threats from authoritarian expansion.
Yu underscored that if Taiwan is effectively de facto independent, a critical question emerges: how should the international community "recognize" this status? He emphasized that Taiwan must carefully navigate these challenges with strategic wisdom.

余茂春指陳賴總統所稱的「落地生根」,就是1950年之後的GRCthe Government of the Republic of China),而不是1912年以來的ROC

〈台灣關係法〉第15.2條:為本法的目的,「臺灣」一詞將視情況需要,包括:臺灣與附屬島嶼及澎湖列島、這些島上具共同法律地位的人民、法人實體及其餘根據施行於這些島嶼的法律而設立或組成的其他實體及機構,以及197911日以前被美國承認為中華民國的臺灣治理當局,以及任何接替的治理當局(包括政治分支、機構、工具性團體等)。  For purposes of this Act - the term "Taiwan" includes, as the context may require, the islands of Taiwan and the Pescadores, the people on those islands, corporations and other entities and associations created or organized under the laws applied on those islands, and the governing authorities on Taiwan recognized by the United States as the Republic of China prior to January 1, 1979, and any successor governing authorities (including political subdivisions, agencies, and instrumentalities thereof).

賴清德總統113年國慶演講 總統府 20241010

余茂春:臺灣具備國家的條件 賴清德主張「落地生根主義」    RFA 20241014
