

馮京當馬涼 「明顯且即刻的危險」(Clear and Present Danger)不是『直接與即時威脅』(direct and immediate threat)

【雙魚之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯
Professor Lo Shih-hung(羅世宏), the chairman of the Taiwan Fact-Check Center and a professor in the Department of Communication at Chung Cheng University, should exercise greater caution when offering legal opinions, especially since his expertise lies outside the fields of law or political science.

  1. He stated that the deportation of a Chinese spouse advocating for military unification was based on Article 20, Paragraph 1 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), which stipulates, "Any propaganda for war shall be prohibited." This is incorrect. In fact, the legal basis is the "Regulations Governing the Residence, Long-term Residence, or Settlement of People from the Mainland Area in the Taiwan Area Based on Family Dependency," specifically Article 14, Paragraph 1, Item 4, which allows for the revocation of residence permits if there is "a risk of endangering national security or social stability." Therefore, it is not the case that there are no specific penalties, nor does it fall under an "concept of legal uncertainty."
  2. He also advocated "speech involving national security should further prove it poses a 'direct and immediate threat.'"
    In fact, this standard originates from the well-known 1919 U.S. Supreme Court case Schenck v. United States (249 U.S. 47), which established a test for restricting free speech under the First Amendment of the US Constitution. The court ruled that speech could only be limited if it presents a "clear and present danger," particularly in emergency situations involving national security or public order. This decision became a landmark ruling.
    The judgment famously stated: "The most stringent protection of free speech would not protect a man in falsely shouting fire in a theatre and causing a panic. It does not even protect a man from an injunction against uttering words that may have all the effect of force. The question in every case is whether the words used are used in such circumstances and are of such a nature as to create a clear and present danger that they will bring about the substantive evils that Congress has a right to prevent. It is a question of proximity and degree."

To clarify: Professor Lo’s claim of a "direct and immediate threat" may superficially resemble the U.S. Supreme Court’s "clear and present danger" standard, but "direct and immediate threat" is not a classic legal test explicitly named in Supreme Court precedents. In contrast, "clear and present danger" is the more widely recognized term in legal discussions, academic analyses, and specific contexts.


1.  羅說將鼓吹武統的中配遞解出境用的是國際條約ICCPR 20條第1項的「任何鼓吹戰爭的宣傳應予禁止」。錯,其實是〈大陸地區人民在台灣地區依親居留長期居留或定居許可辦法〉,第14條第1項第4款「有危害國家安全或社會安定之虞」得廢除居留許可。所以不是沒有具體罰則,或也不屬於「不確定法律概念」
羅說「牽涉國家安全之言論,更應證明其具『直接與即時威脅』(direct and immediate threat)」。
其實,這個標準是1919年美國聯邦法院在Schenck v. United States249 U.S. 47)案中對於言論自由的標準,必須是在「明顯且即刻的危險」(Clear and Present Danger下,才能限制。尤其是在涉及國家安全或公共秩序的緊急狀態下。此判決成為經典。
要釐清的是:羅教授聲稱的「direct and immediate threat」(直接且即刻的威脅)雖然與美國聯邦最高法院判決「clear and present danger」(明顯且即刻的危險)外觀相似,但「direct and immediate threat」並非最高法院判例中經典的法律測試名稱,反而「clear and present danger」(明顯且即刻的危險)是更廣泛出現在法律討論、學術分析或某些具體情境中。

武統中配「亞亞」離境期限將至!事實查核中心董座:裁定有瑕疵    三立 20250324


20250322 日中外相會談,有講變沒講/沒講變有講

日中外相会談    日本外務省 20250322



【雙魚之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯
Japan, the United States, France and others are conducting combined military exercises, yet Japan won’t allow France’s nuclear-powered aircraft carrier to dock? Japan is truly too hypocritical. Well, then just use the U.S. military facilities at Yokosuka.
It’s probably all for the sake of smoothly holding the Japan-China-South Korea foreign ministers’ meeting, which hasn’t happened in six years, that Japan is choosing to go along with China’s intentions.
In the end, the script for the Japan-China foreign ministers’ talks was, as expected, twisted by China. And issues like the discharge of treated water from the Fukushima plant and the ban on marine products remain stalled as well.
Habitual compliance is never a good strategy. The side that wants to get angry will always find a reason, so Japan really needs to think this over carefully.


日本去年未同意蔡英文訪日 擔憂中方反對    共同社 20250321


與文明為敵 中國首度公開海纜切割器

【雙魚之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯
The Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) public promotion of a submarine cable cutter is a profoundly reckless decision. Undersea cables are not military assets; they are critical infrastructure underpinning global communication, economic stability, and, by extension, human civilization itself. Nations connected to these cables have a vested interest and responsibility to safeguard them due to the tangible benefits they provide. Even countries that do not directly rely on specific cables lack any legitimate reason to target them for destruction.
Consequently, the CCP’s development and open announcement of such a device reveal a deep-seated animosity toward humanity as a whole, effectively positioning all nations as potential adversaries. This move undermines global trust and cooperation, raising serious questions about intent. The immediate concern now centers on implementation: Which vessels will be equipped with these submarine cable cutters? Are these devices designed for flexible installation, potentially adaptable to any ship above a certain tonnage?


中國首度公開海纜切割器 恐動搖全球海權格局    新頭殼 20250323

根據《南華早報》 22 報導,中國首次對外公布其研發的一款緊湊型海底電纜切割器。由於該裝置性能強大,北京如今具備切斷全球通訊網絡影響全球海權格局的能力。


【雙魚之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯
I have noticed the phenomenon where there are Chinese spouses but no Taiwanese husbands in media reports, yet I have not formed any observations or opinions on it.
In practice, no matter how strict the preventive measures are, there will always be individuals who exploit loopholes in the system to enter Taiwan and lie low, waiting for opportunities to carry out propaganda, espionage, sabotage, or influence operations for the CCP. However, a well-designed system can effectively identify them control the depth and scope of such infiltration.


林保華觀點》鬧事中配的老公在哪裡?    林保華@新頭殼 20250323


餐廳相遇同桌吃飯 台美2024與2025「海上不預期相遇」

網傳我「玉山艦」受美軍海上供油 顧立雄:以海上不期而遇規則應處    自由 20250321


19770907〈關於巴拿馬運河永久中立和營運條約〉 Taimocracy翻譯 20250207


19770907〈關於巴拿馬運河永久中立和營運條約〉/ Taimocracy翻譯 20250207

19770907〈巴拿馬運河條約〉 Taimocracy翻譯 20241223

【雙魚之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯

19770907〈巴拿馬運河條約〉 Taimocracy翻譯 20241223



【雙魚之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯
Sir Ka-shing Li’s deal not only encompasses two ports at both ends of the Panama Canal but a massive $22.8 billion transaction that involves the "bundled sale of 43 ports across 23 countries." The impact of this deal is significant: it effectively dismantles the port network of the so-called Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), or at least the part tied to military-civil fusion. This represents a major strategic setback for Xi Jinping, given that the BRI is a flagship initiative he launched.
Equally noteworthy are other developments: Panama’s withdrawal from the BRI, the recent docking of U.S. and Japanese warships at Cambodia’s Ream Naval Base, and the Democratic Republic of Congo inviting U.S. troops to counter China in exchange for access to rare earths and copper resources. These events cannot be viewed as isolated incidents.
The BRI, a strategic plan Xi Jinping has championed since 2013, has now suffered a significant breach, and his fury is understandable—especially as he approaches a potential fourth term, where this could pose a serious obstacle. Failing to secure another term would mean not just stepping down but also facing arrest, death sentence, and confiscation of assets. Consequently, in 2027, Xi might resort to creating a crisis to bolster his grip on power and ensure a smooth path to re-election.
A line from the report, "backed by a large group of elite families dissatisfied with Xi," suggests the existence of a faction within the Chinese Communist Party signaling goodwill toward the U.S.—likely a group also intent on safeguarding their overseas assets. This stance puts them in direct conflict with Xi Jinping.


李嘉誠賣巴拿馬港口涉中共高層政爭    大紀元 20250320


中共批判李嘉誠 傳習親自發動


豈是瘋子,很燒腦的 馬斯克重要訪談:長達兩個小時


台灣有事=先島有事 證據表明,中共覬覦沖繩南方的先島諸島


【雙魚之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯
The Ryukyu Islands were originally divided into three kingdoms: Hokuzan (North Mountain), Chūzan (Middle Mountain), and Nanzan (South Mountain). On July 11, 1854, Commodore Perry signed the Treaty of Amity between the United States and the Ryukyu Kingdom with the Ryukyu government, drafted in both Chinese and English, opening the port of Naha.
At that time, there were two proposed plans: a bipartite division and a tripartite division. In 1878, Japan proposed a bipartite plan—dividing the northern part (including Okinawa Island and its surrounding islands) as Japanese territory, while the southern part (mainly the Miyako and Yaeyama Islands) would belong to the Qing Empire or be granted some form of autonomy. Later, in the early 1880s, it is said that the Qing Empire proposed a tripartite plan—assigning the northern part (Okinawa Island and nearby islands) to Japan; designating the central part (around the Miyako Islands) as a neutral zone or restoring a form of autonomy for the Ryukyu Kingdom; and assigning the southern part (Yaeyama Islands) to the Qing or as a buffer zone. The Qing also suggested an alternative tripartite scheme: the Amami Islands would be ceded to Japan, the Ryukyu Kingdom would be restored in the Okinawa Islands, and the Miyako and Yaeyama Islands would be incorporated into Qing territory.
In 1877, after leaving office, former U.S. President Ulysses S. Grant embarked on a two-year world tour. During this time, Japan requested his mediation in the Ryukyu dispute between the Qing Dynasty and Japan, involving Japan’s bipartite plan and the Qing’s tripartite plan. In the end, no results were achieved.



屏東醫院新醫療大樓 將負戰備及災害應變醫療責任

35.6億打造屏東醫院新醫療大樓 蕭美琴:將負戰備及災害應變醫療    自由 20250315





不再衝第一反台獨?黃安遭點名 吐心聲認:沒必要喊打喊殺    TVBS 20250317


武力威脅中的敵方,不是可原諒或和解的對象 Time matters: An enemy that continues to pose a military threat is not someone to be forgiven or reconciled with.


【雙魚之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯
Hu Min-Jan (胡敏珍), the granddaughter of General Hu Lien (胡璉), has proposed establishing a monument to commemorate PLA soldiers who died during the 1958 invasion of Kinmen (also known as the Second Taiwan Strait Crisis).  It seems to be a good thing, though.
However, Hu Lien was no ordinary figure—he was one of the highest-ranking ROC military officers at the time, serving as Deputy Commander of the Kinmen Defense Command in 1958 and later as Commander of the ROC Army. Given her family background, her actions and statements carry significant weight.
Forgiveness and reconciliation between former enemies are virtues that reflect the humanity and moral values upheld by civilization. However, timing is crucial.
The meetings between Japanese and American veterans of battles such as Saipan and Iwo Jima serve as examples of reconciliation, occurring after decades of peace and mutual acknowledgment of past conflicts. Such gestures are meaningful because they are built on a foundation of lasting peace.
In contrast, when the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the People's Liberation Army (PLA) continue to openly threaten to "wash Taiwan in blood"—a stance they have maintained since 1949—they remain Taiwan’s enemy.
Forgiving the enemy before they abandon their ambitions to invade Taiwan and harm its people is a betrayal of Taiwan itself, not an embodiment of humanity and moral values.
Is Hu Min-Jan's loyalty in question, or is it her intelligence?

胡璉將軍的孫女胡敏珍提議建立一座紀念碑,以紀念在 1958 年入侵金門(也稱為第二次台海危機)期間犧牲的解放軍士兵。這似乎是一件好事?
然而,胡連並不是一個普通的人物——他是當時最高級別的中華民國軍官之一,1958 年擔任金門防衛司令部副司令,後來擔任中華民國陸軍司令。鑒於她的家庭背景,她的行為和言論動見觀瞻
相比之下,當中國共產黨和中國人民解放軍自 1949 年以來持續公開威脅要「血洗台灣」時,他們仍然是台灣的敵方。在敵人放棄侵略台灣和傷害台灣人民的野心之前原諒他們,就是對台灣本身的背叛,而不是對人性和道德價值觀的推崇。胡敏珍是忠誠有問題?還是智力?


【雙魚之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯
In 2018, under the Trump administration, Fu Kun-chi was denied a U.S. visa and asked to provide additional documents. The requested materials included all invalidated passports since 2008, as well as original and translated copies of all judicial records dating back to 1998. This strongly suggested a de facto travel restriction to the U.S.
Conversely, Fu refused to submit the requested documents, possibly to avoid disclosing his travel records to China, Hong Kong, and Macau since 2008. His firm stance may have been a response to the U.S. investigation into events occurring after 2008.


傅崐萁:赴美遭拒發簽證 不屑再去美國    中央社 20180903

20250317 川普盛讚魏哲家,在台灣卻成為不需台灣晶片的假新聞

【雙魚之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯

In a striking coincidence, former U.S. President Donald Trump praised TSMC CEO C.C. Wei in a recent interview. Almost simultaneously, Taiwanese commentator Wu Tzu-chia(吳子嘉) referred to Wei as a "fat and ugly man" during an event hosted by legislator Hsu Chiao-hsin(徐巧芯), where former lawmaker Kuo Cheng-liang(郭正亮) was also present. Shortly after, false reports emerged claiming that Trump expressed no need for Taiwan’s chips.


川普總統訪談 第一部分(有關魏哲家)    FullMeasure 20250317


Sharyl: So you put a tariff on what, for example, to try to counter the milk tariff?  沙麗爾:那麼,你對哪些東西徵收關稅,是為了抵銷牛奶關稅嗎?
Trump: Well, I can put a tariff on anything, but in the case of Canada, I put it on steel and aluminum.  