



AI用電需求迫切,Google簽核電購買協議!支持興建7座小型核反應爐、6年生產500兆瓦電    今週刊 20241015


Google簽核電購買協議 支持興建七座小型核反應爐

余茂春:臺灣具備國家的條件 賴清德主張「落地生根主義」 RFA 20241014

【雙魚之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯
Miles Yu (余茂春) noted that President Lai Ching-te’s National Day speech emphasized a concept of "Rooted Pragmatism" (落地生根主義) by addressing “The Republic of China has already put down roots in Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen, and Matsu. And the Republic of China and the People’s Republic of China are not subordinate to each other.” While this aligns with former President Tsai Ing-wen's description of "Republic of China, Taiwan" (中華民國台灣), President Lai highlighted that Lai’s framing carries a more dynamic connotation.
Yu further argued that Lai’s reference to "rooting" signifies the post-1950 Government of the Republic of China (GRC), distinct from the 1912-founded Republic of China (ROC).
Yu stressed that recent international academic discourse has shifted away from the traditional debate on whether Taiwan is part of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Instead, the focus has moved towards institutional differences, particularly between democracy and authoritarianism. Accordingly, the United States aligns with democratic Taiwan and sympathizes with its sovereignty amid growing threats from authoritarian expansion.
Yu underscored that if Taiwan is effectively de facto independent, a critical question emerges: how should the international community "recognize" this status? He emphasized that Taiwan must carefully navigate these challenges with strategic wisdom.

余茂春指陳賴總統所稱的「落地生根」,就是1950年之後的GRCthe Government of the Republic of China),而不是1912年以來的ROC

〈台灣關係法〉第15.2條:為本法的目的,「臺灣」一詞將視情況需要,包括:臺灣與附屬島嶼及澎湖列島、這些島上具共同法律地位的人民、法人實體及其餘根據施行於這些島嶼的法律而設立或組成的其他實體及機構,以及197911日以前被美國承認為中華民國的臺灣治理當局,以及任何接替的治理當局(包括政治分支、機構、工具性團體等)。  For purposes of this Act - the term "Taiwan" includes, as the context may require, the islands of Taiwan and the Pescadores, the people on those islands, corporations and other entities and associations created or organized under the laws applied on those islands, and the governing authorities on Taiwan recognized by the United States as the Republic of China prior to January 1, 1979, and any successor governing authorities (including political subdivisions, agencies, and instrumentalities thereof).

賴清德總統113年國慶演講 總統府 20241010

余茂春:臺灣具備國家的條件 賴清德主張「落地生根主義」    RFA 20241014


Comet C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS(紫金山-阿斯特拉彗星)


G / D 找中文翻譯

星期專論》中國對水下權力平衡的衝擊    費學禮(Richard D. Fisher, Jr. 20241013


CMSI翻譯#7保障戰略安全:專家探討中國戰略核潛艇實現持續執勤    國倉,〈戰略安全保障:專家討論中國戰略核潛艇實現持續執勤〉,CMSI Translation7(羅德島州紐波特:海軍戰爭學院中國海事研究院,2024 9 30 )。 20240930



來自 CMSI 主任、美國海軍上校 Christopher H. Sharman(退休):

這個翻譯太豐富了!對於任何對中國潛艇行動 (特別是戰略核潛艇、中國的海上目標以及中國的嚇阻計劃和意圖) 感興趣的人來說,這是一本必讀之書!

CMSI直接從《兵工科技》的版面為 您帶來了對曾在海軍潛艇學院任教的前海軍潛艇軍官遲國倉的採訪翻譯。

在這篇文章中,遲先生討論了中國戰略核武力量如何實現「持續戰備值班」。他將其定義為在任何天氣和環境條件下每天 24 小時維持核「三位一體」的能力。對於中國海軍的核潛艇部隊來說, 這意味著多艘彈道飛彈核潛艇共同支援至少一艘經過技術訓練和指揮控制的彈道飛彈核潛艇,使其始終處於海上待命狀態,以發揮戰略嚇阻作用。



【雙魚之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯
On October 14, 2024, the Chinese Communist Party conducted an unannounced military exercise, concluding it unexpectedly after a press conference held by the Ministry of National Defense. The three military exercises surrounding Taiwan not only serve to demonstrate military capabilities but also incur long-term political costs that the CCP may find difficult to bear. Notably, during the press conference, the legal department emphasized the view under international maritime law that "the Taiwan Strait is considered international waters," followed by the presentation of surveillance photographs.

PRC Military Drills Near Taiwan    DOS 20241013

The United States is seriously concerned by the People’s Liberation Army joint military drills in the Taiwan Strait and around Taiwan. The PRC response with military provocations to a routine annual speech is unwarranted and risks escalation.  美國對中國人民解放軍在臺灣海峽和臺灣周邊地區舉行的聯合軍事演習表示嚴重關切。中國對例行年度演講回以軍事挑釁是不當的,並且有升級的風險。

We call on the PRC to act with restraint and to avoid any further actions that may undermine peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait and in the broader region, which is essential to regional peace and prosperity and a matter of international concern. We continue to monitor PRC activities and coordinate with allies and partners regarding our shared concerns.  我們呼籲中華人民共和國採取克制行動,避免採取任何可能破壞臺灣海峽和更廣泛地區和平與穩定的進一步行動,這對地區和平與繁榮至關重要,也是國際關注的問題。我們繼續關注中國的活動,並與盟友和夥伴就我們共同的關切進行協調。

The United States remains committed to its longstanding one China policy, guided by the Taiwan Relations Act, the three Joint Communiqués, and the Six Assurances.  美國繼續致力於以〈台灣關係法〉(Taiwan Relations Act)、三個聯合公報和〈六項保證〉為指導的一中國政策。



摩薩德給情報 烏轟伊朗運俄400導彈、無人機 新頭殼 20241011

【雙魚之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯

以軍、烏軍聯手了!摩薩德給情報 烏轟伊朗運俄400導彈、無人機    新頭殼 20241011


柬埔寨雲壤 以持續輪駐閃避外國基地的指責

【雙魚之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯
柬埔寨雲壤 以持續輪駐閃避外國基地的指責

「一帶一路」下的「中國租界」:柬埔寨七星海特區幕後的中國企業 BBC 20230928
「解放軍進駐柬埔寨,未來恐礙美軍馳援台灣」《華爾街日報》揭露中柬簽訂軍事合作密約 風傳媒 20190722

柬埔寨雲壤:中國在這裏擁有一個永久軍備基地了嗎?    BBC 20241009


UA高雄飛成田 美日的「第五航權」

【雙魚之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯

東京直飛小港 美國人玩「第五航權」 背後藏玄機    王嘉慶 20241011

美國聯合航空(United Airlines10日宣布,將於2025年夏季新增8個航點,其中包括高雄小港機場,新航線直飛東京成田機場,消息一出不少中南部民眾大喊歡迎。航空學者認為,聯航插旗南台灣,可提供更多元選擇,甚至刺激機票降價,不過屆時聯航「要怎麼飛」,值得後續觀察。


【雙魚之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯
Shortly after President Lai delivered his National Day speech, SNALI, a Taiwan-based news outlet, published a report discussing why Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek (CKS) chose Taiwan, rather than Sichuan or Hainan, as his retreat destination from mainland China. The report claimed that CKS followed the advice of his key strategist, Chang Chi-yun, in making Taiwan his ultimate stronghold.
There had already been considerable debates surrounding this decision. Even before the final retreat, the Central government's gold reserves, treasures from the Palace Museum, and military assets from the US during the Pacific War had been transferred to Taiwan. This move signified that the CKS-led entity was not merely establishing an exile government but positioning itself as the legitimate military government recognized by the international community, a status CKS had earned on September 2, 1945, from the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers (SCAP). CKS opted to solidify this role, aligning Taiwan with the U.S. and the United Nations.
The intriguing aspect of SNALI’s report is its focus on integrating Taiwan’s diverse historical experiences after 1950, a theme echoed in President Lai’s and Legislative Yuan Speaker Han Guo-yu’s National Day addresses.

讓蔣介石退守台灣是他後還在台灣創辦了一所大學    三立 20241012



北約秘書長呂特:烏克蘭可合法打擊俄羅斯境內目標 中央社 20241010

【雙魚之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯
這就是源頭打擊,就是戰爭法的軍事必要性(military necessity
Doorstep statement 新任北約秘書長訪倫敦在首相官邸前階梯聲明 NATO 20241010 / Taimocracy翻譯

北約秘書長呂特:烏克蘭可合法打擊俄羅斯境內目標    中央社 20241010

北大西洋公約組織(NATO新任秘書長呂特Mark Rutte)今天在訪問英國期間表示,就法律層面而言,烏克蘭可打擊俄羅斯境內目標,至於是否允許烏方使用西方軍援武器這麼做,交由個別國家決定

Doorstep statement 新任北約秘書長訪倫敦在首相官邸前階梯聲明 NATO 20241011 / Taimocracy翻譯

Doorstep statement  新任北約秘書長訪倫敦在首相官邸前階梯聲明    20241011 / Taimocracy翻譯

by NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte outside Number 10 Downing Street

NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte: Good to see you. I had very good talks with, of course, the trilat together with President Zelenskyy and Prime Minister Starmer, and then after that, my bilat with the Prime Minister.  很高興見到你。當然,我與三方會談、澤倫斯基總統和斯塔默總理進行了很好的會談,然後是我與首相的會談。

俄羅斯稱“核五國”將很快在紐約開會 法廣 20241011

【雙魚之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯
202213日,五大核武國家簽署〈五個核武器國家領導人關於防止核戰爭與避免軍備競賽的聯合聲明〉[1] Joint Statement of the Leaders of the Five Nuclear-Weapon States on Preventing Nuclear War and Avoiding Arms Races,聲明的基礎是:認識與同意「核戰爭不可能贏,也絕不能打」(a nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought[2];其餘主要內容為:避免核武國家間爆發戰爭和減少戰略風險,包括核武只能服務於防禦目的;嚇阻侵略和防止戰爭;防止核武進一步擴散;防止核武未經授權或意外使用;不將核武瞄準彼此或其他任何國家等。但聲明剛簽完俄國隨即發動侵略戰爭,考慮此,我們可感受到大國戰前的不安與管控戰爭不使之升級的用心。


俄羅斯稱核五國將很快在紐約開會    法廣 20241011