


Brzezinski 只能算是學院式的戰略設計者,對於日常的外交與軍事實務(包括骯髒),看起來是陌生的。


布熱津斯基在提到台灣時使用了「福爾摩沙」一詞。布熱津斯基說,「我沒有意識到自己用了這個詞。我用了嗎?」他笑說,「我一定是舌頭打結了。(My tongue ought to be funny.)」
It seems to me that Brzezinski and his colleagues have reviewed Formosa and the Pescadores issue since 1945 thoroughly.

曾任美國國家安全顧問的著名國際關係學家布熱津斯基(Zbigniew Brzezinski)周五(102日) 表示,中美兩國應該小心不要做不必要的事情刺激對方,同時他認為應避免讓南海問題成為兩國間的核心議題。


這位卡特總統時期的國家安全顧問說,這些次級問題(secondary issues在心理層面和政治層面都是很重要的。「我不願設想,如果發生意外,造成有人喪生,在中國會造成多大的政治反應。」布熱津斯基說,中美兩國都應該問問自己,是否正在做一些不必要的事情在刺激對方。





一個小插曲是布熱津斯基在提到台灣時使用了「福爾摩沙」一詞。當有觀眾問到他使用這個詞指代台灣是否背後有深意時,布熱津斯基說,「我沒有意識到自己用了這個詞。我用了嗎?」他笑說,「我一定是舌頭打結了。(My tongue ought to be funny.)」

同場出席座談的CSIS總裁、美國前國防部副部長何慕理(John Hamre)在評價習近平對美國的國事訪問時,說他認為這次訪問「還可以(OK)」,但並不認為這次訪問太出彩(brilliant)。




1 則留言:

  1. ズビグネフ・K・ブレジンスキー曰く「FORMOSA DISGUSTING」?

    When broaching the subject of how much of an irritant the US's constant intelligence monitoring activities along China’s eastern seaboard represents to Beijing , Dr. Brzezinski mentions “Formosa” at 30’:45” before he immediately corrects himself.

    “. . . This is a very serious problem.

    We have our naval ships sailing very close to Chinese territorial waters. Why? Because that’s an arrangement we had when we recognized Formosa — Taiwan — as the legitimate government of China. And while we no longer do, for realistic reasons. And I was deeply involved in that shift, which had the benefit of creating an opening for the kind of warm, comprehensive relation we now have with the Chinese, which at one point even involved an alliance, de facto, secretly against the Russians.

    I do feel that it is a little antiquated and one-sided. And I could see that also producing some very serious incident.. . .”

    Later on, at the start of the questions session from 43’:00” on, Chris Nelson, from the “Nelson Report”, brings up the issue of Dr. Brzezinski’s slip of tongue over Formosa-Taiwan.

    In the ensuing banter,
    Dr. Brzezinski (laughing): But I am not aware of the fact that I used the world. Did I ever use the word?
    Dr. Hamre: Yes, you used “Formosa”. But that’s alright. . . .
    Dr. Brzezinski/ That’s sooo DISGUSTING!! My tongue ought to be funny.”

    What is so unpalatable about a geographical name that helped put that western Pacific island on the world map?

    Then, from 44’:30” on, Chris Nelson presses on with his Taiwan-related question . . . .
    (To be continued. . . or may be not. However, I would urge you to pay the utmost attention to Chris Nelson’s question and what the good doktor has to say — ugh! — of the future of China-Taiwan relations. And if understand you as I understand myself, you are not going to like it a bit.

    Dr. Brzezinski might stand head and shoulders over his compatriots in understanding the affairs of this world. About Formosan affairs, however, he does not understand a thing.

