

台灣有事=先島有事 證據表明,中共覬覦沖繩南方的先島諸島


【雙魚之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯
The Ryukyu Islands were originally divided into three kingdoms: Hokuzan (North Mountain), Chūzan (Middle Mountain), and Nanzan (South Mountain). On July 11, 1854, Commodore Perry signed the Treaty of Amity between the United States and the Ryukyu Kingdom with the Ryukyu government, drafted in both Chinese and English, opening the port of Naha.
At that time, there were two proposed plans: a bipartite division and a tripartite division. In 1878, Japan proposed a bipartite plan—dividing the northern part (including Okinawa Island and its surrounding islands) as Japanese territory, while the southern part (mainly the Miyako and Yaeyama Islands) would belong to the Qing Empire or be granted some form of autonomy. Later, in the early 1880s, it is said that the Qing Empire proposed a tripartite plan—assigning the northern part (Okinawa Island and nearby islands) to Japan; designating the central part (around the Miyako Islands) as a neutral zone or restoring a form of autonomy for the Ryukyu Kingdom; and assigning the southern part (Yaeyama Islands) to the Qing or as a buffer zone. The Qing also suggested an alternative tripartite scheme: the Amami Islands would be ceded to Japan, the Ryukyu Kingdom would be restored in the Okinawa Islands, and the Miyako and Yaeyama Islands would be incorporated into Qing territory.
In 1877, after leaving office, former U.S. President Ulysses S. Grant embarked on a two-year world tour. During this time, Japan requested his mediation in the Ryukyu dispute between the Qing Dynasty and Japan, involving Japan’s bipartite plan and the Qing’s tripartite plan. In the end, no results were achieved.



