


【雙魚之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯
It is evident that the United States is aware of the People's Liberation Army Navy's (PLAN) intention to utilize the sea lanes through the Philippine Archipelago for access to and from the South Pacific region.
In response, the Philippines has passed new legislation, including the Philippine Archipelagic Sea Lanes Act and The Philippine sea areas Act, aimed at establishing a robust legal framework to defend its maritime sovereignty. This framework is designed to counter the potential misuse of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) by foreign actors, namely China.
The next step for the Philippines is to designate specific seaplanes, and enhance its maritime enforcement capabilities, whether through its Coast Guard, Navy, or in collaboration with strategic partners.
It is anticipated that China will soon adopt a similar approach, enacting new laws to assert control over maritime zones in the South China Sea. Such actions would likely infringe upon the fundamental interests of the stakeholders in and out the region, further complicating the geopolitical landscape.



菲律賓擬劃定海上航線,加強對中國的主權    SCMP 20241008 / Taimocracy翻譯



據參議院議長弗朗西斯奇茲埃斯庫德羅稱,菲律賓群島海道 (ASL) 法案以及配套措施《菲律賓海域法案》上個月獲得國會批准,目前正等待總統小費迪南德馬可仕簽署。






菲律賓和中國在南海有長期的主權爭議。2016 年海牙法庭的一項裁決駁回了北京所謂的九段線,稱其沒有法律依據。但中國拒絕接受這項裁決,稱其為非法,這導致中國和菲律賓船隻之間發生多次對抗。

參與 2016 年仲裁的海事法和安全專家小亨利·本蘇托 (Henry Bensurto Jnr) 表示,菲律賓的兩項新法律將同時發揮作用。













一位因無權接受媒體採訪而要求匿名的政府消息人士表示,目前三條海道應該足夠了,並指出世界上最大的群島印尼在 1996 年僅向國際海事組織提交了三條海道




Philippines moves to define sea routes, strengthening sovereignty against China    SCMP 20241008

The Philippine Archipelagic Sea Lanes Act and Maritime Zones Act aim to bolster enforcement against unauthorised foreign vessels

The Philippines is poised to approve a landmark law that designates specific sea and air routes for foreign vessels and aircraft within its archipelagic waters, directly challenging China’s expansive claims in the South China Sea.

The Philippine Archipelagic Sea Lanes (ASL) Act – and companion measure the Philippine Maritime Zones Act – were approved by Congress last month and are now just awaiting President Ferdinand Marcos Jnr’s signature, according to Senate President FrancisChizEscudero.

The measures will then be submitted to the United Nations in line with the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (Unclos), which establishes the legal framework for nations’ maritime rights and responsibilities, Escudero told This Week in Asia.

He emphasised that the final version of the sea lanes bill does not impose penalties for violations or charge foreign vessels for using the routes. Enforcement will be handled by the Philippine coastguard, a civilian agency, “so as not to stoke feelings of war” and avoid escalating tensions with China, he said.

During a public hearing in February, Foreign Secretary Enrique Manalo described how the laws would strengthen Manila’s sovereign rights.

“By aligning the Maritime Zones Law, the ASL Law, the arbitral award, and Unclos, the Philippines would establish a stronger legal basis to defend and assert sovereign rights,” he said.

“This alignment would not only strengthen the country’s adherence to international law but also gain more support from the international community.”

The Philippines and China have long-standing competing claims in the South China Sea. A 2016 tribunal ruling in The Hague dismissed Beijing’s so-called nine-dash line as having no legal basis. But China has refused to accept the ruling, calling it “illegitimate”, which has led to numerous confrontations between Chinese and Philippine vessels.

The Philippines’ two new laws would work in tandem, according to maritime law and security expert Henry Bensurto Jnr, who took part in the 2016 arbitration.

The Maritime Zones Act delineates the country’s sea territory into five zones, with the innermost zone classified as “archipelagic waters”, said Bensurto, currently Manila’s ambassador to Turkey.

Only nation states composed of archipelagos like the Philippines or Indonesia can implement the concepts of “archipelagic waters” and “archipelagic sea lanes” under UNCLOS, he told This Week in Asia.

Without designated sea lanes, other nations could navigate freely and “exercise the right of way anywhere” within the Philippines’ archipelagic waters, which “creates an opportunity” for unregulated foreign activities in these waters, he said.

Chinese research vessels have previously exploited the lack of designated sea lanes to conduct surveys within the Philippines’ archipelagic waters while their transponders were turned off, Bensurto said. In April and May, for instance, the Chinese-flagged Shen Kuo was monitored by the Philippine military taking an “erratic track” and “loitering” suspiciously near northeastern Catanduanes island.

A reconnaissance plane of the Philippine Air Force photographed the vessel using “unidentified equipment, probably for scientific research or studies”, navy spokesman Commodore Roy Vincent Trinidad said, adding that such “erratic behaviour” signalled the possibility of China conducting “maritime research, for whatever reason”.

The new ASL law aims to restrict such activities by confining foreign vessels and aircraft to designated archipelagic sea lanes.

The legislation specifies three initial ASLs, with the sitting Philippine president empowered to adjust this number. The first route traverses from the Philippine Sea through the Balintang Channel to the West Philippine Sea – Manila’s name for the parts of the South China Sea that it claims – while the other two paths begin in the Celebes Sea before also exiting into the West Philippine Sea.

The second ASL passes through the Sibutu Passage, Sulu Sea, Cuyo East Pass and Mindoro Strait. The third, meanwhile, traverses the Basilan Strait, Sulu Sea, Nasubata Channel and Balabac Strait.

Philippines and China trade blame over confrontation in South China Sea

The bill adheres to Unclos, allowing for the “right of innocent passage” for commercial vessels and warships, provided their transponders are activated. “Foreign nuclear-power ships and ships carrying inherently dangerous or noxious substances” are also allowed, but these have to “carry documents and observe precautionary measures”, according to the wording of the bill.

However, military exercises in archipelagic waters are prohibited unless covered by existing international defence agreements. Additionally, foreign marine research vessels are barred from conducting surveys “while exercising the right of archipelagic sea lanes passage”.

Three ASLs should be sufficient for now, said a government source who requested anonymity because they were not authorised to speak to the media, pointing out that Indonesia, the world’s largest archipelago, had submitted only three ASLs to the International Maritime Organization in 1996.

It remains unclear whether Marcos Jnr will sign the two bills into law before attending the Asean-China Summit in Laos, which begins on Thursday.

Foreign Affairs Assistant Secretary Daniel Espiritu confirmed on Friday last week that Marcos Jnr would “definitely” address China’s aggression in the West Philippine Sea during the meeting.



