

賴清德戳戳 中俄同盟,越來越有影子

President Lai Ching-te has exposed the CCP’s expansionism, disguised under the cloak of Chinese nationalism. Interestingly, Russia stepped in to rebuke Lai—quite a curious development!

The move suggests that Russia is more eager to "defend" the CCP’s national disgrace. But why?

The answer lies in Russia's unprecedented decision to allow Chinese military aircraft to operate from Anadyr Air Base in Siberia's eastmost.  Russia seeks to collaborate with China to counterbalance the United States, primarily to alleviate the pressing situation on the Ukrainian front.

In other words, Russia aims to link two theaters of conflict. The next question is: what is the cost of Russia, and what is being prevented?

This brings us back to the early days of the invasion of Ukraine: will China seize the opportunity to take control of Eastern Siberia, either through direct military occupation or by establishing a puppet state?

In any case, by allowing China access to its military bases and jointly patrolling the Arctic seas, while involving China in restraining the United States. However, Russia faces long-term costs, while the CCP can afford to bide its time, waiting for its national strength to grow.

The situation has reverted to the fundamental geopolitical dynamic between the Heartland and the Rimland.


