

光電過量 拔插頭或儲能

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鳳山擬設全台最大儲能廠 居民質疑審核不透明且鄰住宅區    公視 20230305

China Stops Publishing Data Highlighting Solar Power Constraints 中國停止發佈強調太陽能發電限制的數據    Bloomberg 20240701

China appears to have stopped publishing data that highlight the extent to which power generated by solar and wind plants is being wasted as rapid renewable energy expansion runs up against constrained grids.  中國似乎已經停止發佈數據,這些數據凸顯了太陽能和風能發電廠產生的電力被浪費的程度,因為可再生能源的快速擴張與受限的電網相抵觸。

The National Energy Administration typically publishes a monthly power report that includes a section detailing average utilization for each generating source. For much of this year, the figures had pointed to reduced solar panel usage, as overloaded networks forced them to shut down during peak generating hours.  國家能源局通常會發佈一份月度電力報告,其中包括詳細說明每個發電源平均利用率的部分。在今年的大部分時間里,這些數位都表明太陽能電池板的使用量有所減少,因為過載的網路迫使它們在發電高峰時段關閉

Yet the most recent edition, published Friday for the period through May, included only average utilization for all sources. The NEA didn’t respond to faxed questions about the missing data.  然而,截至5月的週五出版的最新版本僅包括所有來源的平均利用率。國家能源局沒有回應有關丟失數據的傳真問題。

China's Solar Power Usage Has Been Falling中國的太陽能使用量一直在下降

NEA data this year has highlighted growing grid constraints國家能源局今年的數據凸顯了日益增長的電網限制

  • 2023
  • 2024

Jan.-Feb.MarchApril050100150200182 hours16812111111294

Source: National Energy Administration資料來源:國家能源局

China has a track record of quietly ceasing to disclose numbers that shine a light on trouble spots in its economy, such as when it temporarily stopped releasing its youth jobless rate last year, after soaring numbers made international headlines.中國有悄悄停止披露暴露其經濟問題的數字的記錄,例如去年在飆升的數位成為國際頭條新聞後,中國暫時停止發佈青年失業率。

Read more: China Is Hiding More and More Data From the Rest of the World閱讀更多:中國向世界其他地區隱瞞越來越多的數據

When it comes to clean energy, Beijing usually has nothing to hide. China leads the world in the deployment of renewable power, and has built supply chains for solar panels, batteries and electric vehicles that have lowered the price of the key transition technologies globally.  談到清潔能源,北京通常沒有什麼好隱瞞的。中國在再生能源的部署方面處於世界領先地位,並建立了太陽能電池板、電池和電動車的供應鏈,降低了全球關鍵轉型技術的價格。

But as that success has tangled these industries in international trade disputes, Chinese leaders have stepped in to protect what they see as vital economic growth engines. That includes by creating strong demand for panels and turbines — even after record installations last year left power grids in certain areas struggling with too much generation during peak daytime hours that then disappears at night.  但由於這項成功使這些產業陷入國際貿易爭端,中國領導人已介入保護他們認為至關重要的經濟成長引擎。這包括創造對面板和渦輪機的強勁需求——即使去年創紀錄的安裝量導致某些地區的電網在白天高峰時段發電過多,然後在夜間消失

The NEA usage data so far this year had highlighted those struggles. The average panel generated electricity for about 373 hours over the first four months of the year, a tenth lower than the same period of 2023, in a sign that overloaded networks are forcing some panels to unplug in peak daytime hours, a process known as curtailment.NEA  今年迄今的使用數據凸顯了這些困難。今年前四個月,太陽能板平均發電時間約為373 小時,比2023 同期減少十分之一,這表明超載的網路正迫使一些太陽能電池板在白天高峰時段拔掉電源,這一過程被稱為限電

Soaring curtailment rates during an earlier, more modest solar boom in the mid-2010s led to restrictions on new builds that caused installations to crash after 2017. The government is trying to allay fears of a repeat, vowing continued support of both rooftop and large-scale projects and promising to construct more power lines and energy storage plants.  2010 年代中期早期、較為溫和的太陽能熱潮期間,棄電率飆升,導致對新建項目的限制,導致 2017 年後安裝量崩潰。政府正試圖減輕對重蹈覆轍的擔憂,誓言繼續支援屋頂和大型專案,並承諾建造更多的電力線和儲能工廠

Beijing has already changed its rules to allow renewable plants to have as much as 10% of their generation curtailed, compared with a previous cap of 5%, meaning more wind and solar can still be deployed even in places where the grid would normally have been deemed overcrowded.  北京已經修改了規則,允許可再生能源電廠削減多達10%的發電量,而之前的上限為5%,這意味著即使在電網通常被認為過度擁擠的地方,仍然可以部署更多的風能和太陽能



