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污了100座北京城!美544法案將立法 中國高官及家屬在美資產藏不住....新頭殼 20240520

美國近期通過 544 號法案,將公佈中國高官及其家屬在美資產,其涉及總金額竟相當 100 座北京市的 GDP

X(前推特)帳號「羅翔」今(20)日發文表示,中國高官及其家屬在美資產,涉及總金額高達 62 兆美元(約 1,998 3,840 億台幣),大約是 420 兆人民幣(約 1,872 4,501 億台幣)。而 2022 年時北京市 GDP 不到 4.2 兆人民幣(約 18 7,245 億台幣),代表中國高官及其家屬在美資產相當於 100 座北京市的 GDP

值得注意的是,美國 544 號法案尚未成為法律。該法案已在眾議院的金融服務委員會和外交委員會通過,但尚未完成整個立法程式,即通過參議院和總統簽署。




A Bill

To deter Chinese aggression towards Taiwan by requiring the Secretary of the Treasury to publish a report on financial institutions and accounts connected to senior officials of the People’s Republic of China, to restrict financial services for certain immediate family of such officials, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,






This Act may be cited as the “Taiwan Conflict Deterrence Act of 2023.

第一節: 短標題



(a) Financial Institutions Report.—

(1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 90 days after the date that the President, pursuant to section 3(c) of the Taiwan Relations Act (22 U.S.C. 3302(c)), informs the Congress of a threat resulting from actions of the People’s Republic of China and any danger to the interests of the United States arising therefrom, and annually thereafter for 3 years, the Secretary of the Treasury shall submit a report to the appropriate Members of Congress containing the following:

(A) With respect to each of at least 10 natural persons described under subsection (b), at least 1 of whom is a natural person listed under paragraph (1) of such subsection (b) and at least 1 of whom is a natural person listed under paragraph (2) of such subsection (b), the estimated total funds that are held in financial institutions and are under direct or indirect control by such natural person and a description of such funds.

(B) A list of any financial institutions that—

(i) maintain an account in connection with significant funds described in subparagraph (A); or

(ii) otherwise provide significant financial services to a natural person covered by the report.

(2) BRIEFING REQUIRED.—Not later than 30 days after submitting a report described under paragraph (1), the Secretary of the Treasury, or a designee of the Secretary, shall provide to the appropriate Members of Congress an unclassified or classified briefing (as determined appropriate by the Secretary) on the funds covered by the report, including a description of how the funds were acquired, and any illicit or corrupt means employed to acquire or use the funds.

(3) EXEMPTIONS.—The requirements described under paragraph (1) may not be applied with respect to a natural person or a financial institution, as the case may be, if the President determines:

(A) The funds described under paragraph (1)(A) were primarily acquired through legal and noncorrupt means.

(B) The natural person has agreed to provide significant cooperation to the United States for an important national security purpose with respect to China.

(C) A financial institution has agreed to—

(i) no longer maintain an account described under paragraph (1)(B)(i);

(ii) no longer provide significant financial services to a natural person covered by the report; or

(iii) provide significant cooperation to the United States for an important national security purpose with respect to China.

(4) WAIVER.—The President may waive any requirement described under paragraph (1) with respect to a natural person or a financial institution upon reporting to the appropriate Members of Congress that—

(A) the waiver would substantially promote the objective of ending the threat described under paragraph (1);

(B) the threat described under paragraph (1) is no longer present; or

(C) the waiver is essential to the national security interests of the United States.

(b) Natural Persons Described.—The natural persons described in this subsection are persons who, at the time of a report, are the following:

(1) A member of the Politburo Standing Committee of the Chinese Communist Party.

(2) A member of the Politburo of the Chinese Communist Party that is not described under paragraph (1).

(3) A member of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party that—

(A) is none of the foregoing; and

(B) performs any official duty that directly or indirectly affects Taiwan.

(c) Form Of Reports; Public Availability.—

(1) FORM.—The reports required under paragraphs (1) and (4) of subsection (a) shall be submitted in unclassified form but may contain a classified annex.

(2) PUBLIC AVAILABILITY.—The Secretary of the Treasury shall make the unclassified portion of the report required under subsection (a)(1) available to the public on the website and social media accounts of the Department of the Treasury—

(A) in English, Chinese, and any other language that the Secretary finds appropriate; and

(B) in precompressed, easily downloadable versions that are made available in all appropriate formats.


第二節 關於與某些中國政府官員有關的金融機構和帳戶的報告


( 1 )一般情況。每年向適當的國會議員提交一份報告,其中包含以下內容:

(A) 對於 (b) 款所述的至少 10 名自然人中的每一位,其中至少 1 名是該 (b) 款第 (1) 款所列的自然人,並且其中至少 1 名是自然人(b) 小節第(2) 款所列的個人、在金融機構中持有並由該自然人直接或間接控制的估計資金總額以及此類資金的說明。

(B) 任何符合下列條件的金融機構的清單:

 (i) 維持與(A)項所述的重大資金相關的帳戶;或者

 (ii) 以其他方式向報告所涵蓋的自然人提供重要的金融服務。


(3)豁免-如果總統確定以下情況,則第 (1) 款所述的要求可能不適用於自然人或金融機構(視情況而定):

(A) (1)(A) 款所述資金主要透過合法和廉潔手段取得。

(B) 該自然人同意為對中國的重要國家安全目的向美國提供重要合作。

(C) 金融機構已同意

 (i) 不再保留第 (1)(B)(i) 段所述的帳戶;

 (ii) 不再向報告所涵蓋的自然人提供重要的金融服務;或者

 (iii) 為對中國的重要國家安全目的向美國提供重要合作。


 (A) 豁免將大大促進結束第 (1) 款所述威脅的目標;

 (B) (1) 款所述的威脅不再存在;或者

 (C) 豁免對美國的國家安全利益至關重要。





 (A) 不屬於上述任何一項;和

 (B) 履行任何直接或間接影響台灣的公務


(1)格式-(a) 小節 (1) (4) 款要求的報告應以非保密形式提交,但可包含保密附件。

(2) 公開發布。

(A) 英文、中文和部長認為適當的任何其他語言;和

(B) 以所有適當格式提供的預先壓縮、易於下載的版本。



(a) In General.—The Secretary of the Treasury shall prohibit a United States financial institution, and any person owned or controlled by a United States financial institution, from engaging in a significant transaction with—

(1) a natural person covered by a report made under section 2(a); and

(2) the immediate family of a person described under paragraph (1), if the Secretary finds that such immediate family benefits from funds described in the report.

(b) Exceptions.—

(1) EXCEPTION FOR INTELLIGENCE, LAW ENFORCEMENT, AND NATIONAL SECURITY ACTIVITIES.—Subsection (a) shall not apply with respect to any intelligence, law enforcement, or national security activity of the United States.

(2) WAIVER.—The President may waive the application of subsection (a) with respect to a person upon reporting to the appropriate Members of Congress that—

(A) the waiver would substantially promote the objective of ending the threat described under section 2(a)(1);

(B) the threat described under section 2(a)(1) is no longer present; or

(C) the waiver is essential to the national security interests of the United States.

(3) FORM OF REPORTS.—The reports required under paragraph (2) shall be submitted in unclassified form but may contain a classified annex.


(A) IN GENERAL.—Nothing in this section shall be construed as authorizing or requiring any sanction with respect to the importation of any good.

(B) GOOD DEFINED.—In this paragraph, the term “good” means any article, natural or manmade substance, material, supply or manufactured product, including inspection and test equipment, and excluding technical data.

(c) Implementation; Penalties.—

(1) IMPLEMENTATION.—The President may exercise all authorities provided to the President under sections 203 and 205 of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1702 and 1704) to carry out this section. Not later than 60 days after issuing a license pursuant to this section, the President shall submit a copy of the license to the appropriate Members of Congress.

(2) PENALTIES.—A person that violates, attempts to violate, conspires to violate, or causes a violation of this section or any regulation, license, or order issued to carry out this section shall be subject to the penalties set forth in subsections (b) and (c) of section 206 of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1705) to the same extent as a person that commits an unlawful act described in subsection (a) of that section 206.

(d) Termination.—This section shall have no force or effect on the earlier of—

(1) the date that is 30 days after the date that the President reports to the appropriate Members of Congress that the threat described under section 2(a)(1) is no longer present; or

(2) the date that is 25 years after the date that the Secretary of the Treasury submits the final report required under section 2(a)(1).


第三節 禁止為某些直系親屬提供金融服務。


 (1) 根據第 2(a) 條提交的報告所涵蓋的自然人;和

(2) (1) 款所述人員的直接親屬,如果部長發現該直系親屬受益於報告中所述的資金





  (A) 豁免將大大促進結束第 2(a)(1) 條所述威脅的目標;

  (B) 2(a)(1) 條所述的威脅不再存在;或者

  (C) 豁免對美國的國家安全利益至關重要。

 (3)報告形式-第 (2) 款要求的報告應以非保密形式提交,但可包含保密附件。






 (1) I實施-總統可以行使《國際緊急經濟權力法》(50 USC 1702 1704)第 203 205 條賦予總統的所有權力來執行本條。總統應在根據本節頒發許可證後 60 天內向適當的國會議員提交許可證副本。

(2)處罰-違反、企圖違反、共謀違反或導致違反本節或為執行本節而頒發的任何法規、許可證或命令的人應受到以下規定的處罰: 《國際緊急經濟權力法》 ( 50 USC 1705 ) 206 (b) (c) 款,其程度與實施該法第 206 (a) 款所述非法行為的人相同。



 (1) 總統向適當的國會議員報告第 2(a)(1) 條所述的威脅不再存在之日起 30 天後的日期;或者

 (2) 財政部長依第 2(a)(1) 條提交最終報告之日起 25 年後的日期。



For purposes of this Act:

(1) APPROPRIATE MEMBERS OF CONGRESS.—The term “appropriate Members of Congress” means the Speaker and minority leader of the House of Representatives, the majority leader and minority leader of the Senate, the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Committee on Financial Services of the House of Representatives, and the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs of the Senate.

(2) FINANCIAL INSTITUTION.—The term “financial institution” means a United States financial institution or a foreign financial institution.

(3) FOREIGN FINANCIAL INSTITUTION.—The term “foreign financial institution” has the meaning given that term in section 561.308 of title 31, Code of Federal Regulations.

(4) FUNDS.—The term “funds” has the meaning given to such term by the Secretary of the Treasury.

(5) IMMEDIATE FAMILY.—The term “immediate family” of any natural person means the following (whether by the full or half blood or by adoption):

(A) Such person’s spouse, father, mother, children, brothers, sisters, and grandchildren.

(B) The father, mother, brothers, and sisters of such person’s spouse.

(C) The spouse of a child, brother, or sister of such person.

(6) UNITED STATES FINANCIAL INSTITUTION.—The term “United States financial institution” has the meaning given the term “U.S. financial institution” under section 561.309 of title 31, Code of Federal Regulations.


第四節 定義。


 (1) 「適當的國會議員」一詞是指眾議院議長和少數黨領袖、參議院多數黨領袖和少數黨領袖、眾議院金融服務委員會主席和資深成員,以及參議院銀行、住房和城市事務委員會主席和資深成員。

 (2) 金融機構-「金融機構」一詞是指美國金融機構或外國金融機構。

 (3) 外國金融機構-「外國金融機構」一詞具有《聯邦法規》第 31 章第 561.308 節所定義的涵義。

 (4) 資金-「資金」一詞具有財政部長所賦予該術語的涵義。

 (5) 直接親屬。

  (A) 該人的配偶、父親、母親、子女、兄弟、姊妹和孫子女

  (B) 該人配偶的父親、母親、兄弟和姊妹。

  (C) 該人的子女、兄弟或姊妹的配偶

 (6) 美國金融機構-「美國金融機構」一詞具有《聯邦法規》第 31 章第 561.309 節中「美國金融機構」一詞的涵義。





