

20230925 美國承認紐西蘭的聯繫國 the Cook Island 與 Niue

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The US recognizes the Cook Islands and Niue as sovereign and independent states and will establish diplomatic between them on September 25, 2023.  The Cook Islands and Niue are the associated states to New Zealand, not as “freely associated states,” a practice and establishment in the US in the news report below.

Statement by President Biden on the Recognition of the Cook Islands and the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations


與南太島國建交 美:有助維持自由開放印太地區    中央社 20230926

美國總統拜登今天接待太平洋島國領袖表示,美國將正式承認南太島國庫克群島(Cook Islands)和紐埃(Niue),以抗衡中國與日俱增的影響力。

法新社報導,美國做出上述宣布,正值18國組成的太平洋島國論壇(Pacific Islands Forum)召開峰會之際。美國官員表示,拜登說,美國應在太平洋地區採取更積極立場。

拜登:將派海巡艦至太平洋島國 確保印太安全開放










Statement by President Biden on the Recognition of the Cook Islands and the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations    The White House 20230925

Today, I am proud to announce that the United States recognizes the Cook Islands as a sovereign and independent state and will establish diplomatic relations between our two nations.
The United States has a long history of cooperation with the Cook Islands—dating back to World War II when the U.S. military built airport runways in the northernmost atoll Penrhyn and in Aitutaki. Today’s announcement will enable us to expand the scope of this enduring partnership as we seek to tackle the challenges that matter most to our peoples’ lives—from countering illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing, to combatting climate change, to building inclusive economic growth, to advancing a free and open Indo-Pacific region, and beyond.
The United States plans to work closely with the Cook Islands, the Pacific Islands Forum, and the Pacific Community to bolster Pacific regionalism. Together, we intend to align the objectives of the United States’ first-ever Pacific Partnership Strategy with the Pacific’s own priorities as embodied in the Pacific Islands Forum 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent. And, the United States looks forward to participating in the upcoming PIF Leaders’ Summit to support Pacific voices, Pacific choices, and the Pacific way.
The history and the future of the Pacific Islands and the United States are inextricably linked. The United States’ recognition of the Cook Islands, and the establishment of diplomatic relations will not only strengthen the ties between our nations, it will help ensure that our shared future is more secure, more prosperous, and more free—for our people and people around the world.


Statement by President Biden on the Recognition of Niue and the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations    The White House 20230925

Today, I am proud to announce that the United States recognizes Niue as a sovereign and independent state and will establish diplomatic relations between our two nations.
Niue plays a critical and constructive role in the Pacific, including supporting the region’s sustainable development, security, and marine protection and ocean conservation. Today’s announcement will enable us to deepen our cooperation with Niue on these challenges and more—from tackling the climate crisis, to protecting maritime borders and marine resources, to building sustainable economic growth, to maintaining a free and open Indo-Pacific region.
The United States plans to work closely with Niue, the Pacific Islands Forum, and the Pacific Community to bolster Pacific regionalism. Together, we intend to align the objectives of the United States’ first-ever Pacific Partnership Strategy with the Pacific’s own priorities as embodied in the Pacific Islands Forum 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent. And, the United States looks forward to participating in the upcoming PIF Leaders’ Summit to support Pacific voices, Pacific choices, and the Pacific way.
Since day one of my Administration, I have been committed to being an active and engaged partner in the Pacific. Last year, I launched our first-ever national strategy dedicated to the Pacific Islands. I appointed the first US Envoy to the Pacific Islands Forum. We held the first US-Pacific Islands Summit. And today we are meeting with the full Pacific Islands Forum at the White House for the first time. Today’s recognition of Niue—and the establishment of diplomatic relations—will not only further strengthen our bonds in the region, it will help forge the shared future we seek—one of greater security, prosperity, and dignity for all.

1 則留言:

  1. 中國鐵了心要核潛艇繞到南太平洋發射核彈到夏威夷和美國本土,這是兵推裡中國的叫牌,這也是沒有潛艦的啞巴台灣的對照

