

Joint Declaration of Support for Ukraine G7 / Taimocracy翻譯 20230712

【雙魚之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯
It looks to me that the G7 Joint Declaration of Support for Ukraine is based on the previous draft of Ukraine’s peace proposed by Ukraine, the Kyiv Security Compact and a group of bilateral agreements, and the proposal by the Polish President Andrzej Duda, an Israeli-style security model for Ukraine.

Joint Declaration of Support for Ukraine    G7 / Taimocracy翻譯 20230712

We, the Leaders of the Group of Seven (G7), reaffirm our unwavering commitment to the strategic objective of a free, independent, democratic, and sovereign Ukraine, within its internationally recognized borders, capable of defending itself and deterring future aggression. 我們,七國集團(G7)領導人,重申堅定不移地致力於實現一個自由、獨立、民主和主權在其國際公認邊界內、有能力保衛自己並阻止未來侵略作為戰略目標的烏克蘭。

We affirm that the security of Ukraine is integral to the security of the Euro-Atlantic region. 我們申明,烏克蘭的安全是歐洲-大西洋地區安全的組成部分

We consider Russia’s illegal and unprovoked invasion of Ukraine to be a threat to international peace and security, a flagrant violation of international law, including the UN Charter, and incompatible with our security interests. We will stand with Ukraine as it defends itself against Russian aggression, for as long as it takes. 我們認為俄羅斯無端非法入侵烏克蘭是對國際和平與安全的威脅,公然違反了包括《聯合國憲章》在內的國際法,並且與我們的安全利益不相容。只要有需要,我們就會與烏克蘭站在一起,保衛它免受俄羅斯的侵略。

We stand united in our enduring support for Ukraine, rooted in our shared democratic values and interests, above all, respect for the UN Charter and the principles of territorial integrity and sovereignty. 我們團結一致,持久支持烏克蘭,植根於我們共同的民主價值觀和利益,最重要的是尊重《聯合國憲章》以及領土完整和主權原則。

Today we are launching negotiations with Ukraine to formalize — through bilateral security commitments and arrangements aligned with this multilateral framework, in accordance with our respective legal and constitutional requirements — our enduring support to Ukraine as it defends its sovereignty and territorial integrity, rebuilds its economy, protects its citizens, and pursues integration into the Euro-Atlantic community. We will direct our teams to begin these discussions immediately. 今天,我們正在與烏克蘭啟動談判,根據我們各自的法律和憲法要求,通過符合這一多邊框架的雙邊安全承諾和安排,正式確定我們對烏克蘭捍衛主權和領土完整、重建經濟、保護其公民,並尋求融入歐洲-大西洋共同體。我們將指示我們的團隊立即開始這些討論。

We will each work with Ukraine on specific, bilateral, long-term security commitments and arrangements towards: 我們將與烏克蘭就具體的、雙邊的、長期的安全承諾和安排進行合作,以實現:

a) Ensuring a sustainable force capable of defending Ukraine now and deterring Russian aggression in the future, through the continued provision of: 透過繼續提供以下措施,確保一支可持續的部隊能夠現在保衛烏克蘭並阻止未來俄羅斯的侵略:

  • security assistance and modern military equipment, across land, air, and sea domains – prioritizing air defense, artillery and long-range fires, armored vehicles, and other key capabilities, such as combat air, and by promoting increased interoperability with Euro-Atlantic partners; 跨陸地、空中和海上領域的安全援助和現代軍事裝備——優先考慮防空、砲兵和遠程火力、裝甲車和其他關鍵能力,例如空中作戰,並促進與歐洲-大西洋合作夥伴增強互操作性;
  • support to further develop Ukraine’s defense industrial base; 支持進一步發展烏克蘭國防工業基礎
  • training and training exercises for Ukrainian forces; 烏克蘭軍隊的訓練和訓練演習;
  • intelligence sharing and cooperation; 情報共享與合作;
  • support for cyber defense, security, and resilience initiatives, including to address hybrid threats. 支持網路防禦、安全和韌性舉措,包括應對混合威脅

b) Strengthening Ukraine’s economic stability and resilience, including through reconstruction and recovery efforts, to create the conditions conducive to promoting Ukraine’s economic prosperity, including its energy security. 加強烏克蘭的經濟穩定性和韌性,包括透過重建和復甦努力,創造有利於促進烏克蘭經濟繁榮的條件,包括其能源安全。

c) Providing technical and financial support for Ukraine’s immediate needs stemming from Russia’s war as well as to enable Ukraine to continue implementing the effective reform agenda that will support the good governance necessary to advance towards its Euro-Atlantic aspirations. 為烏克蘭因俄羅斯戰爭而產生的迫切需求提供技術和財政支持,並使烏克蘭能夠繼續實施有效的改革議程,以支持實現其歐洲-大西洋願望所需的良善治理。

In the event of future Russian armed attack, we intend to immediately consult with Ukraine to determine appropriate next steps. We intend, in accordance with our respective legal and constitutional requirements, to provide Ukraine with swift and sustained security assistance, modern military equipment across land, sea and air domains, and economic assistance, to impose economic and other costs on Russia, and to consult with Ukraine on its needs as it exercises its right of self-defense enshrined in Article 51 of the UN Charter. To this end, we will work with Ukraine on an enhanced package of security commitments and arrangements in case of future aggression to enable Ukraine to defend its territory and sovereignty. 如果未來發生俄羅斯武裝襲擊,我們打算立即與烏克蘭磋商,以確定適當的後續行動我們打算根據各自的法律和憲法要求,向烏克蘭提供迅速、持續的安全援助、海陸空現代化軍事裝備和經濟援助,對俄羅斯施加經濟和其他成本,並與俄羅斯進行磋商。在烏克蘭行使其《聯合國憲章》第五十一條規定的自衛權時,我們將根據其需要與烏克蘭合作。為此,我們將與烏克蘭合作,制定一套強化的安全承諾和安排,以防未來發生侵略,使烏克蘭能夠捍衛其領土和主權。

In addition to the elements articulated above, we remain committed to supporting Ukraine by holding Russia accountable. This includes working to ensure that the costs to Russia of its aggression continue to rise, including through sanctions and export controls, as well as supporting efforts to hold to account those responsible for war crimes and other international crimes committed in and against Ukraine, including those involving attacks on critical civilian infrastructure. There must be no impunity for war crimes and other atrocities. In this context, we reiterate our commitment to holding those responsible to account, consistent with international law, including by supporting the efforts of international mechanisms, such as the International Criminal Court (ICC). 除了上述內容外,我們仍然致力於透過追究俄羅斯的責任來支持烏克蘭。這包括努力確保俄羅斯的侵略成本繼續上升,包括透過制裁和出口管制,以及支持追究那些該對烏克蘭境內和針對烏克蘭犯下的戰爭罪和其他國際罪行負責的人的責任。涉及對關鍵民用基礎設施的攻擊。戰爭罪和其他暴行絕不能有罪不罰。在此背景下,我們重申致力於根據國際法追究責任人的責任,包括支持國際刑事法院(ICC)等國際機制的努力。

We reaffirm that, consistent with our respective legal systems, Russia’s sovereign assets in our jurisdictions will remain immobilized until Russia pays for the damage it has caused to Ukraine. We recognize the need for the establishment of an international mechanism for reparation of damages, loss or injury caused by Russian aggression and express our readiness to explore options for the development of appropriate mechanisms. 我們重申,根據我們各自的法律制度,俄羅斯在我們管轄範圍內的主權資產將保持不流動,直到俄羅斯為其對烏克蘭造成的損害付出代價。我們認識到有必要建立一個國際機制來賠償俄羅斯侵略造成的損害、損失或傷害,並表示我們願意探討建立適當機制的選擇。

For its part, Ukraine is committed to: 就烏克蘭而言,它致力於:

Contributing positively to partner security and to strengthen transparency and accountability measures with regard to partner assistance; 積極促進夥伴安全並加強夥伴援助方面的透明度和問責措施

a) Continuing implementation of the law enforcement, judiciary, anti-corruption, corporate governance, economic, security sector, and state management reforms that underscore its commitments to democracy, the rule of law, respect for human rights and media freedoms, and put its economy on a sustainable path; 繼續實施執法、司法、反腐敗、公司治理、經濟、安全部門和國家管理改革,強調其對民主、法治、尊重人權和媒體自由的承諾,並將其經濟走上可持續發展的道路;

b) Advancing defense reforms and modernization including by strengthening democratic civilian control of the military and improving efficiency and transparency across Ukraine’s defense institutions and industry. 推進國防改革和現代化,包括加強對軍隊的民主文民控制,提高烏克蘭國防機構和工業的效率和透明度。

The EU and its Member States stand ready to contribute to this effort and will swiftly consider the modalities of such contribution. 歐盟及其成員國隨時準備為這一努力做出貢獻,並將迅速考慮這種貢獻的方式。

This effort will be taken forward while Ukraine pursues a pathway toward future membership in the Euro-Atlantic community. 在烏克蘭尋求未來加入歐洲大西洋共同體的道路上,這一努力將得到推進。

Other countries that wish to contribute to this effort to ensure a free, strong, independent, and sovereign Ukraine may join this Joint Declaration at any time. 希望為確保烏克蘭自由、強大、獨立和主權的努力做出貢獻的其他國家可以隨時加入本聯合聲明。




