

一則20110915舊新聞 Donilon的放話

【雙魚之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯
This is an outdated but famous news report. The Financial Times (FT) published it after Tsai Ing-wen's visit to the US when she was a presidential candidate in 2011. Thomas Donilon, Obama's National Security Advisor, subsequently leaked a message to the FT stating that the US objected to Tsai's presidency and warned of possible tensions rising between the US and China if Tsai assumed office. It was reported that, due to the leak and rude intervention of domestic affairs, Tsai lost the campaign and the China-friendly Ma Ying-jeou won his second term.
We do not know what Tsai said to the US at that time; however, Tsai gained the trust of the US and won the office of the President in 2016.
Donilon, as well as the Obama administration, were naive, believing that small Taiwan could hinder US-China relations, and ignoring the deeply-rooted idea of the global revolution within the DNA of the CCP.
Ironically, six years later, the US confronts or competes with China without any involvement from Tsai.
Now, due to CCP’s assertive and aggressive postures, the strategic situation is different, as almost all democratic countries and leaders support and highly value Taiwan and President Tsai.


US concerned about Taiwan candidate 美國關注台灣候選人    Anna Fifield in Washington, Robin Kwong in Taipei and Kathrin Hille in Beijing FT / Taimocracy翻譯 20110915

The Obama administration has warned that a victory by Tsai Ing-wen, the Taiwanese opposition leader, in the island’s January presidential election could raise tensions with China. 歐巴馬政府警告說,台灣反對派領導人蔡英文在台灣1月總統選舉中的勝利可能會加劇與中國的緊張關係。

A senior US official said Ms Tsai, the Democratic Progressive party leader who is visiting Washington, had sparked concerns about stability in the Taiwan Strait, which is “critically important” to the US. 一名美國高級官員表示,正在訪問華盛頓的民進黨領袖蔡英文引發了對台灣海峽穩定的擔憂,台灣海峽對美國「至關重要」。

“She left us with distinct doubts about whether she is both willing and able to continue the stability in cross-Strait relations the region has enjoyed in recent years,” the official told the Financial Times after Ms Tsai met with administration officials. 「她讓我們明顯懷疑她是否願意並且能夠繼續保持該地區近年來享有的兩岸關係的穩定,」這位官員在蔡英文會見政府官員後告訴英國《金融時報》。

The surprisingly blunt statement comes as the administration is about to notify Congress that it will help Taiwan retrofit its fleet of F-16 fighter jets. The move will anger China even though it is far short of Taipei’s long-running request for new fighters. 這一令人驚訝的直言不諱的聲明是在政府即將通知國會,它將幫助台灣改造其F-16戰鬥機機隊之際發表的。此舉將激怒中國,儘管它遠未達到台北長期以來對新型戰鬥機的要求。

For decades the Taiwan Strait has been one of the world’s most dangerous potential flashpoints. While Taiwan has not been controlled by a Beijing-based government for over a century, China calls it an inseparable part of its territory and insists it must be unified eventually, with force if necessary. 幾十年來,台灣海峽一直是世界上最危險的潛在爆發點之一。雖然台灣已經一個多世紀沒有被北京政府控制了,但中國稱台灣是其領土不可分割的一部分,並堅持認為它最終必須統一,必要時使用武力。

But over the past three years, there has been a dramatic turnround as Ma Ying-jeou, Taiwan’s president, pursued economic ties with China while putting aside the thorny issue of the island’s political status. 但在過去三年裡,台灣總統馬英九尋求與中國的經濟關係時,出現了戲劇性的轉變,即他擱置台灣政治地位這一棘手問題。

Both sides agree there is “one China”, but have agreed to disagree over the definition of China. While Ms Tsai wants Taiwan to strengthen its strategic partnership with the US, she has previously promised to “refrain from extreme or radical approaches”. 雙方同意存在「一個中國」,但同意對中國的定義存在分歧。雖然蔡英文希望台灣加強與美國的戰略夥伴關係,但她此前曾承諾「避免採取極端或激進的做法」。

This is in contrast to Chen Shui-bian, the last DPP president, who antagonised Beijing and the US with his push for formal independence. 這與民進黨最後一任總統陳水扁形成鮮明對比,陳水扁因推動正式獨立而與北京和美國對抗。

China and Taiwan did not hold any formal negotiations during the eight years of his presidency. 在他擔任總統的八年中,中國和台灣沒有舉行任何正式談判。

During her visit to Washington, however, Ms Tsai appears to have failed to convince the administration that she would keep the improved relationship with China on track. 然而,在訪問華盛頓期間,蔡英文似乎未能說服政府,她將保持與中國改善的關係。

The US official said that while she understood the need “to avoid gratuitous provocations” of China, it was “far from clear …that she and her advisers fully appreciate the depth of [Chinese] mistrust of her motives and DPP aspirations”. Hsiao Bikhim, spokesperson for Ms Tsai, said the US comments were “not consistent with what American officials have told us in our meetings”. 這位美國官員表示,雖然她理解需要「避免對中國進行無端挑釁」,但「還遠不清楚......她和她的顧問們充分理解(中國)對她的動機和民進黨抱負的不信任程度」。蔡英文發言人蕭美琴表示,美國的評論「與美國官員在我們的會議上告訴我們的不一致」。

She said Ms Tsai had “consistently reiterated the need to work towards the common interest of peace and stability” and that the DPP would adopt a “stable and balanced approach” towards cross-Strait issues. 她說,蔡英文「一貫重申需要為和平與穩定的共同利益而努力」,民進黨將對兩岸問題採取「穩定和平衡的態度」。

One Chinese academic who advises Beijing on Taiwan policy said China understood that Ms Tsai was a moderate representative of the DPP, but added that there was a “risk that she would be driven to back more clearly pro-independence positions under pressure from radicals in her party”. 一位就台灣政策向北京提供建議的中國學者表示,中國理解蔡英文是民進黨的溫和派代表,但補充說,「在黨內激進分子的壓力下,她有可能被迫支援更明確的獨立立場」。

Beijing has not commented on Ms Tsai’s candidacy. But when she proposed a new formula as a basis for relations with China, it rejected that as “unacceptable” and warned of new turbulence in relations. 北京尚未對蔡英文的候選人資格發表評論。但是,當她提出一個新的方案作為與中國關係的基礎時,北京說是「不可接受的」而拒絕,並警告說關係會出現新的動蕩。



