


G / D 找中文翻譯

  1. Does Russia have a legitimate basis for establishing an airspace regime under the guise of a special military operation during an invasion of another sovereign state?
  2. Is it justifiable for Russia to create a temporary airspace regime, despite potential implications for sovereignty and international law?
  3. Can the US military's drone legitimately claim rights if it intentionally disables its transponder?

Russian ambassador views US drone’s Black Sea flight as provocation    TASS 20230315

… The Russian Defense Ministry said that Russian airspace control systems have detected an American MQ-9 unmanned aerial vehicle on Tuesday, flying over the Black Sea near the Crimean Peninsula towards the state border of the Russian Federation. The drone flew with its transponders off, violating the boundaries of the temporary airspace regime established for the special military operation, communicated to all users of international airspace, and published in accordance with international standards. 俄羅斯國防部表示,俄羅斯防空系統週二探測到一架美國MQ-9無人機,飛越克里米亞半島附近的黑海,朝向俄羅斯聯邦的國家邊界。無人機在關閉應答器的情況下飛行,違反了為特別軍事行動建立的臨時空域管制的邊界,與國際空域的所有用戶進行通信,並按照國際標準運作。

The ministry added that as a result of quick maneuvering, the drone went into an unguided flight with a loss of altitude and collided with the water surface. The ministry stressed that the Russian aircraft did not use on-board weapons, did not come into contact with the unmanned aerial vehicle, and returned safely to their home airfield. 該部補充說,由於快速機動,無人機進入無法導引飛行,失去高度並與墜落水面。國防部強調,俄羅斯飛機無使用機載武器,未與無人機發生接觸,安全返回本國機場。

MQ-9 Reaper is a modular reconnaissance and strike unmanned aerial vehicle developed by General Atomics Aeronautical Systems. It is equipped with a turboprop engine and can develop a speed of more than 400 kilometer per hour. The maximal flight duration is 24 hours. The drone is capable of carrying air-to-surface and air-to-air missiles, and laser-guided bombs. MQ-9「死神」是通用原子航空系統公司研製的模塊化偵察打擊無人機。它配備渦輪螺旋槳發動機,時速可達 400 多公里。最長飛行時間為 24 小時。該無人機能夠攜帶空對地和空對空導彈以及雷射導引炸彈。


