

國會演講 普丁 20230221 Taimocracy翻譯

【縛雞之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯
It seems that Putin has gained substantial support from China, which made him no fear.
There might be a merger of the Russian brain and the Chinese money.
Moreover, reports indicate that Putin has issued a nuclear threat. I doubt it for Putin claims that he will not do it first.
On the other hand, China seems to be meditating, regardless of its motives for mediation. We need to pay attention to the price of such mediation.

國會演講    普丁 20230221  Taimocracy翻譯

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Good afternoon,

Members of the Federation Assembly – senators, State Duma deputies, Citizens of Russia,  俄羅斯總統普丁:大家午安,聯邦議會的成員——參議員、國家杜馬的議員,俄羅斯公民:


This Presidential Address comes, as we all know, at a difficult, watershed period for our country. This is a time of radical, irreversible change in the entire world, of crucial historical events that will determine the future of our country and our people, a time when every one of us bears a colossal responsibility.  正如我們所知,這份總統演說在我們國家一個困難的、轉折點的時期發表。這是全世界的一個根本性、不可逆轉的變化的時期,將決定我們國家和我們人民的未來,每個人都承擔著巨大的責任。

One year ago, to protect the people in our historical lands, to ensure the security of our country and to eliminate the threat coming from the neo-Nazi regime that had taken hold in Ukraine after the 2014 coup, it was decided to begin the special military operation. Step by step, carefully and consistently we will deal with the tasks we have at hand.  一年前,為了保護我們的歷史土地上的人民,確保我們國家的安全,消除2014年政變後在烏克蘭崛起的新納粹政權帶來的威脅,決定開始進行特殊軍事行動。我們將逐步、小心而一致地處理我們手頭的任務。

Since 2014, Donbass has been fighting for the right to live in their land and to speak their native tongue. It fought and never gave up amid the blockade, constant shelling and the Kiev regime’s overt hatred. It hoped and waited that Russia would come to help.  2014年以來,頓巴斯一直在為在他們的土地上生活和講自己的母語而戰。在封鎖、持續的砲擊和基輔政權的公然仇恨中,他們戰鬥著,從未放棄,希望俄羅斯會來幫助他們。

In the meantime, as you know well, we were doing everything in our power to solve this problem by peaceful means, and patiently conducted talks on a peaceful solution to this devastating conflict.  與此同時,正如你們所知道的,我們正在盡我們所能,用和平手段解決這個問題,並且耐心地進行著關於和平解決這場毀滅性衝突的談判。

This appalling method of deception has been tried and tested many times before. They behaved just as shamelessly and duplicitously when destroying Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, and Syria. They will never be able to wash off this shame. The concepts of honour, trust, and decency are not for them.  這種騙局的可怕方法已經多次嘗試和測試過。當他們摧毀南斯拉夫、伊拉克、利比亞和敘利亞時,他們的行為就像他們一樣無恥和欺騙。他們永遠無法洗脫這種恥辱。榮譽、信任和正直的概念對他們來說並不重要。

Over the long centuries of colonialism, diktat and hegemony, they got used to being allowed everything, got used to spitting on the whole world. It turned out that they treat people living in their own countries with the same disdain, like a master. After all, they cynically deceived them too, tricked them with tall stories about the search for peace, about adherence to the UN Security Council resolutions on Donbass. Indeed, the Western elites have become a symbol of total, unprincipled lies.  在長達幾個世紀的殖民主義、苛刻協定和霸權主義中,他們習慣了被允許一切,習慣了睥睨整個世界。結果他們對待自己國家的人民,也是如此藐視,像個主人一樣。畢竟,他們也在這方面玩弄了冷酷的騙局,用天方夜譚來欺騙人們,宣揚對頓巴斯地區遵循聯合國安理會決議的堅持。事實上,西方精英已經成為了絕對、無原則的謊言的象徵。

We firmly defend our interests as well as our belief that in today’s world there should be no division into so-called civilised countries and all the rest and that there is a need for an honest partnership that rejects any exclusivity, especially an aggressive one.  我們堅決捍衛我們的利益,以及我們理念,即在今天的世界中,不應有所謂的文明國家和其他國家的區分,需要一種誠實的夥伴關係,拒絕任何排他性,尤其是侵略性的關係。

We were open and sincerely ready for a constructive dialogue with the West; we said and insisted that both Europe and the whole world needed an indivisible security system equal for all countries, and for many years we suggested that our partners discuss this idea together and work on its implementation. But in response, we received either an indistinct or hypocritical reaction, as far as words were concerned. But there were also actions: NATO’s expansion to our borders, the creation of new deployment areas for missile defence in Europe and Asia – they decided to take cover from us under an ‘umbrella’ – deployment of military contingents, and not just near Russia’s borders.  我們開放和真誠地準備與西方進行建設性對話。我們說過並堅持認為,歐洲和整個世界需要一個不可分割、平等的安全體系,需要我們的合作夥伴共同討論這個想法並致力於實現它多年。但是,我們得到的回應要麼是模糊不清的,要麼是虛偽的言辭。但也有行動:北約擴張到我們的邊界,新的武器防禦部署區在歐洲和亞洲建立,他們決定躲在一個「保護傘」下來對付我們 - 部署軍事部隊,而且不僅僅是在俄羅斯的邊界附近。

I would like to stress –in fact, this is well-known – that no other country has so many military bases abroad as the United States. There are hundreds of them – I want to emphasise this – hundreds of bases all over the world; the planet is covered with them, and one look at the map is enough to see this.  我想強調 - 實際上,這是眾所周知的 - 沒有其他國家像美國那樣在國外擁有如此之多的軍事基地。有數以百計的它們 - 我想強調這一點 - 遍佈全球,看一看地圖就足以看到這一點。

The whole world witnessed how they withdrew from fundamental agreements on weapons, including the treaty on intermediate and shorter-range missiles, unilaterally tearing up the fundamental agreements that maintain world peace. For some reason, they did it. They do not do anything without a reason, as we know.  整個世界都目睹了他們如何退出關於武器的基本協議,包括中短程導彈條約,單方面撕毀維持世界和平的基本協議。他們這樣做有某種原因,我們知道他們做任何事情都有原因。

Finally, in December 2021, we officially submitted draft agreements on security guarantees to the USA and NATO. In essence, all key, fundamental points were rejected. After that it finally became clear that the go-ahead for the implementation of aggressive plans had been given and they were not going to stop.  最終,我們於202112正式向美國和北約提交了安全保障協議的草案。從本質上講,所有關鍵、基本的要點都被拒絕了。在那之後,終於清楚地看到,他們已經開始實施進攻性計劃,並且不會停下來



The threat was growing by the day. Judging by the information we received, there was no doubt that everything would be in place by February 2022 for launching yet another bloody punitive operation in Donbass. Let me remind you that back in 2014, the Kiev regime sent its artillery, tanks and warplanes to fight in Donbass.  威脅與日俱增。從我們收到的資訊來看,毫無疑問,到20222月,一切都將準備就緒,在頓巴斯發起另一次血腥的懲罰行動。讓我提醒你,早在2014年,基輔政權就派出大砲、坦克和戰機在頓巴斯作戰。

We all remember the aerial footage of airstrikes targeting Donetsk. Other cities also suffered from airstrikes. In 2015, they tried to mount a frontal assault against Donbass again, while keeping the blockade in place and continuing to shell and terrorise civilians. Let me remind you that all of this was completely at odds with the documents and resolutions adopted by the UN Security Council, but everyone pretended that nothing was happening.  我們都記得針對頓涅茨克的空襲的空中畫面。其他城市也遭受了空襲。2015年,他們試圖再次對頓巴斯發動正面進攻,同時保持封鎖,繼續砲擊和恐嚇平民。讓我提醒你,所有這些都與聯合國安全理事會透過的檔和決議完全相悖,但每個人都假裝什麼都沒發生。

Let me reiterate that they were the ones who started this war, while we used force and are using it to stop the war.  讓我重申,是他們發動了這場戰爭,而我們使用了武力,並且正在使用武力制止戰爭

Those who plotted a new attack against Donetsk in the Donbass region, and against Lugansk understood that Crimea and Sevastopol would be the next target. We realised this as well. Even today, Kiev is openly discussing far-reaching plans of this kind. They exposed themselves by making public what we knew already.  那些策劃對頓巴斯地區的頓涅茨克和盧甘斯克發動新攻擊的人明白,克里米亞和塞瓦斯托波爾將是下一個目標。我們也意識到了這一點。甚至在今天,基輔還在公開討論這類深遠的計畫。他們公開了我們已經知道的事情,從而暴露了自己

We are defending human lives and our common home, while the West seeks unlimited power. It has already spent over $150 billion on helping and arming the Kiev regime. To give you an idea, according to the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, the G7 countries earmarked about $60 billion in 2020–2021 to help the world’s poorest countries. Is this clear? They spent $150 billion on the war, while giving $60 billion to the poorest countries, despite pretending to care about them all the time, and also conditioning this support on obedience on behalf of the beneficiary countries. What about all this talk of fighting poverty, sustainable development and protection of the environment? Where did it all go? Has it all vanished? Meanwhile, they keep channelling more money into the war effort. They eagerly invest in sowing unrest and encouraging government coups in other countries around the world.  我們在捍衛人類的生命和我們共同的家園,而西方卻在尋求無限的權力它已經花費超過1500億美元來幫助和武裝基輔政權。為了給你一個概念,根據經濟合作與發展組織的資料,七國集團國家在2020-2021年指定了約600億美元用於幫助世界上最貧窮的國家。這清楚嗎?他們在戰爭中花費了1500億美元,而給最貧窮的國家提供了600億美元,儘管他們一直假裝關心這些國家,而且還以受益國的順從為條件提供這種支援。所有這些關於消除貧困、可持續發展和保護環境的言論呢?它都去哪兒了?都消失了嗎?同時,他們不斷地把更多的錢投入到戰爭中去。他們熱衷於投資在世界其他國家播種動亂和鼓勵政府政變。

The recent Munich Conference turned into an endless stream of accusations against Russia. One gets the impression that this was done so that everyone would forget what the so-called West has been doing over the past decades. They were the ones who let the genie out of the bottle, plunging entire regions into chaos.  最近的慕尼克會議變成了對俄羅斯無休止的指責。人們的印象是,這樣做是為了讓大家忘記所謂的西方國家在過去幾十年裡所做的事情。是他們把精靈放出了瓶子,使整個地區陷入混亂。

According to US experts, almost 900,000 people were killed during wars unleashed by the United States after 2001, and over 38 million became refugees. Please note, we did not invent these statistics; it is the Americans who are providing them. They are now simply trying to erase all this from the memory of humankind, and they are pretending that all this never happened. However, no one in the world has forgotten this or will ever forget it.  據美國專家稱,在2001年後美國發動的戰爭中,有近90萬人被殺,超過3800萬人成為難民。請注意,這些資料不是我們發明的;是美國人提供的。他們現在只是想把這一切從人類的記憶中抹去,他們在假裝這一切從未發生過。然而,世界上沒有人忘記這一切,也不會忘記這一切。

None of them cares about human casualties and tragedies because many trillions of dollars are at stake, of course. They can also continue to rob everyone under the guise of democracy and freedoms, to impose neoliberal and essentially totalitarian values, to brand entire countries and nations, to publicly insult their leaders, to suppress dissent in their own countries and to divert attention from corruption scandals by creating an enemy image. We continue to see all this on television, which highlights greater domestic economic, social and inter-ethnic problems, contradictions and disagreements.  他們中沒有人關心人類的傷亡和悲劇,因為這關係到幾兆美元,當然。他們還可以在民主和自由的幌子下繼續搶劫每個人,強加新自由主義和基本上是極權主義的價值觀,給整個國家和民族打上烙印,公開侮辱他們的領導人,在自己的國家鎮壓異議,並透過創造一個敵人的形象來轉移對腐敗醜聞的注意力。我們繼續在電視上看到這一切,它突出了更大的國內經濟、社會和民族間的問題、矛盾和分歧。

I would like to recall that, in the 1930s, the West had virtually paved the way to power for the Nazis in Germany. In our time, they started turning Ukraine into an “anti-Russia.”  我想回顧一下,在20世紀30年代,西方國家幾乎為德國的納粹分子鋪設了通往權力的道路在我們這個時代,他們開始把烏克蘭變成一個「反俄羅斯」

Actually, this project is not new. People who are knowledgeable about history at least to some extent realise that this project dates back to the 19th century. The Austro-Hungarian Empire and Poland had conceived it for one purpose, that is, to deprive Russia of these historical territories that are now called Ukraine. This is their goal. There is nothing new here; they are repeating everything.  其實,這個項目並不新鮮。對歷史有瞭解的人至少在某種程度上意識到,這個項目可以追溯到19世紀。奧匈帝國波蘭構思它的目的只有一個,那就是剝奪俄羅斯現在被稱為烏克蘭的這些歷史領土。這就是他們的目標。這裡沒有什麼新東西;他們在重複一切

The West expedited the implementation of this project today by supporting the 2014 coup. That was a bloody, anti-state and unconstitutional coup. They pretended that nothing happened, and that this is how things should be. They even said how much money they had spent on it. Russophobia and extremely aggressive nationalism formed its ideological foundation.  今天,西方透過支援2014年的政變加速了這個專案的實施。那是一場血腥、反國家和違憲的政變。他們假裝什麼都沒發生,事情就應該是這樣的。他們甚至說他們為此花了多少錢。恐俄症和極具侵略性的民族主義構成了其思想基礎。

Quite recently, a brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was named Edelweiss after a Nazi division whose personnel were involved in deporting Jews, executing prisoners of war and conducting punitive operations against partisans in Yugoslavia, Italy, Czechoslovakia and Greece. We are ashamed to talk about this, but they are not. Personnel serving with the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Ukrainian National Guard are particularly fond of chevrons formerly worn by soldiers from Das Reich, Totenkopf (Death’s Head) and Galichina divisions and other SS units. Their hands are also stained with blood. Ukrainian armoured vehicles feature insignia of the Nazi German Wehrmacht.  最近,烏克蘭武裝部隊的一個旅被命名為Edelweiss,這是以一個納粹師的名字命名的,其人員參與了驅逐猶太人、處決戰俘以及對南斯拉夫、義大利、捷克斯洛伐克和希臘的遊擊隊進行懲罰性行動。我們羞談及此事,但他們卻不以為然。在烏克蘭武裝部隊和烏克蘭國民警衛隊服役的人員特別喜歡以前由Das ReichTotenkopf(死亡之首)和Galichina師以及其他黨衛軍部隊的士兵佩戴的徽章。他們的手上也沾滿了鮮血。烏克蘭裝甲車上有納粹德國國防軍的徽章

Neo-Nazis are open about whose heirs they consider themselves to be. Surprisingly, none of the powers that be in the West are seeing it. Why? Because they – pardon my language – could not care less about it. They do not care who they are betting on in their fight against us, against Russia. In fact, anyone will do as long as they fight against us and our country. Indeed, we saw terrorists and neo-Nazis in their ranks. They would let all kinds of ghouls join their ranks, for God’s sake, as long as they act on their will as a weapon against Russia.  新納粹分子公開表示,他們認為自己是誰的繼承人。令人驚訝的是,西方國家的當權者都沒有看到這一點。為什麼?因為他們--請原諒我的語言--根本不關心這個問題。他們不在乎在與我們、與俄羅斯的鬥爭中,他們把賭注押在誰身上。事實上,只要他們反對我們和我們的國家,任何人都可以。的確,我們在他們的隊伍中看到了恐怖分子和新納粹分子。看在上帝的份上,他們會讓各種各樣的食屍鬼加入他們的隊伍,只要他們按照自己的意志行事,作為反對俄羅斯的武器。

In fact, the anti-Russia project is part of the revanchist policy towards our country to create flashpoints of instability and conflicts next to our borders. Back then, in the 1930s, and now the design remains the same and it is to direct aggression to the East, to spark a war in Europe, and to eliminate competitors by using a proxy force.  事實上,反俄計畫是對我國採取的復興主義政策的一部分,目的是在我國邊境旁邊製造不穩定和衝突的爆發點。當年,在20世紀30年代,現在的設計仍然是一樣的,它是將侵略引向東方,在歐洲引發戰爭,並透過使用代理軍隊來消除競爭對手。

We are not at war with the people of Ukraine. I have made that clear many times. The people of Ukraine have become hostages of the Kiev regime and its Western handlers, who have in fact occupied that country in the political, military and economic sense and have been destroying Ukrainian industry for decades now as they plundered its natural resources. This led to social degradation and an immeasurable increase in poverty and inequality. Recruiting resources for military operations in these circumstances was easy. Nobody was thinking about people, who were conditioned for slaughter and eventually became expendables. It is a sad and dreadful thing to say, but it is a fact.  我們沒有與烏克蘭人民交戰。我已經多次清楚地表明瞭這一點。烏克蘭人民已經成為基輔政權及其西方操縱者的人質,他們實際上在政治、軍事和經濟意義上佔領了該國,並且在掠奪其自然資源的同時,幾十年來一直在摧毀烏克蘭工業。這導致了社會墮落,貧困和不平等現象不可估量地增加。在這種情況下,為軍事行動招募資源很容易。沒有人考慮到人民,他們被調教成屠殺的對象,最終成為消耗品。這是一件令人悲傷和恐懼的事情,但這是一個事實。

Responsibility for inciting and escalating the Ukraine conflict as well as the sheer number of casualties lies entirely with the Western elites and, of course, today’s Kiev regime, for which the Ukrainian people are, in fact, not its own people. The current Ukrainian regime is serving not national interests, but the interests of third countries.  煽動和升級烏克蘭衝突以及大量傷亡的責任完全在於西方精英,當然還有今天的基輔政權,對其而言,烏克蘭人民其實不是自己的人民。目前的烏克蘭政權不是為國家利益服務,而是為第三國的利益服務

The West is using Ukraine as a battering ram against Russia and as a testing range. I am not going to discuss in detail the West's attempts to turn the war around, or their plans to ramp up military supplies, since everyone is well aware of that. However, there is one circumstance that everyone should be clear about: the longer the range of the Western systems that will be supplied to Ukraine, the further we will have to move the threat away from our borders. This is obvious.  西方國家正在利用烏克蘭作為打擊俄羅斯的敲門磚,並作為一個試驗場。我不打算詳細討論西方國家扭轉戰局的企圖,或者他們加大軍事供應的計畫,因為大家都很清楚。然而,有一個情況大家都應該清楚:提供給烏克蘭的西方系統的射程越長,我們就必須將威脅從我們的邊界移開。這是很明顯的。

The Western elite make no secret of their goal, which is, I quote, “Russia’s strategic defeat.” What does this mean to us? This means they plan to finish us once and for all. In other words, they plan to grow a local conflict into a global confrontation. This is how we understand it and we will respond accordingly, because this represents an existential threat to our country.  西方的精英們毫不掩飾他們的目標,我引用一下,那就是「俄羅斯的戰略失敗」。這對我們意味著什麼?這意味著他們計畫一勞永逸地解決我們。換句話說,他們計畫將一場局部衝突發展成一場全球對抗。這就是我們的理解,我們將作出相應的反應,因為這代表著對我國的生存威脅

However, they too realise it is impossible to defeat Russia on the battlefield and are conducting increasingly aggressive information attacks against us targeting primarily the younger generation. They never stop lying and distorting historical facts as they attack our culture, the Russian Orthodox Church and other traditional religious organizations in our country.  然而,他們也意識到不可能在戰場上擊敗俄羅斯,並對我們進行越來越積極的資訊攻擊,主要針對年輕一代。他們在攻擊我們的文化、俄羅斯東正教和我國其他傳統宗教組織時,從未停止過撒謊和歪曲歷史事實。

Look what they are doing to their own people. It is all about the destruction of the family, of cultural and national identity, perversion and abuse of children, including pedophilia, all of which are declared normal in their life. They are forcing the priests to bless same-sex marriages. Bless their hearts, let them do as they please. Here is what I would like to say in this regard. Adult people can do as they please. We in Russia have always seen it that way and always will: no one is going to intrude into other people’s private lives, and we are not going to do it, either.  看看他們正在對自己的人民做什麼。這一切都是為了破壞家庭,破壞文化和民族認同,變態和虐待兒童,包括戀童癖,所有這些在他們的生活中被宣佈為正常。他們強迫牧師們為同性婚姻祝福。祝福他們的心,讓他們隨心所欲。以下是我在這方面想說的。成年人可以做他們想做的事。我們俄羅斯人一直這樣看,也會一直這樣看:沒有人要干涉別人的私生活,我們也不打算這樣做。

But here is what I would like to tell them: look at the holy scripture and the main books of other world religions. They say it all, including that family is the union of a man and a woman, but these sacred texts are now being questioned. Reportedly, the Anglican Church is planning, just planning, to explore the idea of a gender-neutral god. What is there to say? Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.  但我想告訴他們的是:看看世界其他宗教的聖經和主要書籍。它們都說了,包括家庭是一個男人和一個女人的結合,但這些神聖的文本現在正受到質疑。據報導,英國聖公會正在計畫,僅僅是計畫,探索一個不分性別的神的想法。有什麼可說的呢?父啊,赦免他們,因為他們不知道自己在做什麼。

Millions of people in the West realise that they are being led to a spiritual disaster. Frankly, the elite appear to have gone crazy, and it looks like there is no cure for that. But like I said, these are their problems, while we must protect our children, which we will do. We will protect our children from degradation and degeneration.  西方數以百萬計的人意識到,他們正被帶向一場精神災難。坦率地說,精英們似乎已經瘋了,而且看起來無藥可救。但就像我說的,這些是他們的問題,而我們必須保護我們的孩子,我們將這樣做。我們將保護我們的孩子不受墮落和退化的影響

Clearly, the West will try to undermine and divide our society and to bet on the fifth columnists who, throughout history, and I want to emphasise this, have been using the same poison of contempt for their own Fatherland and the desire to make money by selling this poison to anyone who is willing to pay for it. It has always been that way.  顯然,西方將試圖破壞和分裂我們的社會,並將賭注押在第五縱隊身上,在整個歷史上,我想強調這一點,他們一直在使用同樣的毒藥,即蔑視自己的祖國,並希望透過向任何願意付錢的人出售這種毒藥來賺錢。一直以來都是這樣的。

Those who have embarked on the road of outright betrayal, committing terrorist and other crimes against the security of our society and the country’s territorial integrity, will be held accountable for this under law. But we will never behave like the Kiev regime and the Western elite, which have been and still are involved in witch hunts. We will not settle scores with those who take a step aside and turn their back on their Motherland. Let this be on their conscience, let them live with this – they will have to live with it. The main point is that our people, the citizens of Russia, have given them a moral assessment.  那些走上公然背叛的道路,對我們社會的安全和國家的領土完整犯下恐怖和其他罪行的人,將被依法追究責任。但我們絕不會像基輔政權和西方精英那樣,過去和現在都在進行獵巫行動我們不會和那些靠邊站、背棄祖國的人算帳。讓這一點成為他們的良心,讓他們帶著這一點生活--他們將不得不帶著這一點生活。主要的一點是,我們的人民,俄羅斯的公民,已經給了他們一個道德評價

I am proud, and I think we are all proud that our multi-ethnic nation, the absolute majority of our citizens, have taken a principled stance on the special military operation. They understand the basic idea of what we are doing and support our actions on the defence of Donbass. This support primarily revealed their true patriotism – a feeling that is historically inherent in our nation. It is stunning in its dignity and deep understanding by everyone – I will stress, everyone – of the inseparable link between one’s own destiny and the destiny of the Fatherland.  我很自豪,我想我們都很自豪,我們的多種族國家,我們的絕對多數公民,對特別軍事行動採取了原則性的立場。他們理解我們正在做的事情的基本理念,並支援我們關於保衛頓巴斯的行動。這種支持主要揭示了他們真正的愛國主義--這是我們民族歷史上固有的感情。它的尊嚴和每個人--我要強調,每個人--對自己的命運和祖國的命運之間不可分割的聯繫的深刻理解,令人震驚。

My dear friends, I would like to thank everyone, all the people of Russia for their courage and resolve. I would like to thank our heroes, soldiers and officers in the Army and the Navy, the Russian Guards, the secret services staff, and all structures of authority, the fighters in Donetsk and Lughansk corps, volunteers and patriots who are now fighting in the ranks of the BARS combat army reserve.  我親愛的朋友們,我想感謝每一個人,感謝所有俄羅斯人民的勇氣和決心。我要感謝我們的英雄,陸軍和海軍的士兵和軍官,俄羅斯衛隊特工人員,以及所有的權力機構,頓涅茨克和盧甘斯克軍團的戰士,志願者和愛國者,他們現在正在BARS戰鬥軍隊預備隊的行列中戰鬥。

I would like to apologise that I will not be able to mention everyone during today’s speech. You know, when I was drafting this speech, I wrote a very long list of these heroic units but then removed it from my text because, as I said, it is impossible to mention everyone, and I was afraid to offend anyone I might leave out.  我要道歉的是,我無法在今天的演講中提到每個人。你知道,當我起草這份演講稿時,我寫了一份非常長的這些英雄單位的名單,但後來從我的文本中刪除了,因為正如我所說的,不可能提到每一個人,而且我害怕得罪我可能遺漏的人。

My deepest gratitude to the parents, wives and families of our defenders, the doctors and paramedics, combat medics and medical nurses that are saving the wounded; to the railway workers and drivers that are supplying the front; to the builders that are erecting fortifications and restoring housing, roads and civilian facilities; to the workers and engineers at defence companies, who are now working almost around-the-clock, in several shifts; and to rural workers who reliably ensure food security for the country.  我最深切地感謝我們保衛者的父母、妻子和家人,感謝正在搶救傷患的醫生和護理人員、戰鬥醫護人員和醫療護士;感謝為前線提供補給的鐵路工人和司機;感謝正在構築工事和恢復住房、道路和民用設施的建築工人;感謝國防公司的工人和工程師,他們現在幾乎晝夜不停,分幾班工作;感謝可靠地確保國家糧食安全的農村工人。

I am grateful to the teachers who sincerely care for the young generations of Russia, especially those that are working in very difficult, almost front-line conditions; the cultural figures that are visiting the zone of hostilities and hospitals to support the soldiers and officers; volunteers that are helping the front and civilians; journalists, primarily war correspondents, that are risking their lives to tell the truth to the world; pastors of Russia’s traditional religions and military clergy, whose wise words support and inspire people; government officials and business people – all those who fulfill their professional, civil and simply human duty.  我感謝真誠地關心俄羅斯年輕一代的教師,特別是那些在非常困難的、幾乎是前線的條件下工作的教師;感謝到敵對地區和醫院支援士兵和軍官的文化人士;感謝幫助前線和平民的志願者;感謝冒著生命危險向世界講述真相的記者,主要是戰地記者;感謝俄羅斯傳統宗教的牧師和軍事神職人員,他們明智的話語支持和激勵人們;感謝政府官員和商人--所有那些履行其職業、公民和簡單人類責任的人。

My special words go to the residents of the Donetsk and Lugansk people’s republics, and the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions. You, my friends, determined your future at the referendums and made a clear choice despite the neo-Nazis’ threats and violence, amid the close military actions. But there has been nothing stronger than your intent to be with Russia, with your Motherland.(Applause)  我特別要對頓涅茨克和盧甘斯克人民共和國以及劄波羅熱和赫爾松地區的居民說幾句話。我的朋友們,你們在全民投票中決定了自己的未來,並在新納粹分子的威脅和暴力下,在密切的軍事行動中做出了明確的選擇。但是,沒有什麼比你們與俄羅斯、與祖國在一起的意願更強烈。(掌聲)

I want to emphasise that this is the reaction of the audience to the residents of the Donetsk and Lugansk people’s republics, and the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions. Once again, our deepest respect for them all.  我想強調的是,這是觀眾對頓涅茨克和盧甘斯克人民共和國以及劄波羅熱和赫爾松地區居民的反應。我們再次對他們所有人表示最深切的敬意。

We have already begun and will expand a major socioeconomic recovery and development programme for these new regions within the Federation. It includes restoring production facilities, jobs, and the ports on the Sea of Azov, which again became Russia’s landlocked sea, and building new, modern road,s like we did in Crimea, which now has a reliable land transport corridor with all of Russia. We will definitely implement all of these plans together.  我們已經開始並將擴大一項針對聯邦內這些新地區的重大社會經濟恢復和發展方案。它包括恢復生產設施、就業和亞速海的港口(亞速海再次成為俄羅斯的內陸海),以及建設新的、現代化的道路,就像我們在克里米亞所做的那樣,現在它與整個俄羅斯有一個可靠的陸路運輸走廊。我們一定會共同實施所有這些計畫。

Russia’s regions are currently providing direct assistance to the cities, districts and villages in the Donetsk and Lugansk people’s republics and the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions. They are doing it sincerely, like true brothers and sisters. We are together again, which means that we have become even stronger, and we will do everything in our power to bring back the long-awaited peace to our land and ensure the safety of our people. Our soldiers, our heroes are fighting for this, for their ancestors, for the future of their children and grandchildren, for uniting our people.  俄羅斯各地區目前正在向頓涅茨克和盧甘斯克人民共和國以及劄波羅熱和赫爾松地區的城市、地區和村莊提供直接援助。他們正像真正的兄弟姐妹一樣真誠地這樣做。我們再次聚集在一起,這意味著我們變得更加強大,我們將盡一切努力將期待已久的和平帶回我們的土地,確保我們人民的安全。我們的士兵,我們的英雄正在為此而戰,為了他們的祖先,為了他們子孫的未來,為了團結我們的人民。

Friends, I would like to ask you to pay your respects to our fellow soldiers who were killed in the attacks of neo-Nazis and raiders, who gave up their lives for Russia, for civilians, the elderly, women and children.(A minute of silence)  朋友們,我想請你們向在新納粹分子和襲擊者的襲擊中喪生的戰友表示敬意,他們為俄羅斯、為平民、老人、婦女和兒童獻出了自己的生命。(默哀一分鐘)

Thank you.謝謝大家。

We all understand, and I understand also how unbearably hard it is for their wives, sons and daughters, for their parents who raised those dignified defenders of the Fatherland – like the Young Guard members from Krasnodon, young men and women who fought against Nazism and for Donbass during the Great Patriotic War. Everyone in Russia remembers their courage, resilience, enormous strength of spirit and self-sacrifice to this day.  我們都明白,我也明白,對於他們的妻子、兒子和女兒,對於撫養這些有尊嚴的祖國衛士的父母來說,這是多麼難以忍受的事情--就像來自克拉斯諾頓的青年衛隊成員,在偉大的衛國戰爭期間為對抗納粹主義、頓巴斯而戰的青年男女。俄羅斯的每個人至今都記得他們的勇氣、堅韌、巨大的精神力量和自我犧牲精神。

Our duty is to support the families that have lost their loved ones and to help them raise their children and give them an education and a job. The family of each participant in the special military operation must be a priority and treated with care and respect. Their needs must be responded to immediately, without bureaucratic delays.  我們的職責是支持那些失去親人的家庭,幫助他們撫養孩子,讓他們接受教育和工作。每個參與特別軍事行動的人的家庭都必須是優先考慮的,並得到照顧和尊重。他們的需求必須立即得到回應,不能有官僚主義的拖延。

I suggest establishing a dedicated state fund for bringing targeted, personalised assistance to the families of fallen fighters, as well as veterans of the special military operation. This entity will be tasked with coordinating efforts to offer social, medical support and counselling, and also address matters related to sending them to health resorts and providing rehabilitation services, while also assisting them in education, sports, employment and in acquiring a new profession. This fund will also have an essential mission to ensure long-term home care and high-technology prosthetics for those who need that.  我建議建立一個專門的國家基金,為陣亡戰士的家庭以及特別軍事行動的退伍軍人提供有針對性的、個性化的援助。這個實體將負責協調提供社會、醫療支持和諮詢的工作,並處理與送他們去療養院和提供康復服務有關的事項,同時還在教育、體育、就業和獲得新職業方面為他們提供援助。該基金還將承擔一項重要使命,即確保為有需要的人提供長期的家庭護理高科技假肢

I am asking the Government to work with the State Council Commission on Social Policy and with the regions to resolve the organisational matters as quickly as possible.  我要求政府與國務院社會政策委員會和各地區合作,儘快解決組織方面的問題。

The state fund must be transparent in its work, while streamlining assistance and operating as a one-stop-shop, free from red tape or administrative barriers. Every family without exception, and every veteran will have their personal social worker, a coordinator, who will be there for them in person to resolve in real time any issue they might face. Let me emphasise that the fund must open its offices in all regions of the Russian Federation in 2023.  國家基金的工作必須透明,同時精簡援助,作為一站式服務機構運作,沒有繁文縟節或行政障礙。每個家庭無一例外,每個退伍軍人都將有他們的個人社會工作者,一個協調員,親自為他們服務,即時解決他們可能面臨的任何問題。請允許我強調,該基金必須在2023年在俄羅斯聯邦的所有地區開設辦事處。

We already have measures in place for supporting Great Patriotic War veterans, combat veterans, as well as participants in local conflicts. I believe these essential elements will be added to the state fund’s mission moving forward. We need to explore this possibility, and I am asking the Government to do so.  我們已經有了支持偉大衛國戰爭老兵、作戰老兵以及地方衝突參與者的措施。我相信,這些基本要素將被添加到國家基金的任務中,向前推進。我們需要探索這種可能性,我要求政府這樣做。

Make no mistake: the fact that we are establishing a state fund does not mean that other institutions or officials at other levels of government will be relieved of their responsibility. I expect all federal agencies, regions and municipalities to stay focused on veterans, on service personnel and their families. In this context, I would like to thank the senior regional officials, mayors, and governors who routinely meet with people, including by visiting the line of contact, and support their fellow countrymen.  不要誤會:我們正在建立一個國家基金的事實並不意味著其他機構或其他各級政府的官員將被解除責任。我希望所有的聯邦機構、地區和城市都能繼續關注退伍軍人,關注服務人員和他們的家庭。在這方面,我想感謝高級地區官員、市長和省長,他們經常與人們見面,包括透過訪問接觸線,並支援他們的同胞。

On a special note, let me say that today, career service personnel, mobilised conscripts, and volunteers all share frontline hardships, including in terms of provisions, supplies and equipment, remuneration, and insurance payments to the wounded, as well as healthcare services. However, there are complaints that make it all the way to my office, as well as to the governors, as they have been telling me, and to the military prosecutor’s office and the Human Rights Commissioner, showing that some of these issues have yet to be resolved. We need to get to the bottom of each complaint on a case-by-case basis.  特別要指出的是,今天,職業軍人、被動員的應徵入伍者和志願者都分擔了前線的困難,包括在供給、用品和設備、報酬和對傷患的保險支付以及保健服務方面。然而,有一些投訴一直到我的辦公室,以及省長,正如他們一直告訴我的那樣,還有軍事檢察官辦公室和人權專員,表明其中一些問題還沒有得到解決。我們需要逐一弄清每項投訴的情況。

And one more thing: everyone understands that serving in the special military operation zone causes immense physical and mental stress, since people risk their lives and health every day. For this reason, I believe that the mobilised conscripts, as well as all service personnel, and all those taking part in the special military operation, including volunteers, must benefit from a leave of absence of at least 14 days every six months without counting the time it takes them to travel to their destination. This way, every fighter will be able to meet family and spend time with their loved ones.  還有一件事:每個人都明白,在特別軍事行動區服役會造成巨大的身體和精神壓力,因為人們每天都冒著生命和健康的危險。為此,我認為,被動員的義務兵以及所有服役人員和所有參加特別軍事行動的人,包括志願者,都必須受益於每六個月至少14天的休假,不計算他們前往目的地的時間。這樣一來,每個戰士都能與家人見面,並與他們的愛人共度時光。

Colleagues, as you are aware, a 2021–2025 plan for building and developing the Armed Forces was approved by a Presidential Executive Order and is being implemented and adjusted as necessary. Importantly, our next steps to reinforce the Army and the Navy and to secure the current and future development of the Armed Forces must be based on actual combat experience gained during the special military operation, which is extremely important, I would even say absolutely invaluable to us.  同事們,如你們所知,一項2021-2025年建設和發展武裝部隊的計畫已由總統行政命令批准,並正在實施和進行必要的調整。重要的是,我們下一步加強陸軍和海軍,並確保武裝部隊目前和未來的發展,必須基於在特別軍事行動中獲得的實際戰鬥經驗,這對我們來說極其重要,我甚至可以說絕對是無價的。

For example, the latest systems account for over 91 percent, 91.3 percent, of Russia's nuclear deterrence forces. To reiterate, based on our newly acquired experience, we must access a similarly high quality level for all other components of the Armed Forces.  例如,最先進的系統佔俄羅斯核威懾力量的91%以上,91.3%。要重申的是,基於我們新獲得的經驗,我們必須為武裝部隊的所有其他組成部分獲得類似的高品質水準。

Officers and sergeants who act as competent, modern and decisive commanders, and they are many, will be promoted to higher positions as a matter of priority, sent to military universities and academies, and will serve as a powerful personnel reserve for the Armed Forces. Without a doubt, they are a valuable resource in civilian life and at governments at all levels. I just want our colleagues to pay attention to that. It is very important. The people must know that the Motherland appreciates their contribution to the defence of the Fatherland.  作為稱職的、現代的和果斷的指揮官的軍官和軍士,他們有很多,他們將被優先提拔到更高的職位,被送到軍事大學和學院,並將作為武裝部隊的強大人員儲備。毫無疑問,他們是平民生活和各級政府中的寶貴資源。我只是想讓我們的同事注意這一點。這一點非常重要。人民必須知道,祖國感謝他們對保衛祖國的貢獻。

We will widely introduce the latest technology to ensure high-quality standards in the Army and Navy. We have corresponding pilot projects and samples of weapons and equipment in each area. Many of them are significantly superior to their foreign counterparts. Our goal is to start mass production. This work is underway and is picking up pace. Importantly, this relies on domestic research and the industrial base and involves small- and medium-sized high-tech businesses in implementation of the state defence order.  我們將廣泛引進最新技術,確保陸軍和海軍的高品質標準。我們在每個領域都有相應的試點項目和武器裝備樣品。其中許多都明顯優於外國同類產品。我們的目標是開始大規模生產。這項工作正在進行中,並且正在加快步伐。重要的是,這依賴於國內的研究和工業基礎,並讓中小型高科技企業參與執行國家的國防命令。

Today, our plants, design bureaus and research teams employ experienced specialists and increasing numbers of talented and highly skilled young people who are oriented towards breakthrough achievements while remaining true to the tradition of Russian gunsmiths, which is to spare no effort to ensure victory.  今天,我們的工廠、設計局和研究團隊雇用了經驗豐富的專家和越來越多的有才華和高技能的年輕人,他們面向突破性的成就,同時保持俄羅斯槍械製造商的傳統,即不遺餘力地確保勝利。

We will certainly strengthen the guarantees for our workforce, in part concerning salaries and social security. I propose launching a special programme for low-cost rental housing for defence industry employees. The rental payments for them will be significantly lower than the going market rate, since a significant portion of it will be covered by the state.  我們肯定會加強對我們勞動力的保障,部分涉及工資和社會保障。我建議啟動一項為國防工業員工提供低成本租賃住房的特別計畫。他們的租金支付將大大低於市場價格,因為其中很大一部分將由國家承擔。

The Government reviewed this issue. I instruct you to work through the details of this programme and start building such rental housing without delay, primarily, in the cities that are major defence, industrial and research centres.  政府審查了這個問題。我指示你們透過這一方案的細節,毫不拖延地開始建造這種出租房,主要是在作為主要國防、工業和研究中心的城市。

Colleagues,  同事們。

As I have already said, the West has opened not only military and informational warfare against us, but is also seeking to fight us on the economic front. However, they have not succeeded on any of these fronts, and never will. Moreover, those who initiated the sanctions are punishing themselves: they sent prices soaring in their own countries, destroyed jobs, forced companies to close, and caused an energy crisis, while telling their people that the Russians were to blame for all of this. We hear that.  正如我已經說過的,西方不僅對我們發動了軍事和資訊戰,而且還試圖在經濟方面與我們作戰。然而,他們在這些方面都沒有成功,而且永遠不會成功。此外,那些發起制裁的人正在懲罰自己:他們使自己國家的價格飆升,破壞了就業,迫使公司關閉,並造成能源危機,同時告訴他們的人民,這一切都是俄羅斯人造成的。我們聽到了這句話。

What means did they use against us in their efforts to attack us with sanctions? They tried disrupting economic ties with Russian companies and depriving the financial system of its communication channels to shutter our economy, isolate us from export markets and thus undermine our revenues. They also stole our foreign exchange reserves, to call a spade a spade, tried to depreciate the ruble and drive inflation to destructive heights.  他們在用制裁攻擊我們的過程中使用了什麼手段?他們試圖破壞與俄羅斯公司的經濟聯繫,剝奪金融系統的溝通管道,以關閉我們的經濟,將我們與出口市場隔離,從而破壞我們的收入。他們還竊取我們的外匯儲備,說白了就是想讓盧布貶值,把通貨膨脹推到破壞性的高度。

Let me reiterate that the sanctions against Russia are merely a means, while the aim as declared by the Western leaders, to quote them, is to make us suffer. “Make them suffer” – what a humane attitude. They want to make our people suffer, which is designed to destabilise our society from within.  讓我重申,對俄羅斯的制裁只是一種手段,而西方領導人所宣稱的目的,引用他們的話說,是要讓我們受苦。「讓他們受苦--這是多麼人性化的態度。他們想讓我們的人民受苦,這是為了從內部破壞我們的社會穩定。

However, their gamble failed to pay off. The Russian economy, as well as its governance model proved to be much more resilient than the West thought. The Government, parliament, the Bank of Russia, the regions and of course the business community and their employees all worked together to ensure that the economic situation remained stable, offered people protection and preserved jobs, prevented shortages, including of essential goods, and supported the financial system and business owners who invest in their enterprises, which also means investing in national development.  然而,他們的賭博沒能得到回報。事實證明,俄羅斯的經濟以及其治理模式比西方人想像的要有彈性得多。政府、議會、俄羅斯銀行、各地區,當然還有企業界和他們的員工,都在共同努力,確保經濟形勢保持穩定,為人民提供保護,保住工作崗位,防止短缺,包括基本商品的短缺,並支援金融系統和投資於企業的企業主,這也意味著投資於國家發展。

As early as in March 2022, we launched a dedicated assistance package for businesses and the economy worth about a trillion rubles. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that this has nothing to do with printing money. Not at all. Everything we do is solidly rooted in market principles.  早在20223月,我們就為企業和經濟推出了價值約1萬億盧布的專門援助計畫。我想提請大家注意,這與印鈔無關。一點也不。我們所做的一切都牢固地紮根於市場原則

In 2022, there was a decline in the gross domestic product. Mr Mishustin called me to say, “I would like to ask you to mention this.” I think that these data were released yesterday, right on schedule.  2022年,國內生產總值出現了下降。Mishustin先生給我打電話說,「我想請你提一下這個」。我認為,這些資料是昨天公佈的,正好在計畫之內。

You may remember that some predicted that the economy would shrink by 20 to 25 percent, or maybe 10 percent. Only recently, we spoke about a 2.9 percent decline, and I was the one who announced this figure. Later it came down to 2.5 percent. However, in 2022, the GDP declined by 2.1 percent, according to the latest data. And we must be mindful of the fact that back in February and March of last year some predicted that the economy would be in free fall.  你可能記得,有些人預測經濟將萎縮20%25%,或者也許是10%。就在最近,我們談到了2.9%的下降,我是宣佈這個數字的人。後來它降到了2.5%。然而,根據最新資料,2022年,國內生產總值下降了2.1%。而且我們必須注意到,早在去年2月和3月,一些人就預測經濟會自由落體。

Russian businesses have restructured their logistics and have strengthened their ties with responsible, predictable partners – there are many of them, they are the majority in the world.  俄羅斯企業已經調整了物流結構,並加強了與負責任的、可預測的合作夥伴的聯繫--他們有很多,是世界上的大多數。

I would like to note that the share of the Russian ruble in our international settlements has doubled as compared to December 2021, reaching one third of the total, and including the currencies of the friendly countries, it exceeds half of all transactions.  我想指出的是,與202112月相比,俄羅斯盧布在我們的國際結算中的份額增加了一倍,達到總數的三分之一,包括友好國家的貨幣,它超過了所有交易的一半。

We will continue working with our partners to create a sustainable, safe system of international settlements, which will be independent of the dollar and other Western reserve currencies that are bound to lose their universal appeal with this policy of the Western elite, the Western rulers. They are doing all this to themselves with their own hands.  我們將繼續與我們的夥伴合作,建立一個可持續的、安全的國際結算體系該體系將獨立於美元和其他西方儲備貨幣,這些貨幣在西方精英、西方統治者的這一政策下必將失去其普遍吸引力。他們正在用自己的雙手對自己做這一切。

We are not the ones reducing transactions in dollars or other so-called universal currencies – they are doing everything with their own hands.  我們不是減少美元或其他所謂的通用貨幣的交易的人--他們正在用自己的手做一切。

You know, there is a maxim, cannons versus butter. Of course, national defence is the top priority, but in resolving strategic tasks in this area, we should not repeat the mistakes of the past and should not destroy our own economy. We have everything we need to both ensure our security and create conditions for confident progress in our country. We are acting in line with this logic and we intend to continue doing this.  你知道,有一句格言,大砲對黃油。當然,國防是重中之重,但在解決這一領域的戰略任務時,我們不應重複過去的錯誤,不應破壞我們自己的經濟。我們有一切需要,既能確保我們的安全,又能為我們國家的自信進步創造條件。我們正在按照這一邏輯行事,我們打算繼續這樣做。

Thus, many basic, I will stress, civilian industries in the national economy are far from being in decline, they have increased their production last year by a considerable amount. The scale of housing put into service exceeded 100 million square meters for the first time in our modern history.  因此,國民經濟中的許多基本產業,我要強調的是,民用產業遠遠沒有衰退,它們在去年的產量增加了相當多。投入使用的住房規模在我國現代歷史上首次超過1億平方米。

As for agricultural production, it recorded two-digit growth rates last year. Thank you very much. We are most grateful to our agricultural producers. Russian agrarians harvested a record amount – over 150 million tonnes of grain, including over 100 million tonnes of wheat. By the end of the agricultural season, that is, June 30, 2023, we will bring our grain exports to 55–60 million tonnes.  至於農業生產,去年取得2位數的增長率。非常感謝你們。我們非常感謝我們的農業生產者。俄羅斯的農業生產者收穫了創紀錄的數量--超過1.5億噸的糧食,包括超過1億噸的小麥。到農業季節結束時,也就是2023630日,我們將使我們的糧食出口達到5500-6000萬噸。

Just 10 or 15 years ago, this seemed like a fairy tale, an absolutely unfeasible plan. If you remember, and I am sure some people do remember this – the former Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of Agriculture are here – just recently, agrarians took in 60 million tonnes overall in a year, whereas now 55–60 million is their export potential alone. I am convinced we have every opportunity for a similar breakthrough in other areas as well.  就在1015年前,這似乎是一個童話故事,一個絕對不可行的計畫。如果你還記得,我相信有些人確實記得這一點--前副總理和農業部長都在這裡--就在最近,農戶在一年內總體上吸收了6000萬噸,而現在5500-6000萬是他們單獨的出口潛力。我相信,我們完全有機會在其他領域也取得類似的突破。

We prevented the labour market from collapsing. On the contrary, we were able to reduce unemployment in the current environment. Today, considering the major challenges coming at us from all sides, the labour market is even better than it used to be. You may remember that the unemployment rate was 4.7 percent before the pandemic, and now, I believe, it is 3.7 percent. What is the figure, Mr Mishustin? 3.7 percent? This is an all-time low.  我們防止了勞動力市場的崩潰。相反,我們能夠在當前的環境中減少失業。今天,考慮到來自各方面的重大挑戰,勞動力市場甚至比過去更好。你可能記得,在大流行之前,失業率是4.7%,而現在,我相信是3.7%。這個數字是多少,Mishustin先生?3.7%?這是一個歷史性的低點

Let me reiterate that the Russian economy has prevailed over the risks it faced – it has prevailed. Of course, it was impossible to anticipate many of them, and we had to respond literally on the fly, dealing with issues as they emerged. Both the state and businesses had to move quickly. I will note that private actors, SMEs, played an essential role in these efforts, and we must remember this. We avoided having to apply excessive regulation or distorting the economy by giving the state a more prominent role.  讓我重申,俄羅斯經濟已經戰勝了它所面臨的風險 - 它已經戰勝了。當然,我們不可能預料到其中的許多風險,我們必須在飛行中作出反應,在問題出現時加以處理。國家和企業都必須迅速行動。我要指出的是,私人行為者、中小企業在這些努力中發揮了重要作用,我們必須記住這一點。我們透過讓國家發揮更突出的作用,避免了不得不實施過度監管或扭曲經濟。

What else there is to say? The recession was limited to the second quarter of 2022, while the economy grew in the third and fourth quarters. In fact, the Russian economy has embarked on a new growth cycle. Experts believe that it will rely on a fundamentally new model and structure. New, promising global markets, including the Asia-Pacific, are taking precedence, as is the domestic market, with its research, technology and workforce no longer geared toward exporting commodities but manufacturing goods with high added value. This will help Russia unleash its immense potential in all spheres and sectors.  還有什麼可說的?衰退僅限於2022年第二季度,而經濟在第三和第四季度增長。事實上,俄羅斯經濟已經開始了一個新的增長週期。專家認為,它將依靠一個根本性的新模式和結構。新的、有前途的全球市場,包括亞太地區,正在佔據優先地位,國內市場也是如此,其研究、技術和勞動力不再面向出口商品,而是製造高附加值的商品。這將有助於俄羅斯在所有領域和部門釋放其巨大的潛力。

We expect to see a solid increase in domestic demand as early as this year. I am convinced that companies will use this opportunity to expand their manufacturing, make new products that are in high demand, and to take over the market niches vacated or about to be vacated by Western companies as they withdraw.  我們預計最早將在今年看到國內需求的穩固增長。我相信,企業將利用這個機會擴大生產,製造需求量大的新產品,並接管西方公司撤出時騰出或即將騰出的市場空間。

Today, we clearly see what is going on and understand the structural issues we have to address in logistics, technology, finance, and human resources. Over the past years, we have been talking a lot and at length about the need to restructure our economy. Now these changes are a vital necessity, a game changer, and all for the better. We know what needs to be done to enable Russia to make steady progress and to develop independently regardless of any outside pressure or threats, while guaranteeing our national security and interests.  今天,我們清楚地看到了正在發生的事情,並瞭解我們在物流、技術、金融和人力資源方面必須解決的結構性問題。在過去的幾年裡,我們一直在大談特談調整我們經濟結構的必要性。現在,這些變化是至關重要的必要條件,是遊戲規則的改變,而且都是為了更好的發展。我們知道需要做什麼,以使俄羅斯能夠穩步前進,獨立發展,不受任何外部壓力或威脅,同時保證我們的國家安全和利益。

I would like to point out and to emphasise that the essence of our task is not to adapt to circumstances. Our strategic task is to take the economy to a new horizon. Everything is changing now, and changing extremely fast. This is not only a time of challenges but also a time of opportunities. This is really so today. And our future depends on the way we realise these opportunities. We must put an end – and I want to emphase this – to all interagency conflicts, red tape, grievances, doublespeak, or any other nonsense. Everything we do must contribute to achieving our goals and delivering results. This is what we must strive to achieve.  我想指出並強調的是,我們任務的本質不是適應環境。我們的戰略任務是把經濟帶入一個新的境界。現在一切都在變化,而且變化極快。這不僅是一個充滿挑戰的時代,也是一個充滿機遇的時代。今天確實如此。而我們的未來取決於我們實現這些機會的方式。我們必須結束--我想強調這一點--所有機構間的衝突、繁文縟節、不滿、雙關語或任何其他廢話。我們所做的一切必須有助於實現我們的目標和交付成果。這就是我們必須努力實現的目標。

Enabling Russian companies and small family-run businesses to successfully tap the market is a victory in itself. Building cutting-edge factories and kilometres of new roads is a victory. Every new school, every new kindergarten we build is a victory. Scientific discoveries and new technologies – these are also victories, of course. What matters is that all of us contribute to our shared success.  使俄羅斯公司和小型家庭經營的企業能夠成功開拓市場,這本身就是一種勝利。建設尖端的工廠和數公里的新道路是一種勝利。我們建造的每一所新學校、每一所新幼稚園都是一種勝利。科學發現和新技術--當然,這些也是勝利。重要的是,我們所有人都為我們的共同成功作出貢獻。

What areas should we focus the partnership of the state, the regions and domestic business on?  我們應該把國家、地區和國內企業的夥伴關係集中在哪些領域

First, we will expand promising foreign economic ties and build new logistics corridors. A decision has already been made to extend the Moscow-Kazan expressway to Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk and Tyumen, and eventually to Irkutsk and Vladivostok with branches to Kazakhstan, Mongolia and China. This will, in part, allows us to considerably expand our ties with Southeast Asian markets.  首先,我們將擴大有前途的對外經濟聯繫建立新的物流走廊。已經決定將莫斯科-喀山高速公路延伸到葉卡捷琳堡、車裡雅賓斯克和秋明,並最終延伸到伊爾庫茨克和符拉迪沃斯托克,並有分支到哈薩克斯坦、蒙古和中國。這將在一定程度上使我們能夠大大擴展我們與東南亞市場的聯繫。

We will develop Black Sea and Sea of Azov ports. We will pay special attention to the North-South international corridor, as those who work on this every day know. Vessels with a draft of up to 4.5 meters will be able to pass through the Volga-Caspian Sea Canal this year. This will open up new routes for business cooperation with India, Iran, Pakistan, and the Middle Eastern countries. We will continue developing this corridor.  我們將發展黑海和亞速海的港口。我們將特別關注南北國際走廊,正如那些每天在這方面工作的人所知。吃水不超過4.5米的船隻今年將能夠透過伏爾加-裏海運河。這將為與印度、伊朗、巴基斯坦和中東國家的商業合作開闢新路線。我們將繼續發展這條走廊。

Our plans include expedited modernisation of the eastern railways – the Trans-Siberian Railway and the Baikal-Amur Railway (BAM) – and building up the potential of the Northern Sea Route. This will create not only additional freight traffic but also a foundation for reaching our national goals on developing Siberia, the Arctic and the Far East.  我們的計畫包括加快東部鐵路--西伯利亞大鐵路和貝加爾-黑龍江鐵路(BAM的現代化建設,以及開發北方航路的潛力。這不僅將創造更多的貨運量,而且為實現我們發展西伯利亞、北極和遠東的國家目標奠定了基礎。

The infrastructure of the regions and the development of infrastructure, including communications, telecommunications and railways will receive a powerful impetus. Next year, 2024, we will bring to a proper condition at least 85 percent of all roads in the country’s largest metropolises, as well as over half of all regional and municipal roads. I am sure we will achieve this.  各地區的基礎設施和基礎設施的發展,包括通信、電信和鐵路,將得到強大的推動力。明年,即2024年,我們將使全國最大的大都市中至少85%的道路達到適當的狀態,以及所有區域和市政道路的一半以上。我確信我們將實現這一目標。

We will also continue our free gas distribution programme. We have already made the decision to extend it to social facilities – kindergartens and schools, outpatient clinics and hospitals, as well as primary healthcare centres. This programme will now be permanent for our citizens – they can always request a connection to the gas distribution system.  我們還將繼續我們的免費天然氣分配計畫。我們已經做出決定,將其擴大到社會設施--幼稚園和學校、門診和醫院以及初級保健中心。這個計畫現在對我們的公民來說將是永久性的 - 他們可以隨時要求連接到天然氣分配系統

This year, we will launch a large programme to build and repair housing and utility systems. Over the next ten years, we plan to invest at least 4.5 trillion rubles in this. We know how important this is for our people and how neglected this area has been. It is necessary to improve this situation, and we will do it. It is important to give the programme a powerful start. So, I would like to ask the Government to ensure stable funding for this.  今年,我們將啟動一項大型計畫,建設和維修住房和公用事業系統。在未來十年裡,我們計畫在這方面投資至少4.5萬億盧布。我們知道這對我們的人民是多麼重要,以及這一領域被忽視的程度。有必要改善這一狀況,我們將這樣做。重要的是給這個方案一個強有力的開始。因此,我想請政府確保為此提供穩定的資金

Second, we will need to significantly expand our economy’s production capabilities and to increase domestic industrial capacity.  第二,我們將需要大幅擴大我們經濟的生產能力,提高國內工業能力。

An industrial mortgage tool has been created, and an easy-term loan can now be taken out not only to purchase production facilities, but also to build or upgrade them. The size of such a loan was discussed many times and there were plans to increase it. It is a decent amount for a first step: up to 500 million rubles. It is available at a rate of 3 or 5 percent for up to seven years. It sounds like a very good programme and should be put to good use.  已經創建了一個工業抵押貸款工具,現在不僅可以為購買生產設施,而且還可以為建造或升級這些設施提供簡易貸款。這種貸款的規模被多次討論,並有計劃增加它。對於第一步來說,這是一個體面的數額:高達5億盧布。它3%5%的利率提供,期限最長為7。這聽起來是一個非常好的方案,應該好好利用。

New terms for industrial clusters took effect this year, including a lower fiscal and administrative burden on resident companies, and long-term state orders and subsidies to support demand for their innovative products, which are just entering the market.  工業集群的新條款在今年生效,包括降低常駐公司的財政和行政負擔,以及長期的國家訂單和補貼,以支援對剛剛進入市場創新產品的需求。

According to estimates, these measures will generate high-demand projects worth over 10 trillion rubles by 2030. Investment is expected to reach about 2 trillion this year alone. Please note that these are not forecasts, but existing benchmarks.  據估計,這些措施將在2030年前產生價值超過10萬億盧布的高需求項目。僅在今年,投資預計將達到約2萬億。請注意,這些都不是預測,而是現有的基準

Therefore, I would like the Government to expedite the launch of these projects, give a hand to businesses and come up with systemic support measures, including tax incentives. I am aware that the financial bloc does not like to provide incentives, and I partly share this approach: the taxation system must be consistent and without niches or exemptions, but this particular case calls for a creative approach.  因此,我希望政府加快啟動這些項目,向企業伸出援手,拿出系統的支援措施,包括稅收優惠。我知道金融集團不喜歡提供激勵措施,我也部分贊同這種做法:稅收制度必須是一致的,沒有利基或豁免,但這種特殊情況需要一種創造性的方法

So, starting this year, Russian companies will be able to reduce their revenue taxes if they purchase advanced domestic IT solutions and AI-enhanced products. Moreover, these expenses will be credited at one and a half times the actual cost, meaning that every ruble invested in purchasing such products will result in a tax deduction of 1.5 rubles.  因此,從今年開始,俄羅斯公司如果購買先進的國內IT解決方案和人工智慧增強型產品,將能夠減少其收入稅。此外,這些費用將按實際成本的1.5倍入帳,也就是說,每投入1盧布購買此類產品,就能減免1.5盧布的稅收。

I propose extending these deductions to purchases of all kinds of Russian high-tech equipment. I would like the Government to come up with a list of such equipment by specific industry and with the procedure for granting deductions. This is a good solution to reinvigorate the economy.  我建議將這些減稅措施擴大到購買所有種類的俄羅斯高科技設備。我希望政府拿出一份按具體行業劃分的此類設備的清單,並說明給予扣除的程式。這是一個重振經濟的好辦法。

Third, a crucial issue on our economic development agenda to do with the new sources of funding investment, which we have been talking about a lot.  第三,我們經濟發展議程上的一個關鍵問題,與新的投資資金來源有關,我們已經談了很多。

Thanks to our strong payments balance, Russia does not need to borrow funds abroad, kowtow and beg for money, and then hold long discussions on what, how much and on what conditions we would pay back. Russian banks are working stably and sustainably and have a solid margin for security.  由於我們強大的國際收支俄羅斯不需要向國外借錢,磕頭求人,然後就我們將償還什麼、多少和什麼條件進行長時間的討論。俄羅斯的銀行正在穩定地、可持續地工作,並且有堅實的安全邊際。

In 2022, the volume of bank loans for the corporate sector increased, I repeat, increased. There was considerable concern about that, but we have reported growth, an increase of 14 percent, or more than we reported in 2021, before the miliary operation. In 2021, the figure was 11.7 percent; last year, it was 14 percent. The mortgage portfolio went up by 20.4 percent. We are growing.  2022,銀行對企業部門的貸款量增加了,我重複一遍,增加了。人們對此相當關注,但我們已經報告了增長,增長了14%,或比我們在2021年報告的更多,在軍事行動之前。2021年,這個數字是11.7%;去年,是14%。抵押貸款組合上升了20.4%我們正在增長

Last year, the banking sector as a whole operated at a profit. It was not as large as in the preceding years, but it was considerable nevertheless: 203 billion rubles. This is another indicator of the stability of the Russian financial sector.  去年,銀行業作為一個整體運作是有獲利的。它不像前幾年那麼大,但它是相當大的:2030億盧布。這是俄羅斯金融部門穩定的另一個指標。

According to our estimates, inflation in Russia will approach the target figure of 4 percent in the second quarter this year. I would like to remind you that the inflation rate has reached 12, 17 and 20 percent in some EU countries. Our figure is 4 or 5 percent; the Central Bank and the Finance Ministry are still discussing the figure, but it will be close to the target. Given these positive dynamics and other macroeconomic parameters, we are creating objective conditions for lowering long-term interest rates in the economy, which means that loans for the real economic sector will become more affordable.  根據我們的估計,俄羅斯的通貨膨脹率將在今年第二季度接近4%的目標數位。我想提醒大家,在一些歐盟國家,通貨膨脹率已經達到12%17%20%。我們的數字是4%5%;中央銀行和財政部仍在討論這個數字,但它將接近目標。鑒於這些積極的動態和其他宏觀經濟參數,我們正在為降低經濟中的長期利率創造客觀條件,這意味著實體經濟部門的貸款將變得更容易負擔

Individual long-term savings are a vital source of investment resources around the world, and we must also stimulate their attraction into the investment sphere. I would like the Government to expedite the submission of draft laws to the State Duma to launch the relevant state programme as soon as this April.  個人長期儲蓄是全世界投資資源的一個重要來源,我們也必須刺激吸引他們進入投資領域。我希望政府加快向國家杜馬提交法律草案,以便儘快在今年4月啟動相關的國家計畫。

It is important to create additional conditions to encourage people to invest and earn at home, in the country. At the same time, it is necessary to guarantee the safety of people’s investment in voluntary retirement savings. We should create a mechanism here similar to the one used for insuring bank deposits. I would like to remind you that such savings, worth up to 1.4 million rubles, are insured by the state on guarantee deposits. I propose doubling the sum to 2.8 million rubles for voluntary retirement savings. Likewise, we must protect people’s investment in other long-term investment instruments, including against the possible bankruptcy of financial brokers.  重要的是要創造更多條件,鼓勵人們在國內、在國內投資和賺錢。同時,有必要保證人們對自願退休儲蓄的投資安全。我們應該在這裡建立一個類似於用於銀行存款保險的機制。我想提醒大家的是,這類儲蓄,價值高達140萬盧布,由國家提供擔保存款的保險。我建議將自願退休儲蓄的金額翻倍至280萬盧布。同樣,我們必須保護人們對其他長期投資工具的投資,包括防止金融經紀人可能破產。

Separate decisions must be taken to attract funds to rapidly growing and high-tech businesses. We will approve support for the placement of their shares on the domestic stock market, including tax benefits for both the companies and the buyers of their stock.  必須採取單獨的決定,以吸引資金進入快速增長和高科技企業。我們將批准支持他們在國內股票市場上配售股票,包括對公司和其股票購買者的稅收優惠。

Freedom of enterprise is a vital element of economic sovereignty. I will repeat: against the backdrop of external attempts to contain Russia, private businesses have proven their ability to quickly adapt to the changing environment and ensure economic growth in difficult conditions. So, every business initiative aimed at benefiting the country should receive support.  企業自由是經濟主權的一個重要因素。我要重申:在外部試圖遏制俄羅斯的背景下,私營企業已經證明他們有能力迅速適應不斷變化的環境,並確保在困難條件下的經濟增長。因此,每一個旨在造福國家的商業舉措都應該得到支持。

I believe it is necessary to return, in this context, to the revision of a number of norms of criminal law as regards the economic elements of crime. Of course, the state must control what is happening in this area. We should not allow an anything-goes attitude here but we should not go too far, either. It is necessary to move faster towards the decriminalisation I mentioned. I hope the Government will consistently and seriously conduct this work together with Parliament, the law-enforcement bodies and business associations.  我認為,在這種情況下,有必要回到對刑法中關於犯罪的經濟因素的一些規範的修訂上。當然,國家必須控制在這個領域發生的事情。我們不應該允許在這裡採取什麼都可以的態度,但也不應該走得太遠。有必要更快地朝著我提到的非刑事化的方向發展。我希望政府能夠與議會、執法機構和商業協會一起,持續、認真地開展這項工作。

At the same time, I would like to ask the Government to suggest, in close cooperation with Parliament, additional measures for speeding up the de-offshorisation of the economy. Businesses, primarily those operating in key sectors and industries should operate in Russian jurisdiction – this is a fundamental principle.  同時,我想請政府與議會密切合作,提出更多的措施,以加快經濟的去粗取精。企業,主要是那些在關鍵部門和行業經營的企業應該在俄羅斯的管轄範圍內經營--這是一個基本原則。

Colleagues, in this context I would like to make a small philosophical digression. This is what I would like to single out.  同事們,在這種情況下,我想說一點哲學上的題外話。這是我想單獨提出來的

We remember what problems and imbalances the Soviet economy faced in its later stages. This is why after the collapse of the Soviet Union and its planned system, in the chaos of the 1990s, the country began to create its economy along the lines of market relations and private ownership. Overall, this was the right thing to do. The Western countries were largely an example to follow in this respect. As you know, their advisers were a dime a dozen, and it seemed enough to simply copy their models. True, I remember they still argued with each other – the Europeans argued with the Americans on how the Russian economy should develop.  我們還記得蘇聯經濟在後期面臨哪些問題和不平衡。這就是為什麼在蘇聯及其計畫體制崩潰後,在20世紀90年代的混亂中,該國開始按照市場關係和私有制的路線創建其經濟。總的來說,這是正確的做法。在這方面,西方國家在很大程度上是一個值得效仿的榜樣。如你所知,他們的顧問多如牛毛,似乎只需複製他們的模式即可。的確,我記得他們還在互相爭論--歐洲人與美國人爭論俄羅斯經濟應該如何發展

And what happened as a result? Our national economy was largely oriented to the West and for the most part as a source of raw materials. Naturally, there were different nuances, but overall, we were seen as a source of raw materials. The reasons for this are also clear – naturally, the new Russian businesses that were taking shape were primarily oriented toward generating profit, quick and easy profit in the first place. What could provide this? Of course, the sale of resources – oil, gas, metals and timber.  結果是什麼呢?我們的國家經濟在很大程度上是面向西方的,大部分是作為原材料的來源。自然,有不同的細微差別,但總的來說,我們被看作是一個原材料的來源。這方面的原因也很清楚--自然,正在形成的新的俄羅斯企業主要以創造利潤為導向,首先是快速和容易的利潤。什麼可以提供這個?當然是資源的銷售 - 石油、天然氣、金屬和木材。

Few people thought about other alternatives or, probably, they did not have the opportunity to invest long-term. This is the reason other, more complex industries did not make much headway. It took us years – other governments saw this clearly – to break this negative trend. We had to adjust our tax system and make large-scale public investments.  很少有人想到其他的選擇,或者,他們可能沒有機會進行長期投資。這就是其他更複雜的行業沒有取得很大進展的原因。我們花了很多年--其他政府也清楚地看到了這一點--才打破了這種消極的趨勢。我們不得不調整我們的稅收制度並進行大規模的公共投資

We have achieved real and visible change. Indeed, the results are there, but, again, we should keep in mind the circumstances in which our major businesses developed. Technologies were coming from the West, cheaper sources of financing and lucrative markets were in the West, and capital started flowing to the West as well. Unfortunately, instead of expanding production and buying equipment and technology to create new jobs in Russia, they spent their money on foreign mansions, yachts and luxury real estate.  我們已經實現了真正的、可見的變化。的確,結果是存在的,但是,我們應該再次牢記我們主要企業發展的環境。技術來自西方,更便宜的融資來源和有利可圖的市場在西方,資本也開始流向西方。不幸的是,他們沒有擴大生產,購買設備和技術,在俄羅斯創造新的就業機會,而是把錢花在外國的豪宅、遊艇和豪華房地產上

They began to invest in the economy later, but initially the money flowed rapidly to the West for consumption purposes. And since their money was there, that is where their children were educated, where their life was, their future. It was very difficult and almost impossible for the state to track and prevent these developments, because we lived in a free market paradigm.  他們後來開始對經濟進行投資,但最初資金迅速流向西方,用於消費。由於他們的錢在那裡,他們的孩子在那裡接受教育,他們的生活在那裡,他們的未來在那裡。國家很難也幾乎不可能跟蹤和阻止這些發展,因為我們生活在一個自由市場典範中。

Recent events have clearly shown that the image of the West as a safe haven for capital was a mirage. Those who failed to understand this in time, who saw Russia only as a source of income and planned to live mostly abroad, have lost a lot. They just got robbed there and saw even their legitimate money taken away.  最近的事件清楚地表明,西方作為資本安全港的形象是一個海市蜃樓。那些未能及時瞭解這一點,只把俄羅斯視為收入來源,並計畫主要在國外生活的人,已經損失慘重。他們只是在那裡被搶劫了,甚至看到他們的合法資金被拿走了。

At some point I made a joke – many may still remember it – I told Russian businesspeople that they will make themselves sick running from courtroom to courtroom and from office to office in the West trying to save their money. That is exactly how it turned out.  在某些時候,我開了一個玩笑--很多人可能還記得--我告訴俄羅斯商人,他們在西方國家從一個法庭跑到另一個法庭,從一個辦公室跑到另一個辦公室,試圖挽救他們的錢,會讓自己生病。結果正是如此。

You know, I will say something that is quite simple, but truly important. Trust me, not a single ordinary citizen in our country felt sorry for those who lost their assets in foreign banks, lost their yachts or palaces abroad, and so on. In their conversations around the kitchen table, people have all recalled the privatisation of the 1990s, when enterprises that had been built by our entire nation were sold for next to nothing and the so-called new elites flaunted their lavish lifestyle.  你知道嗎,我要說的是很簡單,但確實很重要。相信我,我國沒有一個普通公民為那些在外國銀行失去資產、在國外失去遊艇或宮殿的人感到難過,等等。在他們在廚房餐桌旁的談話中,人們都回憶起了20世紀90年代的私有化,當時由我們整個國家建立的企業被以幾乎為零的價格出售,而所謂的新精英們則炫耀著他們奢侈的生活

There are other key aspects. During the years that followed the breakup of the Soviet Union, the West never stopped trying to set the post-Soviet states on fire and, most importantly, finish off Russia as the largest surviving portion of the historical reaches of our state. They encouraged international terrorists to assault us, provoked regional conflicts along the perimeter of our borders, ignored our interests and tried to contain and suppress our economy.  還有其他一些關鍵方面。在蘇聯解體後的幾年裡,西方從未停止過試圖讓後蘇聯國家著火,最重要的是,把俄羅斯這個我國歷史上最大的倖存部分給幹掉。他們鼓勵國際恐怖分子襲擊我們,在我國邊界周邊挑起地區衝突,無視我們的利益,試圖遏制和壓制我們的經濟。

I am saying this because big business in Russia controls strategic enterprises with thousands of workers that determine the socioeconomic well-being of many regions and, hence, the overall state of affairs. So, whenever leaders or owners of such businesses become dependent on governments that adopt policies that are unfriendly to Russia, this poses a great threat to us, a danger to our country. This is an untenable situation.  我之所以這樣說,是因為俄羅斯的大企業控制著擁有成千上萬工人的戰略企業,這些企業決定著許多地區的社會經濟福利,因此也決定著整個國家的情況。因此,每當這些企業的領導人或所有者依賴那些採取對俄羅斯不友好政策的政府時,這就對我們構成了巨大的威脅,對我們的國家構成了危險。這是一個無法維持的局面。

Yes, everyone has a choice. Some may choose to live in a seized mansion with a blocked account, trying to find a place for themselves in a seemingly attractive Western capital, a resort or some other comfortable place abroad. Anyone has the right to do that, and we will never infringe on it. But it is time to see that in the West these people have always been and will always remain second class strangers who can be treated any way, and their money, connections and the acquired titles of counts, peers or mayors will not help at all. They must understand that they are second class people there.  是的,每個人都有一個選擇。有些人可能會選擇住在被查封的豪宅裡,帳戶被封,試圖在看似有吸引力的西方首都、度假勝地或其他舒適的國外地方為自己找一個地方。任何人都有這樣做的權利,我們永遠不會侵犯它。但現在應該看到,在西方,這些人一直是而且將永遠是二等的陌生人,他們可以被任意對待,他們的金錢、關係和獲得的伯爵、同行或市長的頭銜根本無濟於事。他們必須明白,他們在那裡是二等人。

There is another option: to stay with your Motherland, to work for your compatriots, not only to open new businesses but also to change life around you in cities, towns and throughout your country. We have quite a few businesspeople like this, real fighters in our business community, and we associate the future of our business with them. Everyone must know that the sources of their prosperity and their future can only be here, in their native country Russia.  還有一個選擇:留在祖國,為同胞工作,不僅開創新的事業,而且改變周圍城市、城鎮和全國的生活。我們有不少這樣的商人,是我們商業界真正的鬥士,我們把我們企業的未來與他們聯繫在一起。每個人都必須知道,他們的繁榮和他們的未來的來源只能在這裡,在他們的原生國家俄羅斯

If they do, we will create a very strong and self-sufficient economy that will not remain aloof in the world but will make use of all its competitive advantages. Russian capital, the money earned here, must be put to work for the country, for our national development. Today, we see huge potential in the development of infrastructure, the manufacturing sector, in domestic tourism and many other industries.  如果他們這樣做,我們將創造一個非常強大和自給自足的經濟,它不會在世界範圍內保持冷漠,而是會利用其所有競爭優勢。俄羅斯的資本,在這裡賺到的錢,必須為國家工作,為我們的國家發展。今天,我們看到在發展基礎設施、製造業、國內旅遊業和許多其他行業方面的巨大潛力。

I would like those who have come up against the predatory mores of the West to hear what I have to say: running around with cap in hand, begging for your own money makes no sense, and most importantly, it accomplishes nothing, especially now that you realise who you are dealing with. Stop clinging to the past, resorting to the courts to get at least something back. Change your lives and your jobs, because you are strong people – I am addressing our businesspeople now, many of whom I have known for years, who know what is what in life.  我希望那些反對西方掠奪性習俗的人聽聽我要說的話:拿著帽子到處跑,乞求你自己的錢是沒有意義的,最重要的是,它沒有任何結果,特別是現在你意識到你在和誰打交道。不要再執著於過去,訴諸於法庭,至少要拿回一些東西。改變你們的生活和工作,因為你們是堅強的人--我現在是對我們的商人說的,其中許多人我已經認識多年,他們知道生活中的點點滴滴。

Launch new projects, earn money, work hard for Russia, invest in enterprises and jobs, and help schools and universities, science and healthcare, culture and sports. In this way, you will increase your wealth and will also win the respect and gratitude of the people for a generation ahead. The state and society will certainly support you.  啟動新計劃,賺錢,為俄羅斯努力工作,投資企業和就業,幫助學校和大學、科學和保健、文化和體育。這樣,你會增加你的財富,也會在未來一代贏得人民的尊重和感激。國家和社會一定會支援你們。

Let us consider this as a message for your business: get moving in the right direction.  讓我們把這看作是對你們企業的啟示:朝著正確的方向前進。



Colleagues, 同事們。

Russia is an open country and at the same time, a distinct civilisation. There is no claim to exclusivity or superiority in this statement, but this civilisation of ours – that’s what matters. Our ancestors passed it to us and we must preserve it for our descendants and pass it on to them.  俄羅斯是一個開放的國家,同時也是一個獨特的文明。這句話並沒有聲稱具有排他性或優越性,但我們的這種文明--這才是最重要的。我們的祖先把它傳給了我們,我們必須為我們的後代保留它,把它傳給他們。

We will develop cooperation with friends, with all those who are ready to work with us. We will adopt the best practices but will primarily rely on our own potential, on the creative energy of Russian society, on our traditions and values.  我們將與朋友,與所有願意與我們合作的人發展合作。我們將採用最好的做法,但將主要依靠我們自己的潛力,依靠俄羅斯社會的創造性能量,依靠我們的傳統和價值觀。

Here I would like to mention the character of our people who have always been distinguished by their generosity, magnanimity, mercy and compassion, and Russia, as a country, fully reflects these traits. We know how to be good friends, how to stand by one’s word. We will never let anyone down and will always support those in a difficult situation without hesitation.  在此,我想提及我國人民的性格,他們總是以慷慨、寬宏大量、仁慈和同情心而聞名,而俄羅斯作為一個國家,充分體現了這些特徵。我們知道如何成為好朋友,如何堅守自己的諾言。我們絕不會讓任何人失望,總是毫不猶豫地支持那些處於困境的人。

Everyone remembers that during the pandemic we were actually the first to support some European countries, including Italy and other states when they were going through the most difficult weeks of the COVID outbreak, and let’s not forget how we are helping Syria and Turkiye after a devastating earthquake.  每個人都記得,在大流行期間,我們實際上是第一個支持一些歐洲國家,包括義大利和其他國家,當他們經歷COVID爆發的最困難的幾個星期時,讓我們不要忘記我們是如何在破壞性的地震後幫助敘利亞和土耳其。

It is the people of Russia that are the foundation of our national sovereignty and our source of power. The rights and freedoms of our citizens are immutable – they are guaranteed by the Constitution and we will not depart from this despite the external challenges and threats.  俄羅斯人民是我們國家主權的基礎和我們的力量源泉。我們公民的權利和自由是不可改變的--它們受到憲法的保障,儘管有外部挑戰和威脅,我們也不會背離這一點。

I would like to emphasise in this context that elections to local and regional government bodies next September and the presidential elections in 2024 will take place in strict accordance with the law and observance of all democratic, constitutional provisions.  我想在此強調,明年9月的地方和地區政府機構選舉以及2024年的總統選舉將嚴格依法進行,並遵守所有民主、憲法規定。

Elections always reveal different approaches to resolving social and economic goals. That said, the leading political forces are consolidated and united in the main idea – the security and wellbeing of the people; our sovereignty and our national interests override everything else for us.  選舉彰顯解決社會和經濟目標的不同方法。意即,主要的政治力量鞏固和統一主要思想--人民的安全和福祉;對我們來說,我們的主權和國家利益高於其他一切

I would like to thank you for this responsible, firm position and recall the words of Pyotr Stolypin, a patriot and a proponent of a strong Russian state. He said this in the State Duma over a hundred years ago, but it is still consonant with our times. He said: “In the cause of defending Russia, all of us must unite and coordinate our efforts, our commitements and our rights for supporting one historical supreme right – the right of Russia to be strong.”  我想感謝你們這種負責任的堅定立場,並回顧愛國者和強大的俄羅斯國家的支持者皮奧特-斯托雷平的話。他一百多年前在國家杜馬說過這句話,但它仍然與我們的時代相吻合。他說「在保衛俄羅斯的事業中,我們所有人都必須團結起來,協調我們的努力、我們的承諾和我們的權利,以支援一個歷史性的最高權利--俄羅斯強大的權利。」

Volunteers at the frontline include deputies of the State Duma and regional parliaments, representatives from different levels of executive government bodies, municipalities, cities, districts and rural areas. All parliamentary parties and leading public associations are taking part in collecting humanitarian aid to help at the front.  在前線的志願者包括國家杜馬和地區議會的代表,來自各級政府行政機構、市政當局、城市、地區和農村地區的代表。所有議會政黨和主要公共協會都參與了收集人道主義援助以幫助前線。

Thank you once again – thank you for such a patriotic stand.  再次感謝你們--感謝你們如此愛國的立場。

Local governments as a public authority closest to the people play a huge role in strengthening civil society and solving everyday problems. People’s trust in the state as a whole, social welfare of the country’s citizens and their confidence in the successful development of the country depends on how they work.  地方政府作為最接近人民的公共機構,在加強公民社會和解決日常問題方面發揮著巨大的作用。人們對整個國家的信任、國家公民的社會福利以及對國家成功發展的信心都取決於他們的工作方式。

I would like to ask the Presidential Executive Office and the Government to submit proposals on creating tools of direct support for the best managerial teams and practices in large, medium-sized and small municipalities.  我想請總統行政辦公室和政府提交關於為大、中、小城市的最佳管理團隊和實踐創造直接支持工具的建議。

The free development of society means being ready to take responsibility for yourself and your loved ones, for your country. These qualities must be encouraged from a young age in the family. Of course, the system of education and our national culture are extremely important for strengthening our common values and our national identity.  社會的自由發展意味著準備好為自己和你的親人、為你的國家承擔責任。這些品質必須從小在家庭中得到鼓勵。當然,教育體系和我們的民族文化對於加強我們的共同價值觀民族認同感極為重要。

The state will use the resources of the Presidential Grants Foundation, the Foundation for Cultural Initiatives, the Institute for Internet Development and other instruments to support all forms of creative endeavour, such as contemporary and traditional art, realism and avant-garde, classical and innovative works. It is not genres or trends that matter. Culture must serve the good, beauty and harmony, ponder some very complicated and contradictory issues in life, but its main mission is not to tear down society but to nurture the best human qualities.  國家將利用總統贈款基金會、文化倡議基金會、網際網路發展研究所和其他工具的資源,支援所有形式的創造性工作,如當代和傳統藝術、現實主義和先鋒派、經典和創新作品。重要的不是流派或趨勢。文化必須為善、為美、為和諧服務,思考生活中一些非常複雜和矛盾的問題,但它的主要使命不是拆毀社會,而是培養人類最優秀的品質。

Cultural development will be a priority of rebuilding peaceful life in Donbass and Novorossiya. We will have to rebuild, repair and provide equipment to hundreds of cultural facilities there, including museum collections and buildings, which help people feel the connection between the past and the present and create a link to the future, to feel their affiliation with the common cultural, historical and educational space of the centuries-old great Russia.  文化發展將是在頓巴斯和新羅西斯亞重建和平生活的一個優先事項。我們將不得不重建、修復那裡的數百個文化設施並為其提供設備,包括博物館藏品和建築,這有助於人們感受到過去和現在之間的聯繫,並建立與未來的聯繫,感受到他們與數百年來偉大俄羅斯的共同文化、歷史和教育空間的歸屬。

We must work together with our teachers, academics and professionals to seriously improve the quality of school and university textbooks, first of all in the humanities – history, social science, literature and geography – so that our young people learn as much as possible about Russia, its great past, its culture and traditions.  我們必須與我們的教師、學者和專業人士一起努力,認真提高學校和大學教科書的品質,首先是在人文學科--歷史、社會科學、文學和地理方面,以便我們的年輕人盡可能瞭解俄羅斯、它的偉大歷史、它的文化和傳統

We have brilliant, talented young people who are willing to work for the benefit of our country in areas like scientific research, culture, the social sphere, business and public administration. The Leaders of Russia competition, as well as the Leaders of Revival competition currently taking place in the new constituent entities of the Federation, are opening up new horizons for career growth for these very people.  我們有才華橫溢的年輕人,他們願意在科學研究、文化、社會領域、商業和公共管理等領域為我們國家的利益工作。「俄羅斯領袖」競賽以及目前在新的聯邦主體進行的「復興領袖」競賽,正在為這些人的職業發展開闢新的前景。

Notably, a number of winners and finalists in these competitions have voluntarily joined military units. Many of them are now working in the liberated territories helping rebuild economic and social life, and they are acting professionally, decisively and courageously.  值得注意的是,這些競賽中的一些獲獎者和決賽選手都自願加入了軍事單位。他們中的許多人現在正在解放區工作,幫助重建經濟和社會生活,他們的行動是專業的、果斷的和勇敢的。

Generally speaking, nothing can replace the school of war. People return entirely different, and they are ready to lay down their lives for the Fatherland, wherever they may be working.  一般來說,沒有什麼可以取代戰爭的學校。人們回來後完全不同,他們準備為祖國獻出自己的生命,無論他們在哪裡工作。

Let me stress that it’s precisely those who were born and raised in Donbass and Novorossiya, who have fought for them, they will be and should form the foundation of our joint effort to develop these regions. I want them to hear me: Russia is counting on you.  讓我強調,正是那些在頓巴斯和新羅西斯出生和長大的人,為他們而戰,他們將是也應該是我們共同發展這些地區的基礎。我希望他們能聽到我的話。俄羅斯正在依靠你們。

With the ambitious tasks facing our country in mind, we must seriously revise our approaches to the system of professional education, to our science and technology policy.  考慮到我國面臨的雄心勃勃的任務,我們必須認真修改我們的職業教育體系科技政策的方法

At the recent meeting of the Council for Science and Education, we discussed the need to prioritise our efforts, to concentrate resources on obtaining specific and fundamentally meaningful scientific results, primarily in areas where we have done a fair amount of work and which are of critical importance to our country, including transport, energy, housing and utilities, public healthcare, agriculture, and the manufacturing industry.  在最近的科學和教育委員會會議上,我們討論了需要確定工作的優先次序,將資源集中在獲得具體的、具有根本意義的科學成果上,主要是在我們已經做了相當多的工作、對我國至關重要的領域,包括運輸、能源、住房和公用事業、公共衛生、農業和製造業

Innovative technology invariably relies on existing fundamental research. Here, just like in culture – and I want to emphasise this – we must give researchers greater freedom for creativity. We should not have everyone just focused on the results that we will need tomorrow. Fundamental science makes its own rules.  創新技術無一例外地依賴於現有的基礎研究。在這裡,就像在文化領域一樣--我想強調這一點--我們必須給予研究人員更大的創造自由。我們不應該讓每個人都只關注我們明天需要的結果。基礎科學制定自己的規則

Also, setting and fulfilling ambitious goals is a powerful incentive for young people to choose science as their field and a chance to prove their leadership skills and being the best in the world. Our research teams have much to be proud of.  另外,設定並實現雄心勃勃的目標是對年輕人選擇科學作為其領域的有力激勵,也是證明其領導能力和成為世界上最好的人的機會。我們的研究團隊有很多值得驕傲的地方。

Last December, I met with some of our young researchers. One of their questions concerned housing. A mundane, but important issue. Housing certificates for young researchers are already available. Last year, an additional one billion rubles was set aside for these purposes. I hereby instruct the Government to identify reserves to expand this programme.  去年12月,我與我們的一些年輕研究人員會面。他們的問題之一涉及住房。一個平凡的,但重要的問題。年輕研究人員的住房證書已經有了。去年,又為這些目的撥出了10億盧布。我在此指示政府確定儲備金以擴大這一計畫。

In recent years, the prestige of secondary vocational education has grown significantly. The demand for graduates of technical schools and colleges is just huge, colossal. You see, if our unemployment has fallen to a historic low of 3.7 percent, it means that people are working, new personnel is needed.  近年來,中等職業教育的聲望明顯提高。對技術學校和學院的畢業生的需求就是巨大的,巨量的。你看,如果我們的失業率已經下降到3.7%的歷史低點,這意味著人們在工作,需要新的人員

I believe that we should significantly expand the Professionalitet project, under which educational and industrial clusters are created, the educational base is updated, and enterprises and employers develop educational programmes based on the needs of the economy in close contact with colleges and technical schools. And of course, it is very important for mentors with experience in real, complex production to join in.  我認為,我們應該大大擴展Professionalitet專案,在這個專案下,教育和工業集群被創建,教育基礎被更新,企業和雇主與學院和技術學校密切聯繫,根據經濟的需要制定教育方案。當然,具有真實、複雜生產經驗的導師加入進來也非常重要。

The task is clear: in the next five years we need to train about a million specialists of working professions for the electronics industry, the robotics industry, mechanical engineering, metallurgy, pharmaceuticals, agriculture and the defence industry, construction, transport, nuclear and other industries that are key to ensuring the security, sovereignty and competitiveness of Russia.  任務很明確:在未來五年內,我們需要為電子工業、機器人工業、機械工程、冶金、製藥、農業和國防工業、建築、運輸、核工業和其他對確保俄羅斯的安全、主權和競爭力至關重要的行業培養大約一百萬名工作專業人員。

Finally, a very important question is about our higher education. Significant changes are also overdue here, considering the new requirements for specialists in the economy, social sectors, and in all spheres of life in our country. What we need here is a synthesis of all the best that was in the Soviet system of education and the experience of recent decades.  最後,一個非常重要的問題是關於我們的高等教育。考慮到我國經濟、社會部門和所有生活領域對專家的新要求,這裡也早該進行重大變革。我們在這裡需要的是綜合蘇聯教育體系中的所有優點和最近幾十年的經驗。

In this regard, the following is proposed.  在這方面,建議如下。

First, to return to the basic training of specialists with higher education, which is traditional for our country. The term of study can be four to six years. At the same time, programmes can be offered that differ in terms of training, depending on the specific profession, industry and labour market demand even within the same specialty and one university.  第一,恢復我國傳統的高等教育專家基本培訓。學習期限可以是46年。同時,可以根據具體的專業、行業和勞動力市場的需求,提供不同的培訓方案,即使在同一專業和一所大學內也是如此。

Second, if a profession requires additional training or niche specialisation, in this case a young person will be able to continue education by doing a master’s degree or choosing residency training.  第二,如果一個專業需要額外的培訓或利基專業,在這種情況下,年輕人將能夠透過攻讀碩士學位或選擇在職培訓來繼續教育。

Third, postgraduate studies will be made into a separate level of professional education, the task of which is to train personnel for scientific and teaching professions.  第三,研究生學習將成為一個獨立的專業教育層次,其任務是為科學教學專業培養人才。

I want to emphasise that the transition to the new system should be smooth. The Government, together with parliamentarians, will need to make numerous amendments to legislation on education, on the labour market, and so on. Here you need to think everything through, work out every detail. Young people, our citizens should have new opportunities for quality education, employment and professional growth. I repeat: opportunities, not problems.  我想強調的是,向新制度的過渡應該是順利的。政府與議員們一起,需要對有關教育、勞動力市場等方面的立法進行大量修訂。在這裡,你需要把一切都想清楚,把每一個細節都想好。年輕人,我們的公民應該有高品質教育、就業和職業發展的新機會。我重複:是機會,不是問題

And I would like to specifically note that those students who are studying now will be able to continue their education under existing programmes. And also, the level of training and higher education diplomas of citizens who have already completed studies under current undergraduate, specialist or master’s programmes are not subject to revision. They must not lose their rights. I ask the Russian Popular Front to take all issues related to changes in the field of higher education under special control.  而且我想特別指出,那些現在正在學習的學生將能夠在現有方案下繼續接受教育。還有,已經在目前的本科、專科或碩士課程下完成學習的公民,其培訓水準和高等教育文憑不會被修改。他們決不能失去自己的權利。我要求俄羅斯人民陣線將所有與高等教育領域的變化有關的問題置於特別控制之下。

This year was declared the Year of the Teacher and Mentor in Russia. Teachers are directly involved in building the country’s future, and it is important to raise the social status of their work. Parents should talk to their children more about gratitude for their teachers, and teachers should instil in children respect and love for their parents. Let’s always remember this.  今年為俄羅斯的「教師和指導者年」。教師直接參與建設國家的未來,提高他們工作的社會地位很重要。家長應多和孩子談及對老師的感激之情老師應向孩子灌輸對父母的尊重和愛讓我們永遠記住這一點

I will talk about support for children and Russian families in a minute.  我將在一分鐘內談及對兒童和俄羅斯家庭的支持。

I would like to note that the so-called children’s budget, or budget allocations to support families in Russia, has increased manifold rather than by a small percent over the past few years. These expenses are the fastest growing part of the country’s main financial document – the budget, the law on the budget. I would like to thank the parliament members and the Government for their uniform, consolidated understanding of our national priorities.  我想指出,所謂的兒童預算,或用於支援俄羅斯家庭的預算撥款,在過去幾年裡成倍增長,而不是一小部分。這些費用是國家主要財政文件--預算,即關於預算的法律中增長最快的部分。我想感謝議會成員和政府對我們國家優先事項的統一、綜合理解。

On February 1, the maternity capital in Russia was again adjusted for inflation. As we promised, it was adjusted by last year’s inflation rate, that is, by 11.9 percent. Russian citizens – residents of the new regions of the Federation – are also entitled to this support now. I suggest granting maternity capital to families in the Donetsk and Lugansk people’s republics and the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions where children were born starting from 2007, that is, when this programme was launched throughout Russia. I will recall that at one time we made a similar decision for the residents of Crimea and Sevastopol.  21日,俄羅斯的生育資本再次根據通貨膨脹進行了調整。正如我們所承諾的那樣,它是按去年的通貨膨脹率調整的,也就是按11.9%的比例。俄羅斯公民--聯邦新地區的居民--現在也有權獲得這一支持。我建議從2007年開始,也就是在俄羅斯全國範圍內啟動這項計畫的時候,向頓涅茨克和盧甘斯克人民共和國以及札波羅熱和赫爾松地區有孩子出生的家庭發放孕產資本。我記得,我們曾經為克里米亞和塞瓦斯托波爾的居民做出過類似的決定。

We will continue implementing large-scale programmes aimed at improving the living standards of Russian families.  我們將繼續實施旨在提高俄羅斯家庭生活水準的大規模計畫。

I would like to emphasise that the Government and the regions of the Federation have been given a practical goal – to ensure noticeable, tangible growth in real wages in Russia.  我想強調的是,政府和聯邦各地區都被賦予了一個實際的目標--確保俄羅斯實質工資明顯、切實的增長

As we all know, an important indicator, a starting point here is the minimum wage. We raised it twice last year, almost by 20 percent overall.  眾所周知,這裡的一個重要指標,一個起點是最低工資。我們去年兩次提高了它,總體上幾乎提高了20%

We will continue raising the minimum wage, doing it at a rate that is higher than the inflation rate and the real wage growth rate. Since the start of this year, the minimum wage was adjusted by 6.3 percent.  我們將繼續提高最低工資,以高於通貨膨脹率和實際工資增長率的速度進行。自今年年初以來,最低工資調整了6.3%

I suggest supplementing the planned increase by an additional 10 percent starting January 1, 2024. Thus, the minimum wage will have grown by 18.5 percent to constitute 19,242 rubles.  我建議從202411日起,將計畫中的增長再補充10%。這樣,最低工資將增長18.5%,構成19242盧布。

Now I would like to mention adjustments to the taxation system for the benefit of Russian families. Starting last year, families with two or more children have been relieved of paying tax on the sale of housing if they are purchasing a new, bigger flat or house.  現在我想提一下為了俄羅斯家庭的利益對稅收制度的調整。從去年開始有兩個或更多孩子的家庭如果購買新的、更大的公寓或房屋,就可以免交住房銷售稅

It is necessary to make better use of these instruments – they have proven to be in demand. Families should have more money in their family budgets to be able to resolve their most important and urgent problems.  有必要更好地利用這些工具--事實證明它們是有需求的。家庭預算中應該有更多的錢,以便能夠解決他們最重要和最緊迫的問題

I suggest increasing the amount of social tax deductions: for children’s education costs – from current 50,000 rubles to 110,000 rubles per year, and for costs on personal education, medical treatment or purchase of medications – from current 120,000 to 150,000 rubles. The state will reimburse the 13 percent income tax paid on these increased amounts.  我建議增加社會稅的減免額度:孩子的教育費用--從目前的每年5萬盧布增加到11萬盧布,個人教育、醫療或購買藥物的費用--從目前的12萬盧布增加到15萬盧布。國家將報銷為這些增加的金額所支付的13%的所得稅。

Naturally we need not only to increase this deduction, but also to make this benefit easily available to people. This deduction should be granted proactively, quickly and online. This process should be easy for applicants.  當然,我們不僅需要增加這一扣除額,還需要使人們容易獲得這一福利。這項扣除應該主動、快速和線上授予。這個過程對申請人來說應該是容易的。

Next. The well-being, the quality of life of Russian families, and therefore the demographic situation, depend directly on the state of things in the social sphere.  下一步。俄羅斯家庭的福祉、生活品質,以及因此而產生的人口狀況,直接取決於社會領域的狀況。

I know that many regions of the Federation are ready to significantly speed up renovation of social infrastructure, cultural and sports facilities, relocation of people from dilapidated housing, and comprehensive development of rural areas. This attitude will certainly be supported.  我知道,聯邦的許多地區準備大大加快社會基礎設施、文化和體育設施的改造,將人們從破舊的住房中遷出,以及農村地區的全面發展。這種態度肯定會得到支援。

We will use the following mechanism here: the regions will be able to receive now and use the funds that have been set aside in the 2024 federal budget for national projects, through interest-free treasury loans – they will be automatically repaid in April of 2024. It is a good tool.  我們將在此使用以下機制:各地區現在就可以透過無息國庫貸款的方式獲得並使用2024年聯邦預算中為國家專案預留的資金--它們將在20244月自動償還。這是一個很好的工具。

We will keep this issue under constant review, and I ask the State Council Commission On Economy and Finance to become involved in this work.  我們將不斷審查這個問題,我要求國務院經濟和財政委員會參與這項工作。

However, we don't need to rush and chase after numbers, especially to the detriment of the quality of the facilities being built. Additional financial resources must be used efficiently to give a high return.  然而,我們不需要匆忙和追逐數位,尤其是損害正在建設的設施的品質。必須有效地使用額外的財政資源,以獲得高回報。

This is particularly vital for the modernisation of primary health care, a large-scale programme that we launched in 2021. I ask the Government and regional leaders not to forget that the benchmark – I have said this many times – is not the numbers in reports, but concrete, visible, tangible progress in the availability and quality of medical care.  這對於初級衛生保健的現代化尤為重要,這是我們在2021年啟動的一項大規模計畫。我要求政府和地區領導人不要忘記,基準--我已經說過很多次--不是報告中的數字,而是在醫療服務的提供和品質方面具體的、可見的、切實的進展。

I also instruct the Government to adjust the regulatory framework for organising the procurement of ambulances with diagnostic equipment. They allow for medical check-ups and preventive examinations to be carried out directly at enterprises, schools, offices and in remote communities.  我還指示政府調整監管框架,組織採購帶有診斷設備的救護車。這些設備允許直接在企業、學校、辦公室和偏遠社區進行體檢和預防檢查。

We have launched a large-scale school renovation programme. By the end of this year, a total of almost 3,500 school buildings will have been renovated. I would like to point out that most of them are in rural areas and we have done this on purpose. This year such work is also being carried out in the Donetsk and Lugansk people's republics, in the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions. It is meaningful and visible, people really see what is happening. This is very good.  我們已經啟動了一個大規模的學校改造計畫。到今年年底,總共將有近3,500所學校建築得到翻新。我想指出的是,其中大部分是在農村地區,我們是故意這樣做的。今年,在頓涅茨克和盧甘斯克人民共和國、赫爾松和札波羅熱地區也在進行這樣的工作。它是有意義的、可見的,人們真正看到了正在發生的事情。這是很好的。

From 2025 onwards, federal funds will be regularly and systematically allocated to the regions for repairing and renovating kindergartens, schools, vocational schools and colleges so as to avoid situations where buildings are in dilapidated condition.  2025年起,聯邦資金將定期和系統地分配給各地區,用於維修和翻新幼稚園、學校、職業學校和學院,以避免建築物處於破舊狀態的情況。

Next, we have set a major goal, to build more than 1,300 new schools between 2019 and 2024. Of these, 850 are now open. Another 400 will open this year. I want the regions to stay on track to meet these objectives. The amount of federal funding for this 2019–2024 programme is almost 490 billion rubles. We will not cut these costs, we will keep this amount intact.  接下來,我們已經制定一個重要目標,即在2019年至2024年期間建造超過1300所新學校。其中,850所現在已經開放。另外400所將在今年開放。我希望各地區能保持在實現這些目標的軌道上。這個2019-2024年計畫的聯邦資金數額幾乎為4900億盧布。我們不會削減這些費用,我們將保持這一數額不變。

This year, we increased the amount of infrastructure budget loans. We are sending additional funds, not as previously planned, but an additional 250 billion rubles for expanding transport, utility and other infrastructure in the regions.  今年,我們增加了基礎設施預算貸款的金額。我們將發送額外的資金,而不是像以前計畫的那樣,而是額外的2500億盧布,用於擴大各地區的交通、公用事業和其他基礎設施。

I hereby instruct the Government to allocate, in addition to these funds, an additional 50 billion rubles – which will be purposefully used to upgrade public transport in the constituent entities of the Federation this year. This upgrade will be used for the latest technology. Please pay special attention to small towns and rural areas.  我在此指示政府,除這些資金外,再撥出500億盧布--今年將有目的地用於升級聯邦各組成實體的公共交通。這種升級將用於最新的技術。請特別關注小城鎮和農村地區

We have decided to extend the Clean Air project through 2030. The goal is to improve the environment in major industrial centres. I want industrial companies and regional and local authorities to keep in mind that a significant reduction in harmful emissions remains on the agenda.  我們已經決定將清潔空氣專案延長到2030年。其目標是改善主要工業中心的環境。我希望工業公司和區域及地方當局牢記,大幅減少有害排放仍在議程上。

In addition, we have accomplished much in reforming the waste management industry. We are building up recycling and sorting capacity which will help us build a closed-loop economy. Further elimination of old landfills and hazardous material sites is our top priority. I want the Government, in conjunction with the regions, to draft a list of harmful sites that will be eliminated upon the completion of this programme.  此外,我們在改革廢棄物管理行業方面已經取得了很大成就。我們正在建立回收和分類能力,這將有助於我們建立一個回收經濟。進一步消除舊的垃圾填埋場和危險材料場所是我們的首要任務。我希望政府與各地區一起,起草一份有害場地的清單,在這個方案完成後,這些場地將被消除。

We will continue to restore unique water bodies, including Lake Baikal and the Volga River. In the medium term, we will extend this work to other rivers such as the Don, Kama, Irtysh, Ural, Terek, Volkhov and Neva rivers, and Lake Ilmen. We must not forget about medium and small rivers. I want all levels of government to pay attention to this.  我們將繼續恢復獨特的水體,包括貝加爾湖和伏爾加河。從中期來看,我們將把這項工作擴展到其他河流,如頓河、卡馬河、伊爾蒂什河、烏拉爾河、捷列克河、沃爾霍夫河和涅瓦河以及伊爾門湖。我們不能忘記中型和小型河流。我希望各級政府都能注意到這一點。

As part of an earlier instruction, a draft law on promoting tourism in specially protected nature areas has been submitted. It was recently discussed at a meeting with the Government. It should clearly define what can be built and where and what cannot, and generally set forth the principles of the ecotourism industry. This is a critically important issue for our country. I ask the State Duma to speed up consideration of this draft law.  作為早期指示的一部分,已經提交了一個關於促進在特別保護的自然區旅遊的法律草案。最近在與政府的會議上討論了該草案。它應該明確規定什麼可以建,在哪裡建,什麼不能建,並普遍規定了生態旅遊業的原則。這對我們國家來說是一個極其重要的問題。我請求國家杜馬加快對該法律草案的審議。

Now I will say a few words about what is happening around us.  現在,我將就我們周圍發生的事情說幾句。

Colleagues, I will talk about one more issue.  同事們,我再談一個問題。

In early February, the North Atlantic alliance made a statement with actual demand to Russia, as they put it, to return to the implementation of the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, including admission of inspections to our nuclear defence facilities. I don’t even know what to call this. It is a kind of a theatre of the absurd.  2月初,北大西洋聯盟發表聲明,實際要求俄羅斯,正如他們所說的那樣,重新執行《削減戰略武器條約》,包括允許對我們的核防禦設施進行檢查。我甚至不知道該怎麼稱呼這個。這是一種荒誕的戲劇。

We know that the West is directly involved in the Kiev regime’s attempts to strike at our strategic aviation bases. The drones used for this purpose were equipped and updated with the assistance of NATO specialists. And now they also want to inspect our defence facilities? In the current conditions of confrontation, it simply sounds insane.  我們知道,西方直接參與了基輔政權打擊我國戰略航空基地的企圖。用於這一目的的無人機是在北約專家的協助下裝備和更新的。而現在他們也想檢查我們的國防設施?在當前的對抗條件下,這聽起來簡直是瘋了。

I would like to draw your attention specifically to the fact that they are not letting us conduct full-scale inspections under this treaty. Our repeated applications to inspect different facilities remain unanswered or are rejected under formal pretexts, and we cannot verify anything on the other side.  我想特別提請你注意,他們不讓我們根據該條約進行全面檢查。我們一再提出的檢查不同設施的申請仍然沒有得到答覆,或者以正式的藉口被拒絕,我們無法核實另一方的任何情況

I would like to stress that the United States and NATO are openly saying that their goal is to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia. And what, after such statements they are supposed to tour our defence facilities, including the latest ones, as if nothing happened? A week ago, I signed an executive order putting new land-based strategic systems on combat duty. Are they going to poke their nose there as well? Do they think we will let them go there just because?  我想強調的是,美國和北約公開表示,他們的目標是使俄羅斯遭受戰略失敗。而在這樣的聲明之後,他們就應該若無其事地參觀我們的國防設施,包括最新的設施?一周前,我簽署了一項行政命令,讓新的陸基戰略系統進入戰鬥狀態。他們是不是也要去那裡打探消息?他們認為我們會完全同意讓他們去那裡?

Having made this collective statement, NATO actually claimed to be a participant in the Treaty on Strategic Offensive Arms. We agree with this, please go ahead. Moreover, we believe this framing of the issue is long overdue. Let me recall that the US is not the only nuclear power in NATO. Britain and France also have nuclear arsenals. They are developing and upgrading them and these arsenals are also directed against us – they are also directed against Russia. The latest statements by their leaders merely confirm it – listen for yourselves.  在發表了這一集體聲明後,北約實際上聲稱自己是《進攻性戰略武器條約》的參與者。我們同意這一點,請繼續吧。此外,我們認為,對這個問題的這種框定是早就應該的。讓我回顧一下,美國不是北約中唯一的核國家。英國和法國也有核武庫。它們正在發展和升級它們,這些核武庫也是針對我們的--它們也是針對俄羅斯的。他們的領導人的最新聲明只是證實了這一點--你們自己聽吧。

We cannot just ignore this and have no right to do so especially now. Nor can we forget that the Soviet Union and the United States initially signed the first Treaty on Strategic Offensive Arms in 1991 in a completely different situation – in conditions of abating tensions and growing mutual trust. Subsequently, our relations reached a level that allowed Russia and the US to say they no longer considered each other enemies. Wonderful, everything was going very well.  我們不能忽視這一點,也沒有權利這樣做,特別是現在。我們也不能忘記,蘇聯和美國最初於1991在完全不同的情況下簽署了第一份《進攻性戰略武器條約》--緊張局勢緩解和相互信任增加的情況下。隨後,我們的關係達到了一個水準,使俄羅斯和美國可以說他們不再認為對方是敵人。很好,一切都很順利。

The Treaty of 2010 that is in force contains critically important provisions about indivisible security and the direct link between strategic offensive and defensive arms. All of that has long been forgotten. The United States withdrew from the ABM Treaty. It is now a thing of the past. Importantly, our relations have degraded which can be credited entirely to the United States.  2010年生效的條約包含了關於不可分割的安全和戰略進攻性武器與防禦性武器之間直接聯繫的極其重要的條款。所有這些都早已被遺忘。美國退出了《反彈道導彈條約》。它現在已經成為過去。重要的是,我們的關係已經退化了,這完全歸咎美國。

After the Soviet Union broke up, they began to revise the outcomes of World War II and to build an American-style world ruled by one master. To do this, they began to rudely destroy the foundations of the international order laid down after WWII in order to cross out the legacy of the Yalta and Potsdam conferences. Step by step, they proceeded to revise the existing international order, to dismantle security and arms control systems, and plotted and carried out a series of wars around the world.  蘇聯解體後,他們開始修改二戰的成果,建立一個由一個主人統治的美國式世界。為此,他們開始粗暴地摧毀二戰後奠定的國際秩序的基礎,以抹除雅爾達和波茨坦會議的遺產。他們一步一步地修改現有的國際秩序,拆除安全和軍備控制體系,並在世界各地策劃和實施了一系列的戰爭。

To reiterate, all of that was done for the sole purpose of dismantling the post-WWII architecture of international relations. This is not a figure of speech. This is how it all unfolded in reality. After the Soviet Union collapsed, they sought to perpetuate their global dominance regardless of the interests of modern Russia or other countries for that matter.  要重申的是,所有這些都是為了拆除二戰後的國際關係架構而做的。這不是說說而已。這就是這一切在現實中的展開。蘇聯解體後,他們不顧現代俄羅斯或其他國家的利益,試圖延續其全球統治地位。

Sure enough, the international situation changed after 1945. New centres of growth and influence have been formed and are rapidly expanding. This is a natural and objective process that cannot be ignored. But the United States trying to refashion the international order to suit exclusively its own needs and selfish interests is unacceptable.  果然,1945年後國際形勢發生了變化。新的增長和影響中心已經形成,並且正在迅速擴大。這是一個自然和客觀的過程,不能忽視。但是,美國試圖重新塑造國際秩序,以完全適應自己的需要和自私的利益,這是不可接受的。

Now, they are using NATO to give us signals, which, in fact, is an ultimatum whereby Russia should, no questions asked, implement everything that it agreed to, including the New START Treaty, whereas they will do as they please. As if there is no connection between strategic offensive weapons and, say, the conflict in Ukraine or other hostile Western actions against our country. As if there are no vociferous claims about them seeking to inflict a strategic defeat on us. This is either the height of hypocrisy and cynicism, or the height of stupidity, but they are not idiots. They are not stupid after all. They want to inflict a strategic defeat on us and also to get to our nuclear sites.  現在,他們利用北約向我們發出信號,這實際上是一個最後通牒,據此,俄羅斯應該不問青紅皂白地執行它所同意的一切,包括新的《削減戰略武器條約》,而他們將為所欲為。仿佛進攻性戰略武器與烏克蘭衝突或西方對我國的其他敵對行動之間沒有任何聯繫。好像沒有人大聲宣稱他們在尋求對我們造成戰略上的失敗。這要麼是虛偽和憤世嫉俗的高度,要麼是愚蠢的高度,但他們不是白癡。他們畢竟不傻。他們想讓我們在戰略上失敗,也想進入我們的核基地

In this regard, I am compelled to announce today that Russia is suspending its membership in the New START Treaty. To reiterate, we are not withdrawing from the Treaty, but rather suspending our participation. Before we come back to discussing this issue, we must have a clear idea of what NATO countries such as France or Great Britain have at stake, and how we will account for their strategic arsenals, that is, the Alliance's combined offensive capabilities.  在這方面,我今天不得不宣佈,俄羅斯將暫停其在《新裁武條約》中的成員資格。要重申的是,我們不是退出該條約,而是暫停參與。在我們回來討論這個問題之前,我們必須清楚地瞭解法國或英國等北約國家的利害關係,以及我們將如何解釋它們的戰略武庫,也就是聯盟的綜合進攻能力

Their statement comes, in fact, as a request to join this process. Well, come onboard, we do not mind. Just try not to lie to everyone this time and present yourselves as champions of peace and detente. We know the truth. We are aware of the fact that certain types of US nuclear weapons are reaching the end of their service life. In this regard, we know for certain that some politicians in Washington are already pondering live nuclear tests, especially since the United States is developing innovative nuclear weapons. There is information to that effect.  他們的聲明實際上是作為加入這一進程的請求而來。好吧,上船吧,我們不介意。只是這次儘量不要對所有人撒謊,把自己說成是和平與緩和的宣導者。我們知道真相。我們知道,某些類型的美國核武器正在達到其使用壽命的終點。在這方面,我們確切地知道,華盛頓的一些政客已經在考慮進行實彈核子試驗,特別是由於美國正在開發創新的核武器。有這方面的資訊。

Given these circumstances, the Defence Ministry and Rosatom must make everything ready for Russia to conduct nuclear tests. We will not be the first to proceed with these tests, but if the United States goes ahead with them, we will as well. No one should harbour dangerous illusions that global strategic parity can be disrupted.  鑒於這些情況,國防部和俄羅斯原子能公司必須為俄羅斯進行核子試驗做好一切準備。我們不會是第一個進行這些試驗的國家,但如果美國繼續進行這些試驗,我們也會這樣做。任何人都不應抱有危險的幻想,認為全球戰略均勢可以被破壞。

Colleagues, citizens of Russia,  同事們,俄羅斯的公民們。

Today, we are together living through challenging times and overcoming all difficulties together as well. It could not have been otherwise because we have been raised on the example of our great ancestors and must be worthy of their behests that are passed down from generation to generation. We are moving only forward owing to our devotion to our Motherland, our will and our unity.  今天,我們一起度過了充滿挑戰的時代,也一起克服了所有困難。這是不可能的,因為我們是在我們偉大祖先的榜樣下長大的,必須對得起他們代代相傳的囑託。由於我們對祖國的獻身精神、我們的意志和我們的團結,我們才得以向前邁進。

This cohesion was on display from the first days of the special military operation – hundreds of volunteers, representatives of all ethnicities of our country came to recruitment offices. They decided to stand by the defenders of Donbass, to fight for their native land, for their Fatherland, for the truth and justice. Today, warriors from all regions of our multi-ethnic Motherland are fighting shoulder to shoulder on the frontlines. They pray in different languages, but they all pray for victory, for their fellow soldiers and for the Motherland. (Applause.)  這種凝聚力從特別軍事行動的頭幾天就顯示出來了--數百名志願者,我國各民族的代表來到徵兵辦公室。他們決定與頓巴斯的保衛者站在一起,為自己的故土、為自己的祖國、為真理和正義而戰。今天,來自我們多民族祖國各個地區的勇士們正在前線並肩作戰。他們用不同的語言祈禱,但他們都為勝利、為戰友、為祖國祈禱。(掌聲)。

Their difficult military labour, their exploits are finding a powerful response all over Russia. People are supporting our fighters. They don’t want to stay on the sidelines. The front is now passing through the hearts of our people in their millions. They are sending medicine, communication devices, transport, warm clothes and camouflage nets, to name a few – everything that helps protect the lives of our fighters.  他們艱難的軍事勞動,他們的功績在全俄羅斯得到了有力的回應。人們正在支持我們的戰士。他們不願意呆在一旁。前線現在正透過我們數百萬人民的心。他們正在送來藥品、通訊設備、交通工具、保暖衣物和偽裝網等等--一切有助於保護我們戰士生命的東西。

I know the comfort letters from children and schoolkids give to our soldiers at the front. They take them into battle as a cherished possession because the sincerity and purity of children’s wishes bring tears to their eyes. They feel more forcefully for whose sake they are fighting and whom they are defending.  我知道兒童和學童的信件給我們在前線的士兵帶來的安慰。他們把這些信作為珍寶帶入戰場,因為兒童的願望的真誠和純潔使他們熱淚盈眶。他們更強烈地感受到,他們是為了誰而戰鬥,他們在保衛誰。

Warriors, their families and civilians greatly appreciate the care with which volunteers are surrounding them. They have been acting boldly and decisively from the very start of the special military operation. Under fire and shelling they are leading children, elders and all those in trouble out of basements; they were and still are bringing food, water and clothes to hot spots; they are setting up humanitarian aid centres for refugees and helping doctors in field hospitals and on the combat contact line; they continue to risk their lives to save others.  戰士們、他們的家人和平民都非常感謝志願者對他們的關心。從特別軍事行動一開始,他們就大膽而果斷地採取行動。在火力和炮擊下,他們帶領兒童、老人和所有有困難的人走出地下室;他們過去和現在都在向熱點地區運送食物、水和衣服;他們為難民建立人道主義援助中心,幫助戰地醫院和戰鬥接觸線上的醫生;他們繼續冒著生命危險拯救他人。

The Russian Popular Front alone raised over five billion rubles as part of the All for Victory initiative. The flow of donations does not stop. Every contribution is important and this applies to those made by large companies and businesspeople. But especially touching and inspiring are the donations of people with modest incomes, which are contributing part of their savings, salaries and pensions. This coming together to help our warriors, civilians in the zone of hostilities and refugees is worth a lot.  僅俄羅斯人民陣線就籌集了超過50億盧布,作為「一切為了勝利」倡議的一部分。捐助的流動不會停止。每一筆捐款都很重要,這也適用於大公司和商界人士的捐款。但特別令人感動和鼓舞的是那些收入不高的人的捐款,他們將自己的部分儲蓄、工資和養老金捐出。這種齊心協力説明我們的戰士、敵對地區的平民和難民的行為是非常有價值的。

Thank you for this sincere support, cohesion and mutual aid. It is impossible to overstate their importance.  感謝你們這種真誠的支持、凝聚力和互助。它們的重要性怎麼強調都不為過。

Russia will meet any challenges because we are all one country, a big and united nation. We are confident in ourselves and confident in our strength. The truth is on our side. (Applause.)  俄羅斯將迎接任何挑戰,因為我們都是一個國家,一個大而團結的國家。我們對自己有信心,對自己的力量有信心。真理就在我們這邊。(掌聲)。

Thank you.  謝謝大家。

The Anthem of the Russian Federation plays.





