


【縛雞之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯
We know that the stakeholders have the right to involve in international affairs when the latter influence their interests.  But it is not the case when Russia invades Ukraine.  Diplomatic issues should not resolve by force.
Sergei Lavrov, the Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation, declared: “It is as close to our shores and to our seas as Chinese territory,” when he tried to explain why Russia was developing military cooperation with China and conducting joint exercises.
I suppose that Lavrov's announcement is to counter the suggestion of Josep Borrell, a high Representative of OSCE, that Russia has to pay the bill for Ukraine's reconstruction after the war.  The EU has frozen 20 billion euros.  The sanction also froze Russia's 200 billion euros in foreign exchange reserves.
It could also be a response to the proposal of Ursula von der Leyen, the chairperson of the European Commission, that UN should establish a special tribunal to investigate and sue the war crime of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, besides the International Court of Justice.
War crime and reparation could be a burden far beyond the ability of Russia and its high-ranking officials.

俄外長控北約在南海煽動緊張局勢 風險波及俄國    中央社 20221202

俄羅斯外交部長拉夫羅夫(Sergei Lavrov)今天指控北大西洋公約組織(NATO)在中國附近挑起緊張局勢,對俄羅斯構成風險。
印度駐聯合國大使坎博吉(Ruchira Kamboj)被問到拉夫羅夫這番言論時表示:「我們是抬頭挺胸且自豪的國家,而且是靠自己的力量。」


Russia's Lavrov accuses NATO of fanning tensions in South China Sea   Reuters 20221202

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Thursday accused NATO of whipping up tensions near China in a way that posed risks for Russia.

"The South China Sea is now becoming one of those regions where NATO is not averse, as they once did in Ukraine, to escalating tensions," Lavrov told a news conference.

"We know how seriously China takes such provocations, not to mention Taiwan and the Taiwan Strait, and we understand that NATO's playing with fire in these regions carries threats and risks for the Russian Federation. It is as close to our shores and to our seas as Chinese territory," he said.

Lavrov said that was why Russia was developing military cooperation with China and conducting joint exercises.

"The fact that NATO members under the leadership of the United States are trying to create an explosive situation there, in the wake of Europe, is well understood by everyone," he said.

Lavrov did not provide evidence to back his assertions, but alluded to the formation of the AUKUS alliance between the United States, Britain and Australia.

He also accused NATO of trying to drag India into what he called an anti-Russian and anti-Chinese alliance at a time when he said the West was attempting to squeeze out Russian influence.

When asked about Lavrov's remarks, India's U.N. Ambassador Ruchira Kamboj said: "We are a country that stands tall and proud and stands tall and proud on its own."

"In the course of the conflict in Ukraine, we have been very clear and consistent right from the outset - we have spoken in one voice that we are for peace. Peace is also a side," she also told reporters in New York.


