


【縛雞之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯
In September, the North Atlantic Council held a meeting referring to Taiwan and the impact on NATO when China invaded Taiwan.  Not for defending Taiwan, the member countries assessed what the situation of Taiwan is and what the consequences of the supply chain of Chips would be under Chinese invasion means to NATO. 
China is such a big country that it is unrealistic for NATO and other countries to disengage with China.  It is now too early for NATO’s foreign ministers to render the issue in public, despite the navy vessels and aircraft of NATO members had reached the west Pacific Rim for years.

首度為台開會 北約「不捲入台灣戰爭」    聯合 20221201










中國威脅增 北約首度專門會議談台灣問題    自由 20221201





北約昨外長會議 中國「挑戰」成焦點





with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg by Deutsche Welle journalist Sarah Kelly at the Koerber Stiftung’s annual Berlin Foreign Policy Forum    NAC 20221018


Sarah Kelly: Let's turn briefly to your Strategic Concept and to future threats. At the Chinese Communist Party Congress, President Xi Jinping said that China would use – and I'm quoting here – "All necessary measures to secure Taiwan". Is the next conflict for NATO with China?

NATO Secretary General: Well, Taiwan is not a NATO member, so our collective defence clause doesn't apply for Taiwan, but what we see is China...

Sarah Kelly: But Mr Secretary General, how would NATO respond if China were to invade Taiwan? How would NATO respond?

NATO Secretary General: I'm not going to outline exactly how NATO will respond. What we have stated clearly, and that's for the first time in our Strategic Concept, is that the rise of China matters for our security and it is a challenge for our values, for our interests, and for our security. And that is because China is now investing heavily in new modern military capabilities, also long range missiles, nuclear weapons. We see how they don't share our values, in the way they crack down on democratic voices, forces in Hong Kong, the minorities they abuse, and also how they coerce countries in the region. So, all of this makes it important for us to address the rise of Chinanot by isolating China, China is important also to engage with, and therefore we are both addressing the security challenges but also the need to engage with China, as we do. And I met recently with the Chinese Foreign Minister and that was my main message to him.

Sarah Kelly: The head of the British Cyber Intelligence Agency, he put it this way, he described the security threat posed by Russia as affecting the weather, while China's affects the climate. What do you think there is to be learned from Allies' support of Ukraine against the Russian invasion, should China move to invade or to illegally annexed territory?

NATO Secretary General: Sorry, in Taiwan?

Sarah Kelly: Anywhere, should they move to invade or illegally annex territory, in general.

NATO Secretary General: Well, in general, that's always unacceptable, that one country tries to grab land from another country. And that's the reason why we have reacted so strongly against the Russian invasion of Ukraine, because this is the biggest land grab since the Second World War in Europe, and also why we convey to China that, of course, they should be able to at least condemn the illegal war of Russia against Ukraine. And also, one of the reasons why we support Ukraine is to send a message to all other authoritarian leaders that we don't accept this kind of behaviour.


NATO Foreign Ministers end meetings in Bucharest with focus on China, more support for partners    NAC 20221130

NATO foreign ministers ended two days of meetings in Bucharest on Wednesday (30 November 2022), with meetings focused on the long-term challenges posed by China, as well as on support for partners facing Russian pressure. “NATO is an Alliance of Europe and North America, but the challenges we face are global, and we must address them together in NATO,” said Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.

Foreign ministers considered China’s ambitious military developments, its technological advances, and its growing cyber and hybrid activities. They also stressed the importance of meeting NATO’s resilience guidelines, maintaining NATO’s technological edge, and continuing to strengthen cooperation with partners in the Indo-Pacific region and with the European Union.  Mr Stoltenberg said that the war in Ukraine demonstrated a dangerous dependency on Russian gas, and that "this should also lead us to assess our dependencies on other authoritarian regimes, not least China, for our supply chains, technology, or infrastructure." He added: we will continue, of course, to trade and engage economically with China, but we have to be aware of our dependencies, reduce our vulnerabilities, and manage the risks." Ministers also discussed terrorism, and agreed to continue efforts to counter this grave threat. 

The Foreign Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia and Moldova joined the final session of the ministerial. NATO Allies agreed to step up tailored support to these three partners, including on capacity-building, reform, and training to improve their security and defence institutions.  

On Tuesday, NATO Foreign Ministers met with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba to address Ukraine’s most urgent needs, as well as longer-term support. Allies agreed that continued military support for Ukraine is essential – in particular, additional air defences. Allies also announced additional contributions to NATO’s Comprehensive Assistance Package, which is providing Ukraine with non-lethal aid, including fuel and generators. 

Allies were joined by Finland and Sweden for all sessions at the ministerial, their first meeting of NATO foreign ministers as invitees to the Alliance.


