【縛雞之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯
Xi Jinping’s visit to Saudi Arabia
for the Riyadh-Chinese Summit and the first Riyadh Gulf-Chinese Summit for
Cooperation and Development are either a paradigm change -- marks the Chinese
new strategic viewpoint or a rash move under the Chinese “wolf warrior” and
near-sighted diplomacy.
In the joint statement by the People's Republic of China and the Cooperation
Council for the Arab States of the Gulf, Xi affirmed the “support for all
peaceful efforts, including the initiative and endeavors of the United Arab
Emirates to reach a peaceful solution to the issue of the three islands;
Greater Tunb, Lesser Tunb, and Abu Musa, through bilateral negotiations in
accordance with the rules of international law, and to resolve this issue in
accordance with international legitimacy.”
The statement drives Iran mad. Iran
deems the three islands in the Strait of Hormuz as its integral parts. "The Islamic Republic of Iran considers
any claim to these islands as a destabilizing factor and interference in its
internal affairs and its territory, and strongly condemns it," said the
spokesman of the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. "They have never
been and will never be up for negotiations with any other country, as other
parts of Iran's land have," he added.
Xi’s spokesman for Foreign Affairs smoothed it by saying: “The GCC countries
and Iran are all China’s friends, and neither China-GCC relations nor
China-Iran relations are targeted at any third party.” That’s not true: China
did not notify Iran in advance.
Disclosing high the principle of non-interference, China is getting involved in
the complexity of international affairs.
It has to face and deal with many contradictory issues.
Despite having concluded a series of 25-year-long strategic cooperation
agreements with Iran on March 29, 2021, and entered into force on January 14,
2022, China unexpectedly stands with the GCC countries on December 9, 2022,
ignoring the antipathy of Iran and the treaties. China chose Persia a year ago; now,
it turns to the Arabs without a word.
What is happening to China? Is China
opportunistic and inconsistent, isn't it?
被習近平與沙烏地聯合聲明惹火 伊朗媒體「台灣獨立合法權利」當頭版 新頭殼 20221212
Faraji Rad)直言,從未想過中國會採取這樣的行動「損害伊朗的利益」,看來中國已經放棄了與伊朗長達25年的合作協議。
Hossein Ghazizade)也在推特Po文質疑:「近幾十年來,波斯灣3個島嶼一直是伊朗面臨最嚴重的安全威脅。作為伊朗的戰略盟友,中國沒有站在伊朗一邊。人們是否還相信有了這樣的盟友,伊朗的領土完整會得到保護嗎?」