【縛雞之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯
There are lots of protests against
Beijing’s zero-COVID policy in many Chinese cities called “white papers
revolution” recently. Two most prominent
slogans “no foreign power involves” and “joining the Republic of China (ROC)” attract
my eyes.
The former one “no foreign power involves”
suggests the protestors are Chinese citizens therefore the protests are outside
the jurisdiction of the Chinese national security laws, or the protestors might
commit a crime equivalent to treason.
The latter one “joining the ROC” is
even worth of our attention. It might
have the same consequence to get rid of the application of treason. Further, it could be used as an excuse for
high level political struggle.
Xi’s section might make use of it as
a “hard evidence” that Taiwan government agitate and tries to overthrown the
regime. Therefore they have a legitimate
cause to blast Taiwan and even to threat Taiwan by PLA forces as it has done in
October when the US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited Taiwan. Or Xi’s rivals might utilize the slogan as a
mean to give Xi political pressure.
No matter which one is close to the
truth, they both reveal that Beijing does not intend to be confronting to the
US, at least for the present time.
白紙革命「逆統一」? 上海人群組高喊:佔領市政府並加入中華民國 新頭殼 20221129