

希特勒欲立溫莎公爵為傀儡英王 中時 20221016

【縛雞之論】英文拷到 GD 找中文翻譯
To cope with possible scenarios, the relations between powers should be multi-layered.  The Nazis planned to support the abdicated Edward VIII as the Crown of the UK once it conquered the UK. 
Edward VIII was a perfect choice for the Nazis, not only because he has German blood, but also because he was the King of the UK, the British people might accept him easier than others.  On the other hand, the Crown would still be in the Windsor family -- no further legitimate problem should arrange.
Another point in the report is “British Expeditionary Force (BEF of WWII),” or the British Military Mission to France.  “The BEF took their post to the left of the French First Army under the command of the French 1st Army Group of the North-Eastern Front (Front du Nord-est).  Most of the BEF spent the Phoney War (3 September 1939 to 9 May 1940) digging field defenses on the border,” according to the Wiki.
Though the British Military Mission to France existed from 2 September 1939 to 31 May 1940, the ROC Defence Mission to the USA, which handles defense and security affairs between Taiwan and the United States, and procurement matters in the United States as authorized by the Ministry of National Defense of the ROC, exists now.

邱吉爾下令遮醜 原來希特勒欲立溫莎公爵為傀儡英王    中時 20221016

據英國每日郵報(Daily Mail)報導,英國外交部每年定期會解密一批歷史文件,最新一批於今日解密,其中包含著一份與二戰(WW II)時期的祕密有關文件。帶領英國挺過納粹德國(Nazi Germany)轟炸的首相邱吉爾爵士(Sir Winston Churchill),於戰後要求政府,將所有與希特勒(Adolf Hitler)和因「愛美人不愛江山」退位的愛德華八世(Edward VIII)有關的檔案文件,全部封存20年時間。追究起來竟發現,原來當時志得意滿的希特勒,曾表示一旦倫敦轟炸和對英作戰成功,將復立當時已退位、改封溫莎公爵(Duke of Windsor)的愛德華八世重回王位,成為德國統治下的傀儡,邱吉爾擔心,此事一旦流出,恐將對戰後的王室有毀滅性的影響。

為迎娶美國名媛辛普森夫人(Wallis Simpson)而與政府鬧翻,於1936年登基的英國國王愛德華八世,是維多利亞女王(Queen Victoria)的曾孫,曾在陸軍服役。他與辛普森夫人的戀情,從1928年因為活動認識而開始,但曾梅開二度的辛普森夫人,卻成為他與父親喬治五世(George V)、英國國教會之間的最大阻礙,可對王室禮俗感到厭煩的愛德華八世,最後在即位將滿1年之際,逕自宣布退下王位、由其弟艾柏特(lbert Frederick Arthur George)接替,就是後來的喬治六世George VI)。他則改封溫莎公爵,帶著心愛的人遠走歐陸。

新解密文件指出,擁立溫莎公爵為傀儡的提議,是由納粹外交部長馮·里賓特洛甫(Joachim von Ribbentrop)提出,並在公爵夫婦造訪西班牙之際,透過同盟的佛朗哥將軍(Francisco Franco)和密使向其遊說。事實上,愛德華八世一直都被懷疑與納粹過從甚密,甚至有夫妻和希特勒會面的照片流出,讓退位後、原服務於英國駐法軍事使團的他,最終被調離歐陸,轉往巴哈馬擔任總督直到戰爭結束。這也讓這位「只愛美人」的英國國王,再次成為歷史疑雲的主角之一。


