【縛雞之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯
The so-called State funeral of Abe,
late Prime Minister of Japan, was held on September 27. I have one comment after seeing the video:
The State funeral is short of the
elements of the State and funeral. The
ceremony yesterday was nothing but a big memorial service compared to the
Christian world.
Question one, what is the element of
the State? A national flag posted on the
wall is far from appropriate.
The element of the State is the
culture of Japan, which includes, but does not limit to, the Jin-ja(神社) or sacred shine; the Haori-Hakama(羽織袴), and the Kimono(着物) known as the traditional Japanese suits for male and female;
the Guards with Samurai(侍)
suit who are carrying the traditional weapons to guard Abe’s columbarium; the Royal Gomon(御紋) together with the Cabinet’s emblem of Goshichi-Kiri(五七桐); to highlight Mr. Abe’s family Kamon(家紋);
and Japanese traditional music, etc.
The element of the funeral should
begin with a religious ceremony; through a Japanese traditional parade, which
takes a brief stop at significant spots such as the Royal Palace Court(皇居); the Diet or parliament; the Kantei(官邸) or the Cabinet Hall; the Yasukuni or the Arlington
National Cemetery of Japan, and the TV live.
It seems to me that the Japanese
government knows nothing about soft power.
They forgot what a State funeral
should be. It is regret to waste a
precious opportunity to unify the Japanese people.
前面撞上英國國葬, 兩者相比高下立判, 日本人這次很失格.
回覆刪除太過於在意所謂在野黨或左派, 想把規格壓低, 又想省錢, 結果辦的完全不像樣
英國王室的喪期也結束了, 推出了屬於查爾斯王的新徽記
我個人看法是, 很符合2020年代的視覺調性,
簡約但是明瞭, 構圖只留下必要的部份並明確展示身份.
回覆刪除幾小時前, 王室放了一張圖, QE2的死亡證明與診斷書(我看到新聞的時候才幾分鐘)
醫學診斷亡故原因是"年老", 時間是九月八日下午三點十分
(英國時間, 夏時, 台灣晚上十點十分)
每日電信報的詳細報導和圖片, 還有引述關聯法令.