


【縛雞之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯
年,去年,歐洲人權法院裁定俄羅斯應對戰後侵犯人權行為負責。20223月,設在海牙的國際刑事法院檢察官Karim Khan申請對三名現任和前任南奧塞吉亞官員對喬治亞人犯下的戰爭罪行(酷刑、不人道待遇、非法拘留、侵犯個人尊嚴、劫持人質和非法轉移人員)的逮捕令。

與俄完成協商前 喬治亞分離地區暫取消入俄公投    中央社 20220531



南奧賽提亞新任總統賈格洛伊夫(Alan Gagloev)在今天頒布的政令中,援引「提交公投問題造成法律結果的不確定性」,宣布取消入俄公投。



綜合法新社與路透社報導,南奧賽提亞前總統比比洛夫(Anatoly Bibilov)的辦公室本月13日表示,比比洛夫簽署舉行入俄公投的政令,因為加入俄羅斯是南奧賽提亞人民的「歷史願望」。





Alan Gagloev suspends “decree” on conduct of “referendum” in Tskhinvali    IPN 20220531

The so-called president of occupied Tskhinvali, Alan Gagloev, suspended the “decree” on the conduct of the so-called “referendum” on the region's accession to the Russian Federation.

In the so-called decree Gagloev refers to the “uncertainty of legal consequences of the referendum公投法律後果的不確定性 , as well as "legitimate rights and interests of the Russian Federation, the inadmissibility of a unilateral decision on the conduct of the referendum."  俄羅斯聯邦的合法權益,不允許單方面決定進行全民投票

At the same time, Gagloev's "document" states that consultations should be held immediately with the Russian side on "the whole range of issues related to the further integration of South Ossetia and the Russian Federation." 立即與俄方進行與南奧塞吉亞和俄羅斯聯邦進一步融合有關的所有問題

On May 13, Anatoly Bibilov signed a "decree" on holding a "referendum" in so-called occupied Tskhinvali.



Georgia's breakaway region of South Ossetia ditches referendum on joining Russia    AFP 20220531

The leader of Georgia's breakaway region of South Ossetia on Monday scrapped plans to hold a referendum on joining Russia which his predecessor had scheduled for July 17.

South Ossetia was at the centre of the Russian-Georgian war in 2008 after which the Kremlin recognised the territory as an independent state and stationed military bases there.

In a decree issued Monday, the Moscow-controlled enclave's president Alan Gagloev invoked "uncertainty of the legal consequences of the issue submitted to a referendum".公投法律後果的不確定性

The decree also stressed "the inadmissibility of a unilateral decision of a referendum on issues affecting the legitimate rights and interests of the Russian Federation". 關於影響俄羅斯聯邦合法權益問題的公民投票單方面決定的不可接受性

Gagloev ordered "to hold, without delay, consultations with the Russian side on the entire range of issues related to the further integration of South Ossetia and the Russian Federation". 毫不拖延地與俄方就南奧塞吉亞與俄羅斯聯邦進一步一體化相關的所有問題進行磋商

On May 13, Gagloev's predecessor, Anatoly Bibilov, signed a decree on holding the referendum, citing the region's "historic aspiration" to join Russia, his office said at the time.

Bibilov lost his bid for re-election earlier this month. Russia has expressed hope that Gagloev will preserve "continuity" in ties with Moscow.

Tbilisi has previously denounced as "unacceptable" plans by South Ossetia to hold a referendum on joining Russia.

Alleged war crimes

Monday's announcement came on the 96th day of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, where Moscow-backed separatists in Donetsk and Lugansk regions have also expressed interest in joining Russia.

The full-scale war on Ukraine has sparked an outpouring of solidarity in Georgia. (在烏克蘭的全面戰爭在喬治亞觸發強烈的團結。)

In August 2008, Russian forces launched an all-out invasion of Georgia, which was battling pro-Russian militia in South Ossetia, after they shelled Georgian villages.

The fighting ended five days later with a European Union-mediated ceasefire but claimed more than 700 lives and displaced tens of thousands of ethnic Georgians.

The war's aftermath saw the Kremlin recognise the independence of South Ossetia and another separatist region, Abkhazia, which have since remained under Russia's military control.

The conflict marked the culmination of tensions with the Kremlin over staunchly pro-Western Tbilisi's bid to join the European Union and NATO.

In March, the prosecutor of the Hague-based International Criminal Court, Karim Khan, applied for arrest warrants for three current and former South Ossetian officials in connection with war crimes committed against ethnic Georgians.  3 月,設在海牙的國際刑事法院檢察官Karim Khan申請對三名現任和前任南奧塞吉亞官員的逮捕令,這些官員與對喬治亞人犯下的戰爭罪行。

The alleged crimes included torture, inhuman treatment, illegal detention, violation of personal dignity, hostage-taking and illegal transfers of people.  被指控的罪行包括酷刑、不人道待遇、非法拘留、侵犯個人尊嚴、劫持人質和非法轉移人員。

Last year, the European Court of Human Rights ruled that Russia was responsible for human rights violations in the war's aftermath.  去年,歐洲人權法院裁定俄羅斯應對戰後侵犯人權行為負責。




1 則留言:

  1. 根本之道, 就是把自認是俄國的人, 全部趕回俄國境內.
    只要有自認是俄國的人在自己國境內, 俄國就有理由來併吞.

    喬治亞可能還會希望烏克蘭反攻大勝, 壓倒性勝利逼俄國割讓到1917年舊烏克蘭的國界, 這樣烏克蘭就可能跟喬治亞接鄰了.
    (烏克蘭軍歌有一句"從桑到高加索", 桑河就是波蘭邊界, 高加索就不用多費唇舌了)

    不過實際情況來看, 應該就是反攻回現代烏克蘭的法定國界而已, 高加索還是太遠了.

