

220316 ICJ 俄籍法官Gevorgian的聲明

Declaration of Vice-President Gevorgian   俄籍法官Gevorgian的聲明

Vice-President Gevorgian voted against the first and the second provisional measure indicated by the Court in its Order, basing his position on a purely substantial legal ground. He does not believe that the Court has jurisdiction over this case, even of prima facie character. In this connection he stresses that the Court’s jurisdiction is based on consent and that such consent given by the Russian Federation and by Ukraine is limited to disputes over the 1948 Genocide Convention. 副庭長格沃爾吉安投票反對法院在其命令中指出的第一項和第二項臨時措施,其立場純屬實質性法律依據。 他不認為法院對本案具有管轄權,即使是表面性質。 在這方面,他強調法院的管轄權基於同意,俄羅斯聯邦和烏克蘭給予的同意僅限於關於 1948 年《滅絕種族罪公約》所規定的爭議。

In the present case, the dispute that Ukraine wants the Court to decide upon relates to the use of force. However, as the Court has held in previous cases, the use of force is not governed by the Genocide Convention. Therefore, he concludes that the Court lacks jurisdiction and cannot indicate the provisional measures sought by Ukraine. 在本案中,烏克蘭希望法院裁決的爭端與使用武力有關 然而,正如法院在以前的案件中所裁定的那樣,使用武力不受《滅絕種族罪公約》的約束 因此,他得出結論認為,法院缺乏管轄權,無法指涉烏克蘭尋求的臨時措施。

This conclusion notwithstanding, the Vice-President declares that he voted in favour of requesting the Parties not to aggravate their dispute since the power to indicate such measure is a power inherent to the Court. 儘管有這一結論,副庭長宣布他投票贊成要求當事方不要加劇他們的爭端,因為指涉這種措施的權力是法院固有的權力。


