

20220304 龐皮歐呼籲美國承認中華民國台灣

Pompeo on Twitter    Mike Pompeo 20220304

It is my view that the U.S. government should immediately take necessary, and long-overdue, steps to do the right and obvious thing, that is to offer the Republic of China (Taiwan) America’s diplomatic recognition as a free and sovereign country.  我認為,美國政府應立即採取必要且早就應該採取的措施,做正確而明顯的事情,即在外交上承認中華民國(台灣)美國是一個自由和主權的國家。

This isn't about Taiwan’s future independence, it's about recognizing an unmistakable already existent reality. That reality is, as many of your past & present leaders have made clear, there's no need for Taiwan to declare independence because it’s already an independent country.  這不是關於台灣未來的獨立,而是關於承認一個明確無誤的已經存在的現實。 事實是,正如你們過去和現在的許多領導人所明確表示的,台灣沒有必要宣布獨立,因為它已經是一個獨立的國家。

Its name is the Republic of China (Taiwan). The people and government of the United States should simply recognize this political, diplomatic and sovereignty reality. The Taiwanese people deserve the world’s respect for a free, democratic and sovereign country.  它的名字是中華民國(台灣)。 美國人民和政府應該簡單地承認這一政治、外交和主權現實。 台灣人民應該得到世界對自由、民主和主權國家的尊重。



