




世界第一!日澳合作氫動力郵輪 「水素先驅號」抵達澳洲    自由 20220121

日澳合作的全球首艘氫動力郵輪「水素先驅號」(Suiso Frontier),今(21)日抵達澳洲開始裝貨,預計在一週內返航日本神戶,揭開全球液態氫航運的序幕。


報導指出,HESC是由日本、澳洲共同出資澳幣5億元(約台幣100億元)的液態氫投資計劃,希望藉由從褐碳(brown coal)製造液態氫的方式,來促進產業轉型使用氫綠能、減少碳排放。


據悉,HESC從去(2021)年起已開始在澳洲拉特羅布谷(Latrobe Valley每日穩定生產70公斤的液態氫,「水素先驅號」此航程即是要裝運液態氫回日本。「水素」即是日文「氫」的漢字。


澳日合作液態氫航運 全球首艘將自墨爾本開往神戶    聯合 20220121

全球第一艘液態氫運輸船Suiso Frontier昨天抵達墨爾本,並將於一星期內出發前往日本神戶,這趟航程將是全球液態氫航運的開端,同時被認為標誌著澳洲能源出口的未來願景。

據澳洲金融評論報(The Australian FinancialReview)今天頭版刊登報導,由日本川崎重工研製的全球第一艘液態氫運輸船Suiso Frontier已於昨天抵達澳洲,目前停泊在距離墨爾本東南方72公里的哈斯汀港(Hastings)。

報導指Suiso Frontier將在一個星期內,載著一批自維多利亞州拉特普谷(Latrobe Valley)生產的液態氫,從澳洲墨爾本出發前往日本神戶。

報導指出,這趟墨爾本至神戶的行程,是一項名為「氫能供應鏈」(The Hydrogen Energy SupplyChainHESC)計畫所推出的試驗性示範。



HESC網站提到,該計畫是由日、澳兩國政府資助,並且由多家企業合資。參與合資企業包括日本的川崎重工(KHI)、電源開發(J-POWER)、岩谷產業(Iwatani)、丸紅(Marubeni)、住友商事(Sumitomo),以及澳洲AGL能源公司,還有荷蘭皇家殼牌集團(Royal Dutch Shell)。


HESC發言人史東(Jeremy Stone)解釋,拉特普谷生產的氫氣被運到哈斯汀港後,將以攝氏零下253度冷卻至液態;液態氫的體積會縮小至原本氣態時的1/800,以方便航運。

澳洲工業部前首席科學家、現任澳洲政府低排放技術特別顧問方柯(Alan Finkel)指出,被冷卻後的液態氫會被灌進船上的「一個巨型保溫瓶」內,經過2星期的航程後,就會抵達日本神戶



另外,澳洲金融評論報今天刊登澳洲能源及減排部部長泰勒(Angus Taylor)投書指出,Suiso Frontier即將運載液態氫至日本的行程,將標誌著澳洲潔淨能源出口的未來願景。



In Australia, Japanese start producing hydrogen from brown coal    Sonali PaulReuters 20210312

MELBOURNE, March 12 (Reuters) - A Japanese-Australian venture has begun

producing hydrogen from brown coal in a A$500 million ($387 million) test project that aims to show liquefied hydrogen can be produced and exported safely to Japan, the project sponsors said on Friday.

Japan’s Kawasaki Heavy Industries is running the pilot project with government financial support from both Japan and Australia in the state of Victoria, home to a quarter of the world’s known brown coal reserves.

The project is key to helping Japan meet its target of net zero carbon emissions by 2050. The world’s fifth-largest energy consumer aims to boost its annual hydrogen demand tenfold to 20 million tonnes by 2050, equivalent to about 40% of its current power generation.

At the same time, Australia is pushing to become a major hydrogen exporter, eventually rivaling its dominance in global liquefied natural gas (LNG) trade, which could potentially give it a greener market for its coal and gas.

Brown coal is considered the lowest rank of coal due to its relatively low energy content and has long fueled some of Australia’s dirtiest power stations, some of which have already shut or are slated for closure.

The project is producing hydrogen by reacting coal with oxygen and steam under high heat and pressure in a process that also yields carbon dioxide and other gases.

If the project goes commercial, the plan would be to bury the carbon dioxide off the coast of Victoria, KHI has previously said. The Australian and Victoria state governments are running a parallel project to test transporting and injecting carbon dioxide under the seabed.

The hydrogen produced in the pilot project will be transported to a port site where it will be liquefied for export.

The next big step will be to ship a cargo on the world’s first liquefied hydrogen carrier, built by KHI. The voyage has been delayed to mid-year, due to COVID-19 restrictions which have slowed final checks on the tanker.

“The eyes of the world will be on Victoria when shipments of liquefied hydrogen commence in mid-2021,” Hirofumi Kawazoe, from KHI’s Hydrogen Engineering Australia unit, said in a statement.

Partners in the Australian side of the project include Japan’s Electric Power Development Co (J-Power), Iwatani Corp, Marubeni Corp, Sumitomo Corp and Australia’s AGL Energy Ltd , whose mine is supplying the brown coal. ($1 = 1.2922 Australian dollars) (Reporting by Sonali Paul; editing by Richard Pullin)





