

1944.05.04 菲利普中尉文書—5/5 Taimocracy翻譯

1944.05.04 菲利普中尉文書—5/5 Taimocracy翻譯

Change of Sovereignty of Territory X


22.             The Cairo declaration states that all the territories Japan has stolen from the Chinese -- shall be restored to the Republic of China."  開羅宣言指出,日本擁有的所有領土從中國人那裡偷來的——應歸還給中華民國。”

The question is whether in Territory X steps should be taken immediately after occupation to effectuate the Cairo declaration. This requires consideration of legal, military and policy aspects of the problem.  問題是:是否應在軍事佔領後,立即在 X 領土上採取步驟以實施開羅宣言。這需要考慮問題的法律、軍事和政策方面。

The statement regarding stolen properties is merely heat provoking and has no basis in international law, at least as far as Territory X is concerned. The title to this territory is just as valid legally as that of any other territory.  關於被盜財產的聲明只是煽動性的,沒有國際法依據,至少就 X 領土而言。該領土的所有權與任何其他領土的所有權一樣具有法律效力。

If by restoration to


Naval School of Military Government and Administration--p. 13

China is meant the transfer of sovereignty, this can not be effectuated legally until after the war has been concluded.  From the view point of military necessity it would appear to be important that the territory be not immediately restored to China since it is assumed that it will be used as an important advanced base zone for intensive, large scale military activity for a considerable time after its initial occupation.  Such a military situation would require for operational and security reasons a strong military government under centralized military command.  Considerations of policy although highly speculative, would tend to indicate the desirability of postponement of the transfer of sovereignty for some time in view of the uncertainties of developments in the Far Eastern political scene during the lengthy war which seems probable.  Thus from all standpoints, legal, military and policy, it would appear that steps should not be taken immediately after occupation to effectuate the Cairo declaration.  中國的意思是移交主權,但這要在戰爭結束後才能在法律上生效。從軍事必要性角度來看,不立即將該領土歸還中國似乎很重要,因為據推測,在最初佔領後的相當長一段時間內,該領土將被用作重要的先進基地,進行密集、大規模的軍事活動。出於行動和安全方面的考慮,這樣的軍事形勢需要一個在集中軍事指揮下的強大軍事政府。雖然政策方面的考慮是高度推測性的,但鑒於遠東政治舞臺上的發展不確定,似乎有可能發生漫長的戰爭,因此傾向於將主權的移交延後一段時間。鑑於長期戰爭期間遠東政治局勢發展的不確定性,主權移交一段時間。因此,從法律、軍事和政策的所有角度來看,似乎不應在軍事佔領後立即採取步驟來實施開羅宣言。

23.             Steps might be taken during occupation to effectuate political and economic policies with the purpose of facilitating the future administration of Territory X by the Republic of China.  This it will probably appear desirable to eliminate the Japanese administration, and to build up some measure of local governmental administration with Chinese cooperation and advice.  The military and legal considerations underlying changes in law and institutions have previously been discussed and will not be repeated here.  However, since the territory has been under Japanese administration for almost fifty years, it is believed that the government system and laws should be changed gradually and no attempt made at drastic substitution of other systems, except where dictated by military necessity.  佔領期間可能會採取措施實施政治和經濟政策,以促進中華民國未來對 X 領土的管理。 取消日本政府,並在中國的合作和建議下建立一些地方政府管理措施,這似乎是可取的。 法律和製度變化背後的軍事和法律考慮之前已經討論過,這裡不再重複。 然而,由於該領土已被日本管理近五十年,因此認為政府制度和法律應逐漸改變,除軍事必要性外,不應嘗試大刀闊斧地替代其他制度。

2 則留言:

  1. 菲利普中尉文書





    1. 我猜一般人會喜歡看,或只看文書中最後一部份台灣(X領土)

