

台灣的「有意義參與」 譚慎格@自由 20211107

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U.S. Non-Paper on the Status of Taiwan 美國對台灣之立場說帖

台灣的「有意義參與」    譚慎格@自由 20211107

說來諷刺,二二一年十月二十五日是台灣「有意義參與」(meaningful participation)國際社會的一座里程碑。之所以「諷刺」,是因為台灣就是在五十年前的這天被逐出聯合國。











但是,請問什麼是「有意義參與」?一名記者質問國務院發言人,為什麼國務院會在聯大第二七五八號決議屆滿五十週年之際,宣布成立一個新的「美國台灣國際組織工作會議」(U.S.-Taiwan Working Group Meeting on International Organizations?發言人熱烈回應說:「是的,我想昨天是聯合國通過這項決議的五十週年;但我們的聲明提出一項更廣泛的看法,聲明主張我們支持台灣有意義地參與聯合國的能力。」

有意義參與 「獨立於北京之外」

這位記者追問道:「對不起,但是『有意義』這個字在這裡不斷出現。這是否表示而且我覺得在總統上週發表的評論之後,你想回到戰略模糊(strategic ambiguity不過,你說的『有意義』,是指獨立於北京之外嗎?」


這段談話讓「鐘聲」同志和中央政治局為之警覺。他們清楚地意識到,中國在最近幾個月和幾年裡對台灣發動大規模的「非和平」挑釁,已經促使拜登政府接受之前川普政府的強力親台政策。前美國國務卿龐皮歐(Mike Pompeo)指示美國駐聯合國大使克拉夫特(Kelly Craft),公開與台灣派駐紐約的最高層級外交官李光章會晤,強調美國支持台灣參與國際社會的承諾。川普政府的國務院在卸任前的最後行動之一,就是指派克拉夫特大使前往台北,正式討論擴大台灣國際空間的策略。克拉夫特的訪台行程獲得總統當選人拜登即將上任的外交政策團隊默許,在最後一刻取消絕對不是因為外交層面的考量。


「鐘聲」同志心知肚明,美國現在不承認、過去也從未承認中國對台灣的主權。不論是在一九五一年的「舊金山和約」(San Francisco Peace Treaty)簽署之後,或是一九七一年聯合國大會通過第二七五八號決議之後,還是一九八二年雷根總統提出「六項保證」之後,美國的立場都從未改變。○○七年六月,美國國務卿萊斯(Condoleezza Rice)指示美國駐聯合國代表團,抗議聯合國利用「第二七五八號決議」來驗證「無論在哪一方面,台灣都是中華人民共和國不可分割的一部分」的聲明。





到了二二一年,世界「潮流」正朝著台灣奔湧而來。不僅美國力挺台灣積極參與國際社會的抱負,歐洲議會、澳洲和日本新政府也同樣表態支持。他們的海軍船艦現在常態性地通過台灣海峽,除了凸顯國際法的「航行自由行動」(freedom of navigation operations),也藉此駁斥中國聲稱台灣海峽是主權水域的妄言。





Supporting Taiwan’s Participation in the UN System    DoS 20211026

Taiwan has become a democratic success story.  Its model supports transparency, respect for human rights, and the rule of law – values that align with those of the United Nations (UN).  Taiwan is critical to the global high-tech economy and a hub of travel, culture, and education.  We are among the many UN member states who view Taiwan as a valued partner and trusted friend.

As the international community faces an unprecedented number of complex and global issues, it is critical for all stakeholders to help address these problems.  This includes the 24 million people who live in Taiwan.  Taiwan’s meaningful participation in the UN system is not a political issue, but a pragmatic one.

The fact that Taiwan participated robustly in certain UN specialized agencies for the vast majority of the past 50 years is evidence of the value the international community places in Taiwan’s contributions.  Recently, however, Taiwan has not been permitted to contribute to UN efforts.  Despite the tens of millions of passengers traveling annually through its airports, Taiwan was not represented at the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) triennial assembly.  Although we have much to learn from Taiwan’s world-class response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Taiwan was not at the World Health Assembly.  Members of civil society from around the world engage every day in activities at the UN, but Taiwan’s scientists, technical experts, business persons, artists, educators, students, human rights advocates, and others are blocked from entry and participating in these activities simply because of the passports they hold.

Taiwan’s exclusion undermines the important work of the UN and its related bodies, all of which stand to benefit greatly from its contributions.  We need to harness the contributions of all stakeholders toward solving our shared challenges.  That is why we encourage all UN Member States to join us in supporting Taiwan’s robust, meaningful participation throughout the UN system and in the international community, consistent with our “one China” policy, which is guided by the Taiwan Relations Act, the three Joint Communiques, and the Six Assurances.


Department Press Briefing – October 25, 2021

QUESTION: Yeah, I just wanted to go back to China, about Taiwan, actually.  On Friday the – you were asked about President Biden’s comments when he was asked can you vow to protect Taiwan and are you saying that the United States would come to Taiwan’s defense if attacked, and he said yes to the first and said yes, we have a commitment to do that.  Then you said that the President was not announcing any change in our policy, and there’s no change in our policy, and the U.S. defense relationship with Taiwan is guided by the Taiwan Relations Act.

The relevant part of the TRA says that the President will inform Congress if there’s any threat, and then, “The President and the Congress shall determine, in accordance with such constitutional processes, appropriate action by the United States in response to any such danger” to Taiwan.  So does the Biden administration interpret the TRA as a commitment to come to Taiwan’s defense if China attacks?

MR PRICE: President Biden is deeply committed to the Taiwan Relations Act.  It is an act that he voted for as a senator at the time.  It is a key element of our approach to Taiwan to cross-strait relations.

Two principles that I would highlight of the TRA: One is that the United States will continue to assist Taiwan in maintaining a sufficient self-defense capability.  Another is that we would regard any effort to determine the future of Taiwan by other than peaceful means as a threat to peace and security of the Western Pacific and of grave concern to the United States.  That has been our policy; that is our policy.  There is no change in that policy.

QUESTION: Right. I just wanted to drill down specifically, though, like, was the President’s comment on – in that town hall an exposition of the administration’s interpretation of the TRA?  Or was that a statement that does not – or does the statement that “We have a commitment” not reflect U.S. policy?

MR PRICE: The President was not announcing, as we said, any change in our policy, and there is no change in our policy.  We are committed to our “one China” policy which is itself guided, as I said before, by the Taiwan Relations Act, the Three Joint Communiques, and the Six Assurances.

QUESTION: Just one —


QUESTION: Sorry, go ahead.


QUESTION: Speaking about the “one China” policy, you had the – you announced this working group meeting with Taiwan about their international space.  The PRC is displeased by this meeting and – we’ve heard from the foreign ministry and also from the recent Chinese ambassador to the U.S.

Does this administration interpret UN General Assembly Resolution 2758 as affirming what Beijing calls the “one China” principle?  Because they are saying that this – these activities are in defiance of that.

MR PRICE: Our policy is guided by our “one China” policy.  What you are referring to is the U.S.-Taiwan Working Group Meeting that took place on October 22nd.  It was a virtual meeting between AIT and TECRO, the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office, here in Washington.  It convened high-level representatives of the U.S. Department of State and the Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs for a forum on expanding Taiwan’s participation at the United Nations and in other international fora.

The discussion focused on supporting Taiwan’s ability to participate meaningfully at the UN and contribute to its – contribute its valuable expertise to address global challenges.  Those include public health, the environment and climate change, development assistance, technical standards, and economic cooperation.  This administration believes Taiwan, as a leading democracy, has a lot to offer to the world on these key challenges, including within international fora.



U.S. – Taiwan Working Group Meeting on International Organizations (IO Talks)    DoS 20211023

On October 22, 2021, the American Institute in Taiwan and the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office (TECRO) convened high-level representatives of the U.S. Department of State and the Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs for a virtual forum on expanding Taiwan’s participation at the United Nations and in other international fora.  The discussion focused on supporting Taiwan’s ability to participate meaningfully at the UN and contribute its valuable expertise to address global challenges, including global public health, the environment and climate change, development assistance, technical standards, and economic cooperation.  U.S. participants reiterated the U.S. commitment to Taiwan’s meaningful participation at the World Health Organization and UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and discussed ways to highlight Taiwan’s ability to contribute to efforts on a wide range of issues.  Participants lauded the significant expansion this year of the Global Cooperation and Training Framework, demonstrating Taiwan’s willingness and capacity to address global challenges through multilateral collaboration.

Participants in the discussion included: AIT Deputy Director Jeremy Cornforth, State Department Acting Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Organizations Hugo Yon, Deputy Assistant Secretary for China, Taiwan, and Mongolia Rick Waters, Deputy Assistant Secretaries for International Organizations Nerissa Cook and Jane Rhee, Secretary General of Ministry of Foreign Affairs Lily Hsu, and TECRO Deputy Representative Liang-yu Wang.



Department Press Briefing – September 24, 2021

OPERATOR: Go ahead, Shaun, you’re open.


QUESTION: Thanks, Ned. I wanted to see if you had anything to say about Taiwan’s application to join the successor to the TPP.  I realize the U.S. isn’t involved in that, but does the U.S. have any take on that?  And how do you see as well the Chinese reaction to that, including the jets that recently have been flying near Taiwan?  Thanks.


MR PRICE: Thanks for that, Shaun.  We do understand that Taiwan has submitted a formal request to join the CPTPP.  As you alluded to, we are not a party to the CPTPP, therefore, we’ll have to defer to CPTPP parties regarding their views on Taiwan’s potential accession.  That said, we would expect that Taiwan’s record as a responsible member of the World Trade Organization and Taiwan’s strong embrace of democratic values would factor into the CPTPP’s parties’ evaluations of Taiwan as a potential candidate for accession.  Our colleagues at the USTR Office may have more to say on that as well.

When it comes to Taiwan more broadly, we will continue to support a peaceful resolution of cross-Strait issues consistent with the wishes and the best interest of people in Taiwan – people on Taiwan, excuse me.  We urge Beijing to cease its military, diplomatic, and economic pressure against Taiwan and instead engage in meaningful dialogue with Taiwan.




