

AI貝多芬,是貝多芬? Can the AI create Beethoven alive?

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The Deutsche Telekom organized a team of international music and AI experts in Spring 2019, intending to complete Beethoven’s unfinished 10th Symphony, called “Beethoven Symphony 10.1” under the help of AI.
Creativity, the core item that human beings are so proud of claiming that no artificial tools could ever surpass, is facing a genuine challenge.   What does the meaning of human beings exist?
Another genuine problem comes into the case: Is it a work of Beethoven?  If the answer is yes, can we create more under the name of Beethoven?  If the answer is no, the next question will be: Beethoven is shifting from a physical person to a style, or a brand, in terms of business.
In all, who is Beethoven is not going to be an issue.  What kind of Beethoven becomes a more practical question.  And what new things that AI can create if it has not fed with historical data.

AI完成貝多芬未竟之作 《第十交响曲》全球首演    DW 20211009





貝多芬的草稿、筆記及其生活時代的樂譜被輸入到人工智慧系統中。薩爾斯堡卡拉揚研究所所長羅德(Matthias Röder)表示:你必須想像,貝多芬在迸發新靈感時會寫下筆記。有時候是書面文字,有時候是音符。根據這些材料,羅德和他的團隊對貝多芬會如何發展某些東西進行了假設。


如此一來,這部作品不斷延伸人工智慧能為一個段落提供20個甚至100個版本的可能性哈佛大學音樂學教授萊文(Robert Levin)表示:這是無盡的魅力,因為如果演算法做得好,每一次嘗試都是合理的


對研究人員而言,這樣的合作非常令人興奮,因為它演示了機器能如何輔助、甚至模仿人類進行音樂創作。紐約羅格斯大學藝術與人工智慧實驗室主任、貝多芬人工智慧開發者埃爾加瑪律(Ahmed Elgammal)表示:我們想要更好地瞭解音樂創作過程中的技術狀況,並且試圖探索極限。最後,我們使用了所謂的自然語言處理的一些模組。


音樂學教授萊文說:你可以說,電腦是用演算法做到的。沒錯,但是人類依據的也是經驗和訓練。兩者的差距其實不是太大。觀眾現在可以親自來聽聽看原版貝多芬人工智慧作曲之間是否存在差異。由德克·卡夫騰(Dirk Kaftan)擔任指揮的波恩貝多芬管弦樂團109日首次演奏貝多芬與人工智慧共同譜寫的第十交響曲。


Beethoven's 10th Symphony completed by AI. This is how it sounds    Deutsche Telekom 20211009

The moment will finally arrive in October.  One year after Ludwig van Beethoven’s 250th birthday, his 10th Symphony, which has been completed with the help of artificial intelligence (AI), will be making its highly anticipated premiere in the Telekom Forum in Bonn.  A short sound clip that can be heard here gives listeners a first impression of the final composition.  It was performed by the Beethoven Orchestra Bonn under the direction of conductor Dirk Kaftan with Cameron Carpenter at the organ.

After the first and still unready impressions from December 2019 and an excerpt from the status of the third movement in June of last year, this is the first insight into the final work.

People and machines working hand in hand

To mark the 250th anniversary of Beethoven’s birth, Deutsche Telekom organized a team of international music and AI experts in spring 2019 with the aim of completing Beethoven’s unfinished 10th Symphony with the help of AI.  A hotly debated (even in specialist circles) experiment that was intended to answer the question of whether algorithms can be creative and replace people in the arts.

The resulting composition will also surely be discussed by the public.  Tim Höttges, Chairman of the Board of Management at Deutsche Telekom is convinced of this: “I believe that the result is something truly amazing because people and machines have created something new.  But it’s important to see the result for what it is.  Beethoven lived in his time.  Beethoven lived in a society that was characterized by wars, by need but also by lots of love and empathy.  No machine is able to do that today.  However, the machine understands music and can develop it further but it cannot integrate the zeitgeist – the topic at hand if you like – into the music.”

The story of the 10th Symphony

Shortly before his death, Beethoven began working on a 10th Symphony, a work which was to remain unfinished.  Under the leadership of Dr. Matthias Röder, Managing Director at the Karajan Institute, a group of AI experts and musicologists developed the “Beethoven AI”, which “understands” Beethoven’s style.  The experts providing scientific guidance and supervision included Prof. Dr. Christine Siegert, head of the Beethoven-Haus research department.

The AI was not only “fed” with Beethoven’s compositions and his notes on the 10th Symphony; it was also provided with works from composers and musicians that demonstrably inspired and influenced Beethoven during his life such as Johann Sebastian Bach.  Together with the experts, the algorithm continued Beethoven’s final, incomplete work. And composer Walter Werzowa, the musicians, and their conductor turned this notation into a living composition.

Experience the world premiere live

The world premiere of the symphony will take place on October 9 in the Telekom Forum in Bonn.

The premiere will be broadcast live and free of charge on MagentaMusik 360.

BMG releases the album „Beethoven X – The AI Project” worldwide on October 8. October as CD and Stream/Download (also in Dolby Atmos) on all digital platforms.

About Deutsche Telekom:Deutsche Telekom at a glance





1 則留言:

  1. 從這件事可以得到一個推論,科學與藝術的距離,不是絕對不可彌補的。


    那貝多芬的音樂模式是啥?嘿嘿,那是一種思考, 絕對是藝術的部分,讓你悅耳,有感受,一聽就知道,這是這位大師的風味。同樣的藝術應用,當然也可以在任何形式的創作,包括雕刻,美術,寫作,甚至所有關美學的任何科目。

