

阿富汗常駐聯合國代表資格問題 Which party could be the legitimate Afghanistan Mission to the UN?

The non-constitutional change of administration will face the problem of recognition of the government in the international community, including the UN.
 The former Afghanistan ambassador to the UN thus still holds the legitimate seat there, though no one will pay him and his mission.
Taliban regime is eager to get the recognition to hold the foreign exchange reserves in the U.S. mainly.  The Taliban is about to bankrupt.  To get recognized, the Taliban has to honor the treaties and commitments the Republic made.  It must further promise to protect human rights, especially the protection for females.
Sadly, the Taliban sees females being untaught as a fundamental “value,” allowing no one to infringe.
Afghanistan might fall unrest again, just who will fall into the earthy black hole this time.  It has a long way to go. 

美國務院:阿富汗常駐聯合國代表資格問題未必能在近期獲得解決    俄新網 20210922

俄羅斯衛星通訊社華盛頓922日電 美國國務院代表認為,阿富汗常駐聯合國代表資格問題未必能在聯大高級別會議週期間獲得解決。







塔利班向聯合國稱已更換阿富汗常駐聯合國代表    俄新網 20210922

俄羅斯衛星通訊社聯合國922日電 聯合國秘書長副發言人哈克向衛星通訊社透露,塔利班運動向聯合國表示,阿富汗前政府任命的常駐聯合國代表古拉姆伊薩克扎伊不再代表阿富汗。









Exclusive-Taliban names Afghan U.N. envoy, asks to speak to world leaders    Reuters 20210922

Taliban Foreign Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi made the request in a letter to U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Monday.  Muttaqi asked to speak during the annual high-level meeting of the General Assembly, which finishes on Monday.

Guterres’ spokesperson, Farhan Haq, confirmed Muttaqi’s letter.  The move sets up a showdown with Ghulam Isaczai, the U.N. ambassador in New York representing Afghanistan’s government ousted last month by the Taliban.

Haq said the rival requests for Afghanistan’s U.N. seat had been sent to a nine-member credentials committee, whose members include the United States, China and Russia.  The committee is unlikely to meet on the issue before Monday, so it is doubtful that the Taliban foreign minister will address the world body.

Eventual U.N. acceptance of the ambassador of the Taliban would be an important step in the hardline Islamist group’s bid for international recognition, which could help unlock badly needed funds for the cash-strapped Afghan economy.

Guterres has said that the Taliban’s desire for international recognition is the only leverage other countries have to press for inclusive government and respect for rights, particularly for women, in Afghanistan.

The Taliban letter said Isaczai’s missionis considered over and that he no longer represents Afghanistan,” said Haq.

Until a decision is made by the credentials committee Isaczai will remain in the seat, according to the General Assembly rules.  He is currently scheduled to address the final day of the meeting on Sept. 27, but it was not immediately clear if any countries might object in the wake of the Taliban letter.

The committee traditionally meets in October or November to assess the credentials of all U.N. members before submitting a report for General Assembly approval before the end of the year.  The committee and General Assembly usually operate by consensus on credentials, diplomats said.

Others members of the committee are the Bahamas, Bhutan, Chile, Namibia, Sierra Leone and Sweden.

When the Taliban last ruled between 1996 and 2001 the ambassador of the Afghan government they toppled remained the U.N. representative after the credentials committee deferred its decision on rival claims to the seat.

The decision was postponed “on the understanding that the current representatives of Afghanistan accredited to the United Nations would continue to participate in the work of the General Assembly,” according to the committee report.


Taliban ask to speak at UN General Assembly in New York    BBC 20210922

The Taliban have asked to address world leaders at the United Nations General Assembly this week in New York City.

The group's foreign minister made the request in a letter on Monday.  A UN committee will rule on the request.

The Taliban also nominated their Doha-based spokesperson, Suhail Shaheen, as Afghanistan's UN ambassador.

The group, which seized control of Afghanistan last month, said the envoy for the ousted government no longer represented the country.

The request to participate in the high-level debate is being considered by a credentials committee, whose nine members include the US, China and Russia, according to a UN spokesperson.

But they are unlikely to meet before the end of the General Assembly session next Monday.  Until then, under UN rules, Ghulam Isaczai will remain Afghanistan's ambassador to the global body.

He is expected to make a speech on the final day of the meeting on 27 September. However the Taliban said his mission "no longer represents Afghanistan".

They also said that several countries no longer recognised former President Ashraf Ghani as leader.

Mr Ghani abruptly left Afghanistan as Taliban militants advanced on the capital, Kabul, on 15 August.  He has since taken refuge in the United Arab Emirates.

When the Taliban last controlled Afghanistan, between 1996 and 2001, the ambassador of the government they overthrew stayed on as a UN representative, after the credentials committee deferred its decision on competing claims for the position.

At the UN meeting on Tuesday, Qatar urged world leaders to stay engaged with the Taliban.

"Boycotting them would only lead to polarisation and reactions, whereas dialogue could be fruitful," said Qatar's ruler, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani.

Qatar has become a key broker in Afghanistan.  It hosted talks between the Taliban and US which culminated in a 2020 agreement to withdraw US-led Nato forces.

The country has helped Afghans and foreign nationals to evacuate the country since the Taliban takeover, and has facilitated recent intra-Afghan peace talks.



