

20210916 世界銀行調查報告,中國施壓提升排名

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世界銀行每年發表的各國營業環境報告,中國下壓力給韓國裔承辦人Jim-Yong KIMKristalina Georgieva,將20192020報告書中下降的排名從85提高到78世界銀行已經決定不再發表此項報告書。相關者是中國(2020)、沙烏地阿拉伯、UAE、亞塞拜然(2020)。

中国順位「引き上げ」圧力 世銀の事業環境報告書 内部調査、現IMF首脳が関与    產經新聞 20210917











World Bank Group to Discontinue Doing Business Report     World Bank 20210916

WASHINGTON, September 16, 2021—The World Bank Group today issued the following statement on the Doing Business report: 

Trust in the research of the World Bank Group is vital. World Bank Group research informs the actions of policymakers, helps countries make better-informed decisions, and allows stakeholders to measure economic and social improvements more accurately.  Such research has also been a valuable tool for the private sector, civil society, academia, journalists, and others, broadening understanding of global issues.

After data irregularities on Doing Business 2018 and 2020 were reported internally in June 2020, World Bank management paused the next Doing Business report and initiated a series of reviews and audits of the report and its methodology.  In addition, because the internal reports raised ethical matters, including the conduct of former Board officials as well as current and/or former Bank staff, management reported the allegations to the Bank’s appropriate internal accountability mechanisms. 

After reviewing all the information available to date on Doing Business, including the findings of past reviews, audits, and the report the Bank released today on behalf of the Board of Executive Directors, World Bank Group management has taken the decision to discontinue the Doing Business report.  The World Bank Group remains firmly committed to advancing the role of the private sector in development and providing support to governments to design the regulatory environment that supports this. Going forward, we will be working on a new approach to assessing the business and investment climate. We are deeply grateful to the efforts of the many staff members who have worked diligently to advance the business climate agenda, and we look forward to harnessing their energies and abilities in new ways.”


Related: Statement on Release of Investigation into Data Irregularities in Doing Business 2018 and 2020


Statement on Release of Investigation into Data Irregularities in Doing Business 2018 and 2020    World Bank 20210916

Report to the Board of Executive Directors

WASHINGTON, September 16, 2021—The World Bank Group today released the following statement on behalf of the Bank’s Board of Executive Directors:

“The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors today authorized the release of “Investigation of Data Irregularities in Doing Business 2018 and Doing Business 2020 – Investigation Findings and Report to the Board of Executive Directors,” an independent external review of the facts and circumstances around previously reported data irregularities in the 2018 and 2020 Doing Business reports.”


Investigation of Data Irregularities in Doing Business 2018 and Doing Business 2020 – Investigation Findings and Report to the Board of Executive Directors    World Bank 20210916




