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The father of the Palau President served in the U.S. Army as a medic in the 1960s.  There still have about 500 Palauans in the ranks across the forces of the U.S. today. 
 The Secretary of the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) said that the U.S. commits to the defense responsibilities of Palau as a part of the Compact of Free Association.  The U.S. military presence in Palau and across the Pacific Islands is vital to maintain peace.
The President of Palau Surangel Whipps Jr. expressed that Palau and the U.S. jointly protect the homeland, and Palau and the other FAS states are considered part of the homeland.  He was watching Special Forces conducts exercises in Palau a few weeks ago.  He indicated that one of the critical parts of that is that those rights and -- and responsibilities under the compact between Palau and the United States when it comes to security and defense are perpetual.

鞏固第二島鏈 學者:美軍可能進駐帛琉    自由 20210816


帛琉總統惠恕仁(Surangel Whipps, Jr.)本月出訪美國,在夏威夷會見美國印太司令部司令阿基里諾(John Aquilino),並前往五角大廈拜會美國國防部長奧斯汀(Lloyd J. Austin),雙方討論美軍進駐帛琉的必要性,及其可能對中國的嚇阻效果。帛琉官方形容,惠恕仁此行具有「歷史意義」。

在此之前,前美國國防部長艾斯培(Mark Esper)去年8月曾訪問帛琉,成為首位任內踏上帛琉領土的美國防長。當時擔任帛琉總統的雷蒙傑索(Tommy Remengesau)透露,他在親手交給艾斯培的信中提到,歡迎美國在帛琉興建基地、港口、機場等軍事設施,並定期使用。雷蒙傑索還呼籲美國利用「自由聯合協定」(COFA)機制,在帛琉常駐美軍部隊。



對於美國和帛琉的軍事合作,國防安全研究院決策推演中心博士後研究員章榮明向「美國之音」(VOA)表示,惠恕仁拜會奧斯汀,五角大廈完整公佈兩人談話的逐字稿,沒有任何避諱,顯然是在傳遞美軍將加強在帛琉部署軍事力量的訊息,他預期美軍將在帛琉部署多領域部隊(multi-domain task force)。







Readout of Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III's Meeting With President of Republic of Palau, President Surangel Whipps Jr.    DoD 20210805

Pentagon Press Secretary John F. Kirby provided the following readout:

Secretary of Defense Lloyd. J. Austin III met today with the President of the Republic of Palau, President Surangel Whipps Jr., to reaffirm the Department of Defense’s resolute commitment to the defense of Palau and discuss the United States - Palau strategic partnership.

Secretary Austin and President Whipps acknowledged the shared values and principles our nations promote to secure a free and open Indo-Pacific region. Secretary Austin and President Whipps also reinforced the strategic importance of the Pacific Islands region and the critical role of U.S. presence and investments in Palau.


Palauan President, Austin Discuss Indo-Pacific Security Concerns    DoD 20210805

Palauan President Surangel Whipps Jr. met with Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III at the Pentagon to discuss ways to strengthen the ties between the two nations to provide for a secure and free Indo-Pacific.

The Republic of Palau is 340-plus islands strategically placed in the Western Pacific bordering the Philippines. The nation became independent in 1981 and entered a Compact of Free Association with the United States in 1994.

Palau is heavily dependent on tourism and has some of the best scuba diving spots in the world. While the nation has felt the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic — tourism has been curtailed — it has been very successful in combating the virus itself. "Today, you have, as I understand it, zero confirmed cases," Austin said at the beginning of the meeting with the president. "And Palau is the first country that vaccinated 80 percent of the population," said Austin, adding that the statistic is impressive.

Austin began the meeting by thanking President Whipps for the service of his father in the U.S. Army during the 1960s. As part of the compact, Palauns serve in the U.S. military. Austin noted that 500 of the president's countrymen serve today.

"I want to underscore that the Department of Defense is deeply committed to our defense responsibilities as a part of the Compact of Free Association, and we look forward to successful negotiations of the economic assistance provisions of that compact that will strengthen our strategic partnership and help us to promote a free, open and secure region," Austin said.

Palau hosts U.S. forces, and, as the Indo-Pacific becomes ever more important to the United States, the nation will play a greater role. "We appreciate the opportunity to also deploy equipment to Palau that lets us exercise our joint capability and enhanced deterrence," the secretary said. "The U.S. military presence in Palau and across the Pacific Islands is deeply important to our shared goals of partnership and prosperity, and we are grateful for your cooperation and hospitality."

Whipps told Austin that the partnership between Palau and the United States is special. He said during a recent meeting on Guam, the DOD personnel said they were committed to defending the homeland, and Palau is part of the homeland, he said.

"I always say that presence is deterrence," Whipps said. "I was fortunate a few weeks ago to be watching U.S. special forces conduct exercises in Palau. It was extremely exciting to see what they're capable of doing. We want to continue to strengthen the partnership because we believe in a free and open Indo-Pacific."


Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III Welcomes President of the Republic of Palau, Surangel Whipps Jr. to the Pentagon    DoD 20210805

SECRETARY OF DEFENSE LLOYD J. AUSTIN III:  Well, good afternoon, President Whipps.  Welcome to the Pentagon, and thanks for making the trip from Palau.

It -- well, just last week, I returned from a sling through Southeast Asia as we were talking about coming up the stairs, and so I -- I understand the -- the issue of jetlag, and I hope that jetlag's not treating you too bad right now, so...

On behalf of the Department of Defense, I'd like to start by thanking your father for his service as a medic in the U.S. Army in -- in 1960s.  He's actually a part of a long and proud history of Palau, and service in the U.S. military, and today, about 500 Palauans are in our ranks across the force, and we thank them for their service.

I also want to commend you, sir, and to the people of Palau for your success in -- in fighting COVID-19.  Today, you have, as I understand it, zero confirmed cases, and Palau was the first country to vaccinate 80 percent of its population.  That, sir, is an impressive feat.

And Mr. President, I'm looking forward to talking with you today about the important partnership between our countries, and about the vision that we share of a free and open Indo-Pacific, and thank you for continuing to uphold the values and principles that we share with our allies and partners in the region.  And to that end, I want to underscore that the Department of Defense is deeply committed to our defense responsibilities as a part of the Compact of Free Association, and we look forward to successful negotiations of the economic assistance provisions of that compact that will strengthen our strategic partnership and help us to promote a free, open and secure region.

Mr. President, I also want to personally thank you for Palau's willingness to host U.S. forces.  As you know, since 1970, U.S. civic action teams have deployed to Palau to support a broad range of initiatives, and we appreciate the opportunity to also deploy equipment to Palau that lets us exercise in our joint capabilities and enhanced deterrence.  The U.S. military presence in Palau and across the Pacific Islands is deeply important to our shared goals of partnership and prosperity, and we are grateful for your cooperation and hospitality. 

And again, Mr. President, it is a delight to have you here.  Thank you for making the trip to Washington, and I'm looking forward to the discussion.  Sir?

PRESIDENT SURANGEL WHIPPS JR.:  First of all, good afternoon.  It's -- and I hope you're not suffering from too much jetlag.  But on behalf of the delegation that is here with me today, and especially members of our congress, we have, from our senate side, our vice president of the senate and from the house of delegates.


PRES. WHIPPS:  (inaudible) chairman of our ways and means committee and the rest of our delegation -- ambassador and our chief of staff.  We are just extremely grateful to be here and giving us the time to come and talk about mutual areas of interest.  I think the partnership between Palau and the United States is special.  It really highlights the importance of this partnership when we were attending the JCM meeting in Guam with your team from INDOPACOM, and they reminded us of how we jointly protect the homeland and Palau and the other FAS states that are considered part of the homeland, and that's an important part of the relationship. 

And we always say that presence is deterrence, and by seeing activities, I was fortunate a few weeks ago to be watching Special Forces conduct exercises in Palau, and it was extremely exciting to see what they're capable of doing, and I -- I think it makes the people of Palau feel secure, and we appreciate that.  And we welcome more activities by the military because in small island countries we have difficult challenges when it comes to keeping our economy robust and growing -- and strong, and -- and the military provides areas to enhance our economy.  So having those troops coming in to exercise helped boost our economy a little bit, while we have no tourists right now, so it's very much appreciated.

And -- and we want to continue to strengthen the partnership because we believe in a free and open Indo-Pacific.  And there are many challenges, which we'd like to discuss further.  And especially when it comes to our compact, I think one of the key parts of that is that those rights and --  and responsibilities under the compact between Palau and the United States when it comes to security and defense are perpetual, and that relationship needs to -- on the economic side needs to be strengthened, and -- and we hope that we can continue to work on that while we're here, so thank you.  Thank you, and...

SEC. AUSTIN:  Well, thank you.





