

邱義仁是蔡英文的撿球員或神救援? 聯合 20210709


On July 4th, former President Chen Sui-Bian interviewed Chiu Yi-Jen, former Secretary of National Security Council, in Chen's radio program. Chiu revealed an unpleasant truth that Taiwan Independence is such an issue beyond the right that Taiwanese people could perform. Together with the earlier declaration of Kurt Campbell, the U.S. National Security Council Coordinator for the Indo-Pacific, that the U.S. does not support Taiwan Independence on July 1st.
The unpleasant truth hurts the feeling of traditional Taiwan Independence advocates, who believe that Taiwan can become a state by making a unilateral declaration of independence. They have known that they were wrong for more than a decade. The U.S. made several statements during President Chen’s second term. They are:

On 2004/10/24, Collin Powell, former Secretary of State, claimed: “Taiwan is not independent. It does not enjoy sovereignty as a nation, and that remains our policy, our firm policy.

On 2007/08/30, Dennis Wilder, National Security Council Senior Director for Asian Affairs, confirmed: “Taiwan, or the Republic of China, is not at this point a state in the international community.

On 2012/02/01, the White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan said U.S. policy with regard to Taiwan’s autonomy from China “remains the same,” and that President Bush had reiterated the U.S. position to Chinese President Hu Jintao during their meetings in New York earlier in September.

The issue originated from the end of the Pacific War of 1945 when Taiwan became Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek's proxy military occupation under the authority of the United Nations, in which the United States is the Principal Occupying Power or the main victor power which holds the supreme power to manage the world order afterward.
Seeing the serial moves, the United News put out an editorial on July 9th, with a slightly joyful mood, indicating that it is a deliberating move for Biden’s administration to make up the relations with Xi and that is thus a sign President Tsai has to change her course with China.
Taiwan is a residual issue of the Pacific War. There are many significant historical incidents happened since 1945. Friends become foes, and foes become friends, which is way beyond what the people of Taiwan could comprehend.

邱義仁是蔡英文的撿球員或神救援?    聯合 20210709









