



The U.S. made the statement and response referring to the status of Taiwan around July 7th?  Are you kidding me?  The U.S.’s “‘one China’ policy is guided by the Taiwan Relations Act, the Three Joint Communiqués, the Six Assurances provided to Taipei,” in the response of the DoS, is not precise.
The U.S.’s one-China policy is the status quo of Taiwan, the treaty obligation derived from the Treaty of Peace with Japan that all parties involved should honor till the decision finalizes.

QUESTION: Thanks, Ned. Indo-Pacific coordinator Kurt Campbell said that any Chinese move against Taiwan would be catastrophic and that this administration is sending a clear message of deterrence. China’s Foreign Ministry today responded, warning the U.S. to tread carefully on this issue. Can we expect the U.S. to continue to send this clear message of deterrence or perhaps an even clearer message of deterrence going forward?

MR PRICE: Well, the United States will continue to support a peaceful resolution of cross-strait issues, consistent with the longstanding wishes and the best interests of the people on Taiwan.  And we have repeatedly urged Beijing to cease its military, its diplomatic, its economic pressure against Taiwan and instead to engage in meaningful dialogue with Taiwan.  Secretary Blinken has addressed the question.  He has repeatedly said it would be a profound mistake by any party to try and remake that status quo with the use of force.  Our commitment to Taiwan is rock solid, and we believe that commitment contributes to the maintenance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait and within the broader region.

For four decades, American policy has been consistent.  The “one China” policy is guided by the Taiwan Relations Act, the Three Joint Communiques, the Six Assurances provided to Taipei.  That has not changed.  As you know, Rich, we also did unveil a couple months ago now updated contact guidance that will allow us to deepen our partnership with the people on Taiwan, consistent with that “one China” policy, the Taiwan Relations Act, the Three Joint Communiques, and the Six Assurances.

QUESTION: Is the U.S. seeing any evidence that Beijing is ready to cease this pressure?

MR PRICE: I wouldn’t want to characterize discussions with Beijing or any other country on this.  What I will characterize is what we are making very clear, and that is that our commitment to Taiwan is rock solid.  We believe it is in the best interests of the people on Taiwan and the broader region as well.



